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[ - ] I cannot breastfeed because my milk production was extremely low and my nipple hurt so much that I cannot stand it. I don't think I was selfish and lazy. 9 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:49 PM Flag
Sorry, meant to post this under that breastfeeding post. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:49 PM Flag
Nobody cares. Most of us were probably formula-fed ourselves, and somehow we managed to eke out a fairly successful life despite our terrible malnourishment as an infant. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:51 PM Flag
FYI: your supply is low likely because you are having trouble. For what it's worth, my nipples hurt so much that I was bawling and bleeding and if my husband dared to sit down next to me- slightly jostling the cushion a bit - I'd scream in pain. When he brought me our DS, it was like he was handing me a torture device. But for some reason I stuck with it, and after that initial pain period, it all went away. I then made it to 15 months, x2. Just sharing in case anyone really wants to but can't take the pain. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:53 PM Flag
Pump first two weeks. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:54 PM Flag
this. After a period time, for me at least, it actually felt good sometimes! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:54 PM Flag
I wouldn't search for a rational response from people who see breastfeeding as the ONLY option. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:53 PM Flag
Do what you want. 10% of the population can't breastfeed and they all post here. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:53 PM Flag
My SIL has inverted nipples. Wow - this is the only place I could ever type such a thing with a straight face. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:55 PM Flag
Some people would call this selfish. Some would not. Nothing you can do about it. Move on. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:58 PM Flag
[ - ] So the U.Va. story we must conclude was highly dramatic crime fiction? 8 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:47 PM Flag
What else could it be? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
even Salon.com has thrown in the towel. And the Washington Post, and Slate. It was a bold gambit to dramatize a problem, but ends up setting back the cause of rape victims. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
Spare us your fake concern, MRA. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:47 PM Flag
wait, what was fake again? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:50 PM Flag
Why MUST we conclude it was fake? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:51 PM Flag
Cuz so obv? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:53 PM Flag
you see I had a question mark. Just asking what you guys think. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:55 PM Flag
Rolling Stone's really gone downhill since..... wait it was always a pile of shit, what am I saying [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:56 PM Flag
[ - ] I am looking to hire a new nanny. An agency called an recommended someone who sounds perfect from their description. I called her and asked her if she was busy and she apologized and asked if she can call back in 30 minutes. I was on a lunch break and asked to call after 9pm. When I called her at 9:10 the phone was turned off so I left a msg. Then I called her in am and she did pick up, I described the job and asked her if she is interested and if so I would like to interview her on the phone. She said that she is interested and that she will call me back. Not worth pursuing right? 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:44 PM Flag
I guess it doesn't hurt to interview her when she calls you back, but it doesn't sound like it's going to work out. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:44 PM Flag
She did call me back but I couldn't pick up since I am at work. Not sure if I should waste my time. Just odd behavior on her part. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:54 PM Flag
I would want a nanny with a different communication style. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:44 PM Flag
OP: my biggest concern is that she isn't eager. She called me back about an hour ago and I didn't pick up since I am at work. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
[ - ] Are people ever rude about your name? 6 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:41 PM Flag
Well, a few people call me by a shortened version of my name. I think that is rude, even if they aren't trying to be so. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
Always [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
My name is Susan. It drives me crazy when people call me Sue or Suzanne. It's like they just can't be bothered to figure out what it is or even ask if Sue is OK by me. I don't correct people on it directly because "my name is Susan, actually" seems more rude than the other person. But I keep insisting on introducing myself clearly and always signing Susan. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:46 PM Flag
I have two cousins named Susan and have never called them anything but. How can people who don't know you well change your name like that? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
To be fair, my DD has several friends who are either Sophie or Sophia, Elle or Ella, I know multiple Susans, Suzannes, all go by slightly different derivations. It can be a little hard to keep track of at times. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:55 PM Flag
I never remember Alexa Alexandra Alexia Alexandria [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:57 PM Flag
[ - ] Do people still wear the Elsa Peretti 'bean' jewellry? 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
Omg! This reminds me of college bf. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
That's why I'm asking, kind of - is this still appropriate gift for a high school senior? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:41 PM Flag
I certainly haven't seen anyone wearing them, but trends do repeat itself... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
[ - ] Signs that you are a mom on this board: 30 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:36 PM Flag
Dalton sweatshirt [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:39 PM Flag
You have a HHI in the seven figures but still feel poor. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
You mean you SAY you have a HHI in the seven figures but still feel poor. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
Ha! OK: When computing your "internet HHI" you include the incomes of everyone else in your co-op building... they're family, right? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:41 PM Flag
hahaha [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:55 PM Flag
You have 3 DCs, all profoundly gifted. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
twice exceptional [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:56 PM Flag
thin [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
5'9", 135 lbs, haven't had a speck of carbohydrate yet this decade [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
I am this and eat carbs like a mofo. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:39 PM Flag
Get off this board, you carb-guzzling impostor! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
The horror! I am a ninja. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:42 PM Flag
WOH ninja [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:56 PM Flag
for your information I'm 139 and I sweat those 4 extra lbs every day. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:42 PM Flag
You truly believe it is possible for someone to write in a style that makes them "sound fat" [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
and that you can detect it - you have fat-dar [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:56 PM Flag
You know what TT, snowflake, and NOKD mean. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
NOKD is an expression that has been around as long as there have been snobs! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:41 PM Flag
True, NOKD is pretty old. But there's also Veal and TTT, which applies to preschool. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:47 PM Flag
Fiji water. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
I am none of the above...maybe thin. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
You announce that your post in not a VBA [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:41 PM Flag
*is [you correct people's grammar] [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:55 PM Flag
Your DH gave you a "push gift" from Tiffany's and you made him return it and buy you something from Bergdorfs. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:39 PM Flag
The other moms on the playground are all crazy helicopter moms, but when you act the same way the do, you're just being an advocate for little Snowflake. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:43 PM Flag
You talk about your kids. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:47 PM Flag
You wear an orange jumpsuit. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
Lasagna has a special meaning to you [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
You come from Autoadmit and you use a script to post racist or soup-based messages overnight. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
favorite hobby = schadenfreude [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:55 PM Flag
[ - ] No lunch today cause too busy at work. Now ravenous and will eat like a dozen Snackwells in the break room and promptly go into a coma. 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
You, I like. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
I haven't eaten either. More coffee with skim for me. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
[ - ] Does putting phone on "airplane mode" save some battery life? 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:32 PM Flag
yes [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
and it also charges much quicker if put in this mode [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
np. Nice tip, thanks [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:36 PM Flag
But you will not get alerts so mind as well turn phone off and have it charge even quicker. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
[ - ] thinking of buying a weekend home in the country. nothing fancy, probably will have to fix up. any words of wisdom/things we should watch out for in the process that aren't obvious to a newbie? 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
Do you already own a house somewhere? If not, words of wisdom is to beware of repairs and maintenance and save money for rainy days. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:36 PM Flag
Rent in the area first. There are little things (and not so little) you learn over time: zoning, convenience to town, weather/commuting challenges, culture and type of people, etc. We rented in Litchfield County for five years, in five different towns, before picking one to buy in. Couldn't possibly have known that this was the "just right place" the first time out. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
unfortunately this [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:57 PM Flag
A second home requires a lot of time. We sold ours b/c we spent so much of our "vacation" time on upkeep and repairs. Now we rent houses and stay at nice resorts...and actually spend less $$$. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:50 PM Flag
[ - ] WWYD? My dd, "Sally" is 10. Her df, "Mary" is also 10. They play at each other's houses about once a month and are good friends at school. I found out today that Mary's mom found Mary's dad touching Mary in a sexual way 3 years ago. She told a friend and that friend reported it to the police. There was an investigation, but no charges.Mary's mom cut off all contact with that friend. Mary's mom and dad are still married. How do I allow Sally and Mary to continue to play together, knowing this went on in their home? 34 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:29 PM Flag
Have Mary over to your house. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:32 PM Flag
I agree, but what happens when Mary wants to have my dd over? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
Say sorry, no. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:32 PM Flag
say you can't that day. wtf. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:43 PM Flag
This. No more visits to Mary's house. Apologize to the mom but explain that given the circumstances, you can't send your daughter over there since her husband still lives there, and expect the mom to also lash out at you. She is in denial. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Do NOT explain the circumstances. JESUS. Is everyone on here that dramatic IRL??? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:43 PM Flag
You certainly don't ever let Sally go to Mary's house. You consider your source. Are you sure this isn't just idle gossip? You speak to the mother about it. You don't have to be a dick, just "Helen, Glenda mentioned something upsetting to me." [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
I wouldn't bother. There is nothing anyone can say to me that would make me take a chance with MY kid. Playdates at MY house only. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
this. a father of one of my dd's classmates was arrested because he touched one of his dd's friends at a slumber party. it went all the way to court and then no indictment but judge said sternly that he believed friend was guilty. he and his wife and their dcs (daughters) moved out of state. he has zero record. assume the worst. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
I will not let my dd over to her house, I should've made that clear. But I don't feel comfortable asking her mom about what happened. The woman who told me was their former neighbor and was involved in the investigation, so I know its true. I was floored. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
What did neighbor add to investigation? Why was she advised of the allegations (assuming actual charges weren't fired.) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:39 PM Flag
Ok, re-read- why would mom tell neighbor, and then get mad when it was reported. Doesn't add up. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:39 PM Flag
Apparently Mary's mom told her friend "in confidence" that she saw him doing something inappropriate and she was very upset with him. But he's the sole breadwinner, so if he was arrested, maybe she was worried about financial ruin. I don't know, but it makes me think her judgment is very very poor. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:45 PM Flag
I can't imagine telling a friend. Either you decide to report it or you try and keep it a secret. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:50 PM Flag
Don't ask her and just keep inviting the kid to your house. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:44 PM Flag
Wow. I would not let my DD ever go to Mary's house. Even if father isn't there, Mary's mom sounds like she has exceptionally poor judgment to stay with him, so not a safe environment. Are you sure it's true? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:32 PM Flag
This. It sounds fishy. No charges? Mom didn't leave her husband? Even though mom apparently witnessed it? Doesn't add up. Sounds like gossip. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Why no charges? What is the story exactly, I wonder? Maybe it was a misunderstanding, and the mom was telling a funny story about dad helping Mary in the bath at age 7, and the friend blew it out of proportion and called the cops and the mom was rightfully outraged? Not saying that's what happened, but I'm curious as to why the issue was dropped and the mom- who saw the "incident"- didn't leave her husband. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
Unfortunately, sometimes moms support abuser over their own child. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:35 PM Flag
this. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
The mom seeing the incident and not leaving means nothing about the seriousness of the possible offence. Plenty of women stay with husbands who sexually abuse their daughters. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Sally would not go to Mary's house or go out with her parents. But I would also want to confirm this is true - seems odd that there were no repercussions. Did you know Mary at the time? We're there any indicators that an investigation was ongoing? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
No, I've only known Mary for about a year. We are new to town. It was a total, random coincidence that I knew her former neighbor. She said that she kicked the husband out for a short time, but took him back. It was largely a financial decision, from what she told me. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:36 PM Flag
Shudder. This is starting to read like a TV movie. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:42 PM Flag
Well, you do have to find out if it's actually true, cause that's the sort of thing people might maliciously fabricate. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
Np: how do you find out the truth? Could you really ever send dd over there again? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
Seems odd that mom would tell a friend, and then deny it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:44 PM Flag
Poor Mary. Don't let your DD over there, but quite frankly, anything you can do to maket little girl's life a bit brighter, you should. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Yes, you're right. The former neighbor no longer speaks to Mary's mom, and neither does the friend who reported her. She said she didn't think anyone else knew, and the school was never contacted. I don't think the former neighbor would have reason to lie to me. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:39 PM Flag
Wait is the friend who mom confessed to the sane person as the neighbor who told you? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:42 PM Flag
No, two different people. The friend reported to police. The neighbor (the woman I spoke with), was questioned briefly by police. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:46 PM Flag
Be a trusted adult to Mary. You could even say something vague about how kids should always tell an adult if there is something troubling them because it helps to talk about things. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:43 PM Flag
Kids are not dumb. She will know what you're talking about. Remember that from her perspective, last time she said something, Daddy went away and Mommy was sad. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:53 PM Flag
How did you find out? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:43 PM Flag
[ - ] We have clutter in kids room due to lack of storage. I want to get Ikea Stuva system to do a wall of storage and I prefer to get a contractor to take moldings off and have it flush to the wall so it will be sort of like a build in. Will this help or hurt resale of our apartment some day? 7 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:28 PM Flag
Will look something like this but not green: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/470555861036247069/ [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:29 PM Flag
it could go either way. usually buyers like built-ins, but this one looks a bit strange [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:32 PM Flag
what do you think makes it strange? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:36 PM Flag
It's cheap looking. So sorry. Get the Ikea BESTA instead. Much cleaner . [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:42 PM Flag
I understand what you are saying but Stuva has much better organization for a kids room for what I need. I guess I can take it out when we sell. Do you think it will hurt market value? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:46 PM Flag
No. The market is insane. People will rip it out in 10 seconds. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:52 PM Flag
Thanks. It will not cost us that much to buy it and have it installed. Our kids are 2 and 4 so we just need something practical for now. TY [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:53 PM Flag
[ - ] I just got some new boots, ordered on-line. Love them but they are a bit snug at the top. Do you think a shoe repair guy can stretch them a bit? Thanks. 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:27 PM Flag
ask em. if leather then certainly they can. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:26 PM Flag
Yes, leather with stretchy fabric gussets. Will ask the shoe guy in my nabe. Thanks. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
I don't see why not, certainly worth a try. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
[ - ] S/o. Are playdates that important for a 6 yo? He sees them in school and has enough siblings at home to play with. Not to mention the extracurriculars after school. And hw time. This seems like something moms with a lot of time do to fill up said time, and I'm a SAHM. Would rather do art, or museum or park etc than scheduled play with and kids you see everyday. 16 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:23 PM Flag
Not important. Many kids do not have siblings. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:24 PM Flag
I had an only who was very social. She loved having playdates or hanging at the playground with friends.I was lucky in that I liked most of her friends' moms - worked well. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:29 PM Flag
Was it necessary to slam other moms "with a lot of time to fill up" when you ask about playdates? Lovely. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:29 PM Flag
ita - no need for that [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
Agreed. I posted above. My dd is now 15 and some of my very good friends now are some of those playground moms. Nice women. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:29 PM Flag
This. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
It was necessary in the point that some moms take it to a whole new level.. and honestly being a calendar mom for an elementary school kid is more about her than the child. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
Baloney. OP says her kid is busy with "extracurriculars after school" not that he is at home improvising. That is no different than a mom who picks her DC up and takes him to the park or a friends house for a scheduled play date. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:40 PM Flag
Park means you are going not knowing who is there. Playdates have the moms guzzling wine while kids (often forced) "play". It's usually more about who the mom wants to hang with than kids. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:45 PM Flag
I think it depends on your kid. If he has siblings and neighbors close in age to play with, then maybe not. My kids clamor for playdates and I'm ok with them. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
not important unless he has no one available for unstructured play at home [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
I have an only and an aupair, so we can have playdates at my house than others. Trust me, bitch, I do not need to fill up time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
Well you clearly have too much time if you have an only and an aupair. Bitch. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:35 PM Flag
+1 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
You don't need to have them every day but it is fun to have a playdate once in a while. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
NO IMPORTANCE [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:44 PM Flag
[ - ] Anyone else hear this: Pantaleo was sued twice in the past for alleged racially motivated misconduct while on the job. Two black men accused him in 2012 of subjecting them to an illegal strip search in broad daylight. Pantaleo purportedly “tapped” each man’s testicles during the search, which he claimed was a bid to discover any contraband, the Daily News reported. The suit was settled last January. 7 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:22 PM Flag
Oh come on! He touched their BALLS for God's sake. Isnt it punishment enough for him!? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:25 PM Flag
I'm sorry - I LOL'd so loud [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
hopefully this will strengthen the Garner family's civil suit. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
so great now, we have to pay [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
guess what? anyone can be sued for anything. it doesn't make what they say true. and it doesn't mean he did something wrong this time. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
"racially motivated misconduct" that gets settled, it doesn't say that he was acquitted and found innocent. this is long before he goes out and kills Eric Garner. Maybe EG would be alive today if they had taken him off the job earlier. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
The corporate attorney in NYC doesn't settle losers anymore. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:44 PM Flag
[ - ] Most of you are probably too young to appreciate this, but I was only 13 in 1976 and I vividly remember watching Bruce Jenner at the Olympics and what a huge deal it was. He was a superstar and bigger than the most popular movie stars at that point and I probably had his poster on my wall. So it is jaw dropping to me to see what seems to be his transformation into a woman. If that is what makes him happy, I'm thrilled for him, but it really is shocking if you remember him back then. It's like Michael Jordan announcing he is becoming a woman now. (If you are old enough to remember how hugely famous Jordan was in his heyday). 16 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:18 PM Flag
I remember! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:20 PM Flag
me too - and bruce has been scary looking for awhile now [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:32 PM Flag
i have no problem with him transforming himself to female if that's what he wants - at least it puts his plastic surgery into perspective! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
OP: I don't either. But I think most people think of him as some Kadashian husband, who is famous because he is married to one of them. They know he is a former athlete, but don't realize how famous he was -- not just some guy who won a gold medal, but someone with Michael Jordan-like popularity in the US for a while. If you remember him that way and never watch the Kardashians, it's far more stunning that he is making this transformation. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:43 PM Flag
Is it confirmed he wants to be a woman [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:20 PM Flag
OP: I posted this because I just happened upon this article and I do think he probably does want to be one. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:22 PM Flag
We should let him. Poor guy [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
^^ by poor guy, I meant for constantly being followed and gossiped about in this way. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
He should just come out already and the press will swing the other way and start talking about how fabulous he looks, instead of weird. They'll still want to watch and photograph, but they'll at least try to be nice about it. As long as he's hiding it they feel justified in speculating. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:49 PM Flag
agree but honestly i think bruce just has his own special style [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
Yeah I knew a guy like this. He wanted to live as a woman and stay married to his wife. He was always attracted to woman, he just also wanted to be one. This looks like the guy I knew. I have a dollar that says he's wearing women's underwear under his clothes. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
Does he actually seem happier? Does anyone know? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
He was so cute back then. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
I do remember although I was a little younger and didn't have a crush. I can't imagine how difficult it was for him to be in the machismo world of sports and having to hide who he really was! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Let him live his life. Clearly he's struggled with this. Can't be easy to do with paps all around. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:52 PM Flag
[ - ] Some,Parents at my child's school are so rude. They don't say hello when they see you. Saying Hi doesn't not mean I want to be your friend or get in a conversation . It's called manners! That's all 14 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:17 PM Flag
Some people are afraid that you will not say "hi" back and they'll be left hanging...also they may not know who you are. There are so many people around. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:16 PM Flag
Did you say "hi" first? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:20 PM Flag
this. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:19 PM Flag
I always Smile and say Hi. But I see hesitation in one or two people at times. It's a small Private school. They probably assume I'm on FA and so what if I was. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:24 PM Flag
Yuck. This is why I prefer public school. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:48 PM Flag
Random people at my office complex (security, cleaning staff, etc) have told me I am "so friendly" because I say hello to them when the walk by. Sad that this makes me such an outlier. lol [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:25 PM Flag
Lol. Thank you for the laugh [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
Are you southern? I used to live down south and I was surprised at the number of strangers who would say hello. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:32 PM Flag
I am the one who says hello to everyone at work. No, I am actually from a snotty, uptight New England family. But would never not be polite and say hello. I also am that weirdo who if I ask "how are you?" will wait a few seconds to see if you answer. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
Nope. Grew up in Nyc with manners [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Same, Boston. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:37 PM Flag
i experience the same and feel the same! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
Same here - I think it's really strange. I don't want to be your buddy or whatever, it's just thing you do if you're a human being seeing another human on a regular basis. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
^^Oh and ppl comment - it's so cute that your dd says hello to people in the hallway as she comes in to school in the morning. I encourage her to be friendly to people, try it! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:35 PM Flag
[ - ] I meet a guy I really like. We had our first date last week. The chemistry was amazing. I haven't heard from him though. Do I have anything to lose by sending him a text? 34 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:16 PM Flag
Just your dignity. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:15 PM Flag
but we really connected. Maybe something is up with him or something happened that he hasn't been able to call [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:16 PM Flag
Maybe he's planning on calling you tonight to make a plan for this weekend [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:20 PM Flag
I am hoping so. It was such an intense first date. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:21 PM Flag
Yes, obviously he's in a coma and when he wakes up and realizes the woman he was planning to marry after falling head over heels in love is lost to him he will be devastated. Or, in the alternative, maybe it just wasn't as great a date for him as it was for you. Or he has "amazing chemistry" with lots of women because he's a womanizer and that's his MO. Just cut your losses. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:22 PM Flag
+1 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
If he's not that into you, it's better to make a clean break now. Even if you could convince him to take you out again, eventually his half hearted interest will not work. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:16 PM Flag
+1 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:19 PM Flag
At this point, no. As long as you hadn't texted him after the date to say thanks for a great evening already, I think it's fine at this point to say "hey, it's Sarah, I just wanted to say hi and thank you for a great evening last Friday! Hope you're having a good week". Nothing after that though obviously. And if you've already texted him thank you then no, you can't text him again if he never responded. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:18 PM Flag
This, but I do feel that the OP is a little late with a thank you [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:20 PM Flag
wait until this weekend. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:16 PM Flag
did you text him after to say thanks/that was fun/like to see you again/etc? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:19 PM Flag
OP here- ok the whole truth. We had sex. Did I blow it? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:22 PM Flag
yes and I personally suspected as much from your OP [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:25 PM Flag
yep! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:23 PM Flag
Of course you didn't blow it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:26 PM Flag
should I call or text him then? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:26 PM Flag
yeah, "you didn't blow it" poster, should she text or call? What should she say? Want another lay? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
OR: No, no point in texting or calling. I'm saying that you didn't do anything wrong, but he's a douche. He would have been a douche whether or not you guys had sex. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:35 PM Flag
Posted below, and agree. Sex or no sex, he's not calling. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:44 PM Flag
No, you didn't blow it by having sex with him. It wouldn't have worked out either way. But it's not going to work out. You have to move on now. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:26 PM Flag
THIS [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
you didn't blow it. he's not that into you. he wouldn't have called anyway. at least this way you had sex! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
Oh goodness. Yes. Sorry. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
OP here- why did I blow it? Is there anything I can do to fix it? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:27 PM Flag
who wants to marry a whore? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:30 PM Flag
But I am not a whore. Its not common for me to sleep with someone on the first date. And who is talking marriage why hasn't he called me for a second date? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:32 PM Flag
how does he know you don't do it every time? You did it every time with him, after all. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:38 PM Flag
It's true. He might come back again for anal. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:57 PM Flag
yes, you need to be less readily available to the next amazing chemistry guy you meet. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:33 PM Flag
Sorry OP, he already got what he wanted and probably lost his interest now. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:31 PM Flag
NP I disagree. A sweet guy who liked her would call again whether or not they'd hooked up. This guy (sadly) just isn't that in to her. OP it's kind of rude, frankly for a dude not to call after you have sex so I think you maybe are better off letting this one guy. He sounds like a jerk. YOu did NOT blow it btw, but I am sure you feel crappy now. Sorry! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:43 PM Flag
This is such nonsense. Once a guy has sex with a girl once, he no longer has any interest in having sex again? You must have been awful in the sack. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:46 PM Flag
he's just not that into you, sweetheart. next! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 12.04.14, 07:34 PM Flag
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