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Blue light’s mysterious ability to alter body’s clock

blue light study
Blue light from artificial lighting and electronic devices knocks circadian rhythms off-kilter, resulting in health problems, sleep, cancer, mood disorders, drug addiction, crop disease and even confused migratory animals. Read more.

Featured News & Experts


Immigration Experts
SMU faculty offer expert commentary on the humanitarian, legal and moral issues in play as the immigration debate continues.

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Mid-Term Elections
Still trying to figure out Nov. 4? Ask SMU's experts about the meaning of the political shift in Washington.

David Chard

How to Teach
Simmons Dean David Chard asks Congress and the country to embrace evidence-based education methods.

Morrison Formation

Climate Discovery
The Jurassic climate in a large swath of western U.S. was more complex than previously known, SMU researchers discover.

Ezra Greenspan

Out of Obscurity
Prof. Ezra Greenspan has written a biography of brilliant and all-but-forgotten author William Wells Brown.


Earthquake Detectives
An SMU team led by Prof. Heather DeShon is trying to uncover the truth about North Texas earthquakes.

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SMU has an uplink facility located on campus for live TV, radio, or online interviews. Read more.