Why Is the U.S. Still Importing So Much Oil?

Dr. Tad Patzek is the Chair of UT's Department of Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering .

Dr. Tad Patzek is the Chair of UT's Department of Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering .

Texas is leading the way in a massive boom in U.S. oil production: oil exports are higher than they’ve been since the 1950s, when the Suez Canal crisis caused a brief jump in shipments. Imports have dropped significantly, but even with that decline, Americans still import about a fourth of the oil they use. We called Tad Patzek, Chair of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Department at at the University of Texas in Austin, to ask why.

Q: So why do we still import so much oil?

A: We have built a very large refining capacity especially on the Gulf Coast, and refineries cannot run at half time. They have to run full-time, at 100% capacity. So, we are importing oil, we are exporting oil, and we certainly are exporting finished products. You know, gasoline, lubricants and so on, so that the refineries are running all the time.

Q: But the situation conjures up this image of two tankers ships passing each other. One is heading toward the U.S., and one is heading away. It’s like we’re bringing in the same product as we’re sending out.

A: Well, not necessarily. We’re not bringing in the same product. The light crude oil or the condensate we are exporting is actually much different stuff than your classical medium gravity, API gravity dense crude oil that we are using in our refineries.

In popular opinion, they’re all rolled into “crude oil.” But they have different compositions and they can not be processed by the same refineries. So, we are trying to export some of the light stuff, so to speak, while we are importing much heavier stuff to process in our refineries.

Many of our refinieries have been specialized to process much heavier crudes from Venezuela, from Mexico, so you can’t change them overnight. That’s why we’re importing oil and we’re exporting gasoline, lubricants, and other products and at the same time, we’re exporting condensate and light crude.

Q: You mention how we’re exporting petroleum products like gasoline. But there are federal laws that restrict the amount of crude the U.S. is allowed to export. The current boom has prompted a debate over whether those regulations should be loosened. What are your thoughts on that?

A: Well, crude oil is an endowment, a national endowment. In the U.S., in the way our economy and system is set up, this endowment is largely privatized. So it is very difficult to have a natural energy policy and think about keeping oil in the ground for the decades to come, for the future generations to use. In fact, it’s impossible.

So we’re trying to do the best we can with the system we have. If you ask me, I think we’re running a high risk of having difficulties in the future because of all we’re doing today. But then again, that system is almost impossible to change.

If you want to look at a very good example of what happened when oil and natural gas were exported by any means possible, Great Britain comes to mind at the end of Margaret Thatcher’s government. She was ousted when great Britain became an national importer of crude oil.

It’s an incredibly important question and it’s going to come back to haunt us in the future. But, then again, we don’t think about the future.

Q: Where does the desire of other oil-producing countries to maintain share in the the U.S. market come into play? It’s been said that Saudi Arabia wants to keep prices low to maintain market share.

A: So, its not only the oil production. There’s also an ever-growing production of condensates and ultra-light oil, and growing production of natural gas. And then you superimpose that boom on a stagnating or even contracting global economy — there’s less demand.

Then there are the oil exporting countries which need to have certain cash flow in order to realize and maintain their social programs. So, countries like Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or United Arab Emirates or Venezuela or Nigeria — they all have certain fixed costs of running society and social programs, education … Well, anything for that matter.

So they are very sensitive about how much stuff they can sell. And so that’s where the market share is entering the picture.

They also, and I don’t know that any better than you do because nobody’s going to tell us, I think that the Saudis are reminding America that we are not a ‘Saudi Arabia of Shale Oil.’ That our production is very expensive and that they can actually make it difficult for us to expand shale production at the certain oil price.


  • spec9

    Tad Patzek is a great commentator on these issues. I highly recommend his words.

  • EVHappy

    Uh, we import around 8 million barrels a day because we use about 18 million barrels a day and our current production is far less than that. Just look up the numbers – go to Google images and type US oil production consumption vs year. There you go.

    In less than two years the fracking scam will be completely uncovered. This scam is a short term play to get a lot of money into a lot of rich pockets and then they will be shut down due to no more stupid investors giving out their money.

    • Larwit1512

      How’s it a scam if it’s producing oil? A scam would for example, not produce oil.

      • EVHappy

        Let me explain. Most people do not think there is a difference between an two apples on a table, one that was picked in the backyard and the other that needed a 10 mile walk to get.

        Understand now? Let say that a investor gave the person a loan to do the 10 mile trip to get that apple, so he can say he has a business gathering apples. His plan is to build up that business and then sell it to someone who thinks that is a great business.

        So, everything looks great and there are apples on the table. The only problem is, that investor got zero interest loans from US Citizens and the result is apples that take more energy to go get then they return. You actually slowly starve to death because you burn more calories on the walk that the apple gives.

        That is how this oil scam works. The actual operations are in the red, financially, because the costs are higher than the returns,

        I hope that explains it. If not, no worries, if the price of oil stays this low for 6 months there will be huge consolidations in the fracking industry (and in the tar sands). That will be proof that they can not make it.

        Saudis still produce most of their oil from super giant oil fields and these cost 3 to 5 times less than fracking. Thus, they can hold on much longer, as we will see, unless the US government further subsidizes those fracking operations by giving more free money away.

        • Larwit1512

          That’s a pretty terrible example of this.
          1) This is the classic short-term shutdown decision; businesses will not shut down unless the prices are below their variable costs.
          2) The variable costs for already established fields in North Dakota etc.are between $37-$50/barrel. Thus in the short run these wells remain profitable at least until oil gets below $50. In the long-run, yes, companies will minimize fixed capital investment as new wells are not profitable at low prices.
          3) Most of OPEC is far more dependent on oil prices being high then we are on it being low. Iran and Venezuela’s oil production stops being profitable (or alternatively stops funding their broken economies) between$70-$80. I call that a win.
          4) Saudis will have to artificially suppress oil prices forever; the moment oil gets above $50/barrel; the already established operations become profitable again. The moment they let it become $80/barrel; it becomes profitable to continue investing in NEW wells. Will the Saudis willingly forego the revenue of $80/barrel just to crush North Dakota? Hardly likely. You’re talking about a country willing foregoing almost the entirety of its economy, for years and years on end just to crush competition. Hardly likely. It’s far more likely they’re lookin to crush competition across the Gulf; who is a legitimate strategic threat to them and their interests.
          5) The US can both gain time on the Saudis (who are supposedly willing to crush their economy to crush fracking) and buy permanent leverage on OPEC by buying up petroleum at its currently cheap price to massively increase the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Right now it sits at 70 days of oil supply; buying enough oil to get to a year of oil supply will keep prices profitable for years while reducing any semblance of leverage OPEC has over the US in the long-run.

        • Larwit1512

          You see, the US has other policy levers we could (if we thought ahead strategically) use to ensure the price remains high. I don’t think this administration’s thinking ahead strategically, as just recently they requested to sell a bunch of oil in order to reduce the current supply back to 70 days. Buying up enough oil to maintain the US for six to twelve months would go a long way towards our national security and energy security; and would keep fracking in business for a decade at least.

  • S C

    Just go to a parking lot and see all the “road tanks” people drive and often live 30 miles from work too. We use twice as much gas per person as they do in Europe. We would produce more than we use if people lived near work and drove smaller cars.

    • Freyr Gunnar

      Yes, but driving a compact (or *cycling* to work!) is Unamerican.

  • Gene_Frenkle

    The Oil Era is coming to an end. The Energy Crisis was about oil AND natural gas and in the 2000s we were discussing building terminals to import LNG…that was pretty scary. The price of natural gas and profitability should really be the price to focus on because we can power autos using natural gas through CNG, electrification, or gas to liquids. The Saudis do not fear fracking, it is EVs and natural gas that they fear! Fracking stabilized oil prices and the US has adapted to $100 barrel oil, but EVs will lower the price of transportation to 1990s levels when oil was very cheap. The Saudis fear the Chevy Volt whereas American frackers will just switch resources to natural gas if oil demand falls.

  • http://none.com Jack Everett

    If America is using more oil than it produces why should we be exporting any at all? Sounds like just another corporate energy plan to line their pockets with gold from the higher priced foreign markets. As long as we have corporations like Exxon buying off our politicians we will never have a stable economy.

    • Larwit1512

      What difference does it make? The market for oil is global. Whether you buy a gallon of oil that came from Nigeria, or you buy a gallon of oil that came from Texas; it’s the same price to you. Foreign markets are priced in the same way as domestic markets are, by the intersection of supply and demand. You increase supply and decrease demand like we’re doing right now, prices drop. It’s utterly irrelevant if Exxon’s importing oil to export oil; the cost of shipping said oil is not insignificant and the prices over there are identical to prices here.

  • concerned

    big oil companies should not be aloud to export any gasoline what so ever. the rapid increase in gas prices is what broke many families. The big oil companies will continue to play this one out as long as our government has no backbone. I can not believe that the people did not vote out every incumbant that was running this past election. big oil need to be reigned in along with alot of other companies that have ruined the US.

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