About Us
Scripps Institution of Oceanography is one of the oldest, largest, and most important centers for ocean and earth science research, education, and public service in the world. Research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography encompasses physical, chemical, biological, geological, and geophysical studies of the oceans and earth.

Scripps Oceanography News

Birch Aquarium at Scripps

birch aquarium at scripps

Research Focus

  • Scripps on Ice Field Blog
    Join Matt Siegfried, a graduate student in Scripps glaciologist Helen Amanda Fricker's group, as he and an international team attempt to reach a previously untouched Antarctic lake.
  • Scripps at TEDx: Videogames Cultivate Future Scientists
    In this captivating TEDx talk, Scripps seismologist Debi Kilb describes her group's effforts using videogames to inspire future scientists.

explorations now

Breathtaking Secrets of Super Divers

Breathtaking Secrets of Super Divers
Groundbreaking study describes how collapsed lungs aid sea lions during their astoundingly deep dives

Ocean Salinity Trends Show Human Fingerprint

Ocean Salinity Trends Show Human Fingerprint
Like ocean temperature, changes in last half-century only explicable in context of human-caused climate change


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