FY 2014 Planning and Budget

FY 2014 budget information is now available!

FY 2014 Planning

EPA develops the following planning documents on an annual basis in order to guide the implementation of agency programs and strategies.

FY 2014 Annual Performance Plan - coming April, 2013: ties the proposed annual budget to the agency's five-year Strategic Plan.

FY 2014 National Program Manager (NPM) Guidances: issued by EPA program offices to provide the agency's regions, states, and tribes with annual guidance on program implementation. Draft FY 2014 NPM guidances are available for public comment through May 9, 2013.

Strategic Plan FY 2014 Cross-Cutting Fundamental Strategy Action Plans - coming December, 2013: provide specific agency annual commitments to implement and advance each of the cross-cutting strategies found in the agency's five-year Strategic Plan.

FY 2014 Budgeting

EPA's proposed budget defines EPA's program goals for fiscal year 2014 (October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014) and associated resource requirements.

  • The President’s proposed budget reinforces our firm commitment to keeping American communities clean and healthy, while also taking into consideration the difficult fiscal situation and the declining resources of state, local and tribal programs. 
  • EPA’s 2014 budget request supports our ongoing effort to transform the way EPA does business. It takes a balanced approach to funding the Agency and underscores our commitment to finding the most efficient and effective ways to work toward our core mission of protecting people’s health and the environment.
  • Most importantly, our request allows the Agency to build on progress in reducing climate change; protecting our air, waters and lands; supporting sustainable water infrastructure; and assuring the safety of chemicals. 

Read the press release for more information on EPA's FY 2014 proposed budget.

Recorded FY 2014 budget briefing webcast Exit

FY 2014 EPA Budget in Brief: provides an overview of the Agency's proposed budget and activities.

FY 2014 Justification of Appropriation Estimates for Committee on Appropriations: known as the Congressional Justification (CJ), includes detailed budget information for each of EPA's programs. Also includes FY 2012 Data Quality Records, formerly the verification and validation section, which detail how EPA ensures the accuracy and reliability of its performance data.

Additional Information