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EO 13514 (Archive) - revoked by EO 13693 on March 19, 2015, Sec. 16(b)


Note: March 19, 2015 - EO 13514 has been revoked with the publication of the new EO, "Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade." See the new EO 13693 Program Area for the most current policy and guidance on federal sustainability.

Executive Order (EO) 13514, "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance," was signed by President Obama on 5 October 2009. This EO does not rescind/eliminate the requirements of EO 13423. Instead, it expands on the energy reduction and environmental performance requirements for Federal agencies identified in EO 13423.

The goal of EO 13514 is "to establish an integrated strategy towards sustainability in the Federal Government and to make reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) a priority for Federal agencies."

Towards meeting that goal, Federal agencies are required to meet a series of deadlines critical to achieving the GHG reduction goals of the EO:

  • By 5 November 2009 each agency submitted the name of their Senior Sustainability Officer (SSO) to the CEQ Chair and OMB Director;
  • On 4 January 2010 a percentage reduction target for agency-wide reductions of scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in absolute terms by fiscal year 2020, relative to a fiscal year 2008 baseline of the agency's scope 1 and 2 GHG is due to the CEQ Chair and OMB Director;
  • On 2 June 2010 Scope 3 targets and the Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan is due to the CEQ Chair and the OMB Director (NOTE: Section 8 of the EO describes the Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan required contents);
  • 31 January 2011 the comprehensive GHG inventory is due from each of the agencies to the CEQ Chair and OMB Director.

NOTE: Templates and tools to aid in the creation of inventories and plans are under development and will be made available at this site as they are completed.

In addition to guidance, recommendations, and plans which are due by specific dates, EO 13514 lays out the following numerical targets for agencies:

  • Reduce petroleum consumption by 2% per year through FY2020 (applies to agencies with fleets of more than 20 vehicles) (Baseline FY2005).
  • Reduce by 2% annually:
    • Potable water intensity by FY2020 (26% total reduction) (Baseline FY2007).
    • Industrial, landscaping, and agricultural water intensity by FY2020 (20% total reduction) (Baseline FY2010).
  • Achieve 50% or higher diversion rate:
    • Non-hazardous solid waste by FY2015.
    • Construction and demolition materials and debris by FY2015.
  • Ensure at least 15% of existing buildings and leases (>5,000 gross sq ft) meet the Guiding Principles by FY2015, with continued progress towards 100%.
  • Ensure 95% of all new contracts, including non-exempt contract modifications, require products and services that are energy-efficient, water-efficient, biobased, environmentally preferable, non-ozone depleting, contain recycled-content, non-toxic or less-toxic alternatives.

This EO also sets non-numerical targets that agencies must reach, including:

  • Increase renewable energy and renewable energy generation on agency property.
  • Pursue opportunities with vendors and contractors to reduce GHG emissions (i.e., transportation options and supply chain activities).
  • Reduce building energy intensity.
  • Ensure all new Federal buildings that enter the planning process in 2020 and thereafter are designed to achieve zero-net-energy standards by 2030.
  • Use low GHG emitting vehicles, including AFVs, and optimize the number of vehicles in agency fleets.
  • Implement water management strategies including water-efficient and low-flow fixtures.
  • Implement source reduction to minimize waste and pollutant generation.
  • Decrease use of chemicals directly associated with GHG emissions.
  • Participate in transportation planning and recognize existing infrastructure in regions/communities.
  • Ensure procurement preference for EPEAT-registered electronic products.

Beyond targets, EO 13514 calls for specific management strategies to improve sustainability including:

  • Develop and implement innovative, agency-specific policies and practices to reduce scope 3 GHG emissions in agency operations.
  • Manage existing buildings to reduce energy, water, and materials consumption.
  • Implement and achieve objectives in EPA's Stormwater Management Guidance (§14).
  • Reduce paper use and acquire paper containing at least 30% postconsumer fiber.
  • Minimize the acquisition, use, and disposal of toxic and hazardous materials.
  • Employ environmentally sound practices for the disposition of all agency excess or surplus electronic products.
  • Procure Energy Star and FEMP-designated electronic equipment.
  • Continue implementation of existing EMS programs.

The full text of the required targets and strategies can be found within Executive Order 13514.

Information relating to EO 13514 can be obtained through the following links below:

For detailed guidance on Greenhouse Gases, see Program Areas->Greenhouse Gases.

For detailed guidance on EO 13423, see Program Areas->EO 13423.

Regulations, Guidance, and Policy


EO 13514
Overview of Executive Order 13514: Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance Developed by DOE's Office of Nuclear Safety, Quality Assurance and Environment, this Environmental Policy and Assistance Information Brief HS-22-IB-2009-20 (November 2009) reviews the contents of EO 13514. This review includes a synopsis of the EO; background and deadline information; responsibilities of DOE's SSO; the DOE SSP Plan; the Continuing Role of DOE Site Environmental Management Systems (EMS); and recommendations for contractors and vendors.
Executive Order 13514 required Federal agencies to designate Senior Sustainability Officers from among the agency's senior management officials. These Officers are accountable for agency conformance with the requirements of this order, including the preparation of targets for agency-wide greenhouse gas reductions, the submission of a Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan, and the monitoring of agency performance and progress in meeting the goals of the order.
In 2010, GSA formed and led a cross-agency working group (Section 13 Interagency Working Group) to address the feasibility questions outlined in Section 13. Membership included representatives from GSA, Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Commerce (DOC), Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of the Interior (DOI), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Small Business Administration (SBA) and the US Postal Service (USPS). The Working Group addressed the feasibility questions raised in Section 13 in a series of meetings where members provided expertise and experience from their agencies' programs and procurement activities. GSA paired the Working Group meetings with additional research activities including interviews with experts, industry, and other Federal Government representatives.
This comparison is found in the Joint Services Pollution Prevention Library. It compares the goals of EOs 13514 and 13423 as well as identifying any existing statutes associated with the EO goals. Click on the attached MSWord document if the link is unavailable.
Recommendations and Guidance
Issued by Jonathan Powers, the Federal Environmental Executive, this Memorandum for Senior Sustainability Officers provides answers to frequently asked questions concerning the types of electronic devices covered by EPEAT. The Memorandum is dated 19 February 2014.
May 21, 2010, this document was prepared to assist Federal agencies in implementing Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. This document outlines the recommended steps for cost-effective creation of a bicycle-friendly environment for employees at and visitors to Federal facilities, thereby reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). This document was developed by the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive with assistance from the Inter-Agency Task Force on Bicycling and Active Transportation.
In accordance with Section 5(b) of E.O. 13514, CEQ has issued Instructions for Implementing Sustainable Locations for Federal Facilities. These instructions provide direction to Federal agencies seeking to acquire or develop owned or leased space as well as anticipated moves, expansions or consolidations that significantly impact the overall built environment and community, such as transportation (i.e., vehicle miles traveled, commuting time, congestion), infrastructure, economic development, water and air quality. These instructions will improve Federal agency sustainability performance by ensuring a balanced consideration and evaluation of land use, the built environment, cost, security, mission need and competition on facility location decision-making. This document is dated September 15, 2011.
These are instructions issued by CEQ to Federal agencies for integrating climate change adaptation into agency policies and practices, as required under Executive Order 13514. The instructions are dated March 4, 2011.
This report was published 5 October 2010 by the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force. The report outlines recommendations on how Federal Agency policies and programs can better prepare the United States to respond to the impacts of climate change.
This GSA document, published April 2010, details the response to EO 13514, Section 13's mandate that the General GSA, in coordination with other key agencies, to assess the feasibility of working with the Federal supplier community (comprised of vendors and contractors that serve federal agencies) to measure and reduce supply chain GHG emissions, while encouraging sustainable supplier operations. This report is a feasibility assessment addressing the requirements of Section 13 and was developed by a cross-agency working group led by GSA.
This document, dated 5 April 2010, provides recommendations meant to improve Federal agency sustainability performance by promoting more effectively balanced decisions on new facility locations and more effective space utilization in existing locations. This document fulfills the direction of Section 10 in EO 13514 to provide the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Chair with recommendations regarding sustainable location strategies for consideration in agency Sustainability Plans. The document was jointly developed by the following: DOT, HUD, EPA, GSA, DHS, and DOD. Information on submitting comments is included in the document.
EPA document number EPA 841-B-09-001, December 2009, was developed by the US EPA Office of Water. This stormwater guidance document implements Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 and EO 13514 Section 14. The document was developed in conjunction with other federal agencies and provides a step-by-step framework that will help federal agencies maintain pre-development site hydrology by retaining rainfall on-site through infiltration, evaporation/transpiration, and re-use to the same extent as occurred prior to development. The Technical Guidance provides background information, key definitions, case studies, and guidance on meeting the new requirements.
The 2012 water reuse guidelines update and build on EPA's previous reuse guidelines issued in 2004, incorporating information on water reuse that has been developed since the 2004 document was issued. In addition to summarizing U.S. existing regulations, the document includes water reuse practices outside of the U.S., case studies, information on planning for future water reuse systems, and information on indirect potable reuse and industrial reuse. Disinfection and treatment technologies, emerging contaminants, and public involvement and acceptance are also discussed. The page hosting this document also provides links to state reuse guidelines and regulations.
Sustainability Integration or "Crosswalks"
This crosswalk was developed by the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive as a way to visually align goals and targets across various authorities. This document is supplemental information and is not to be used as a substitute for existing requirements and policy in E.O. 13514. Refer to E.O. 13514 for the full text of requirements.
Supporting Information and Tools
Databases/Software Tools
This tool consists of the "Target Tool", a template workbook developed by CEQ and FEMP, which provides the format for calculation and submission of agency scope 1 and 2 GHG emission reduction targets as specified in Sec. 2(a) of Executive Order 13514, issued October 5, 2009. POC for authorization is Ms. Leslie Gillespie-Marthaler, CEQ, LGillespie-marthaler@ceq.eop.gov.
This Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) system tracks agency performance of energy and water evaluations, project implementation and follow-up measures, and annual building benchmarking requirements. This data is collected as part of FEMP's responsibility for tracking Federal agency progress toward meeting Section 432 of the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 for Federal facility energy and water management and benchmarking. Public reports and data are made available.

GSA's Carbon Footprint Tool – Assisting Agencies in Fulfilling GHG Inventory Reporting Requirements since 2010

GSA's Carbon Footprint Tool is a free and valuable resource for agencies looking to streamline their data collection process for both reporting and analysis. By directly linking to vital data sources and existing data management tools, including FAST, TravelTrax, and ENERGY STAR's Portfolio Manager, the time and money spent gathering and aggregating data from multiple sources is dramatically reduced. The Carbon Footprint Tool's new data management re-alignment, developed directly from existing user feedback, makes it easier than ever to input and analyze consumption information. Afterwards, directly export the data to the DOE FEMP Workbook format for quick and easy submittal to OMB and CEQ.

To find out more and get your agency involved, visit www.carbonfootprint.gsa.gov or send an email to carbonfootprint@gsa.gov.

The FEMP site offers complete annual data sets of agency aggregated annual energy and water consumption and costs by end-use sector, efficiency investment information, and progress toward key goals outlined in the National Energy Conservation Policy Act, as amended; Energy Policy Act of 2005; and Executive Order 13514. Historical data tables of agency energy use and costs by facility and mobility sectors by energy type are also available for FY 1975 through FY 2013. Detailed annual comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories by federal agency are presented along with progress toward achieving scope 1 and 2 GHG and scope 3 GHG reduction targets. The data tables may also be filtered by numerous variables (agency, year, sector) and are exportable to Excel.
Lessons Learned
Agency Goals
Section 8 of EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance required each Federal agency to develop, implement, and annually update an integrated Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan. The initial plan was submitted to CEQ by 2 June 2010. This plan prioritizes agency actions for achieving environmental, economic, and energy goals detailed in EO 13514.
Section 8 of EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance required each Federal agency to develop, implement, and annually update an integrated Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan. The initial plan was submitted to CEQ by 2 June 2010. This plan prioritizes agency actions for achieving environmental, economic, and energy goals detailed in EO 13514.
Since 2006, OMB has used the scorecard process to evaluate Federal agencies' performance in achieving energy, transportation, and environmental goals. To streamline the evaluation process, make it more transparent, and align it with the goals of Executive Order 13514, OMB combined past scorecard metrics into a single OMB Sustainability/ Energy scorecard. Through the OMB scorecard process, agencies are assessed on energy and water intensity reductions; fleet petroleum reduction; greenhouse gas emissions; green building practices; and, renewable energy use. Agencies are also evaluated on their progress towards implementing additional statutory or Executive Order targets and goals reflected in their annual Sustainability Plans, such as green purchasing and electronics stewardship. CEQ and OMB work with agency leadership to craft strategies for improvement and provide additional support and assistance as needed. To link to the scorecard for an individual agency, scroll to the scorecard portion of the page and click on the name of the individual agency.
Since 2006, OMB has used the scorecard process to evaluate Federal agencies' performance in achieving energy, transportation, and environmental goals. To streamline the evaluation process, make it more transparent, and align it with the goals of Executive Order 13514, OMB combined past scorecard metrics into a single OMB Sustainability/ Energy scorecard. Through the OMB scorecard process, agencies are assessed on energy and water intensity reductions; fleet petroleum reduction; greenhouse gas emissions; green building practices; and, renewable energy use. Agencies are also evaluated on their progress towards implementing additional statutory or Executive Order targets and goals reflected in their annual Sustainability Plans, such as green purchasing and electronics stewardship. CEQ and OMB work with agency leadership to craft strategies for improvement and provide additional support and assistance as needed.
Award Winners
The GreenGov Awards recognize exceptional efforts to promote sustainable operations at Federal agencies in the categories of Good Neighbor; Building the Future; Green Dream Team; Green Innovation; Lean, Clean and Green; and Sustainability Hero.
Sustainable Development
This Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) website was developed to help agencies close gaps between potential energy savings and actual performance. Specifically, it shows agencies how to use institutional change to meet their energy- and water-reduction goals. Institutional change integrates technology, policy, and behavior to make new sustainability practices and perspectives become "business as usual" at an agency.
Issued September 2009 by GSA, this 40-page guide to sustainable development will help you move beyond existing "green" and "high-performance" strategies that provide incremental improvements, to ones that will sustain the Government's operations within the scale of the Earth's closed system. The "Guide" and its four-section "Appendix" include concepts, tools and strategies for operationalizing sustainability that will simplify every-day decision-making and provide guidance for achieving long-term goals.
Training, Presentations, and Briefings
A briefing deck developed by the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, updated December 2009.
On August 26, 2010 EPA hosted an initial workshop on C & D Material Diversion and Reuse and the EO 13514 requirements for C & D waste. This event provided an overview of C & D issues, available tools and resources, and lessons learned. It also kicked off an effort to establish a fed-wide "Community of Practice" for C & D issues.
In this continuous learning module, students examine additional options for minimizing the environmental impact of acquisitions beyond requiring the use or supply of green products. It is possible to incorporate environmental considerations into any acquisition, regardless of size, scope, type, or complexity. This is a 2-hour GSA Course designed for the Federal contracting (1102) community working in both civilian and military agencies.
Learn how to manage the water assessment process to save resources and operating costs and comply with Federal mandates: Plan and/or manage a water assessment at a Federal site; Develop a water balance using information such as utility bills and metered data; Manage walk-through surveys of building plumbing fixtures, laboratory equipment, cooling towers, and irrigation; Develop a plan for improving water efficiency using key survey findings; Identify and prioritize water efficient technologies; Contract for water management services. This course is offered by FEMP.
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Last Updated: April 14, 2016