Division ofStudent Affairs

Student Organizations

One of the goals of Student Activities is to help students make connections on campus and maximize their college experience through student organizations.  We have about 400 orgs from which to choose, so there’s something for everyone. And if there’s not, you can create one! Becoming a member of a student organization helps you meet new people, develop leadership skills, and promote your interests while in college. 

Student Activities oversees the registration and approval process, classroom reservations, OrgSync, and the assignment of office spaces, among other things.

This web site is designed to serve as a resource for members, advisors, and students involved in student organizations. You’ll be able to search the organizational database, find forms, and find answers to questions about policies and procedures. Still have questions? Contact us at 940-565-3807 or student.activities@unt.edu.

See Organization Resources for forms and handbooks for your student organization.

Search Student Organizations

Looking to get involved? We have about 400 registered organizations, from academic to sport to spiritual and more. Click here to launch the student org database.


OrgSync is an online program that helps connect students to organizations, departments and events on campus. It also helps officers manage student organization functions and procedures, like budgets, document maintenance and event planning, all in one place. OrgSync helps connect student organizations to Student Activities resources, training materials, policies and procedures, as well as resume and co-curricular transcript options for student leaders.

To learn more, check out this video. To join, click here to create your personal profile. Once you decide to become a member of an organization, then you can request (or be invited) to be a member in their organizational portal in OrgSync. 

Organization Event Calendar

Many organizations post their meetings and events to our online calendar. To see what’s going on, click here.

Organization Forms

Many of our forms related to student org functions are stored within OrgSync and can be found by logging in and clicking on Forms. Most can (and are required to) be completed online and submitted within OrgSync. However, we do have some public forms, which can be found by clicking here.


Students and student organizations may be disciplined and sanctioned for hazing under the UNT Code of Student Conduct. For more information about hazing and resources to stop hazing, please click here and contact the Dean of Students at 940-369-STOP.

Returning Organization Registration

For organizations that have been previously approved and have maintained registration with Student Activities.

Spring 2015: Returning Organization Registration is from December 15 until January 30. Returning Organizations must re-register by this deadline in order to maintain their registered status.

Student Organizations are required to register their organization every long semester. For Spring 2015 registration, all organizations are ONLY required to update their organization's OrgSync profile.

OrgSync Profile

The Spring OrgSync profile will open on December 15. If you try and update the OrgSync profile before December 15, the profile submission will not count for Spring 2015 and you will be required to re-submit the profile updates after December 15. Before logging in, you should obtain the following information: number of members; UNT advisor name, phone, and email; name, title, student ID#, phone, and email of ALL officers, and copy of the organization’s constitution.

In order to update the profile, you will need to be an Administrator within the organization’s portal. If you are not an Administrator, please ask an existing Administrator (likely former officers, like the President) to grant you Administrative privileges within the organization’s portal. If you cannot get in touch with previous officers, you may contact Student Activities for assistance.

Even if an organization’s information has not changed from the Fall to Spring or Spring to Fall, the submission of the OrgSync profile is still required at the beginning of that semester.

Within a semester, after the initial OrgSync profile is completed online, if any changes occur within the organization (e.g., officer phone number, organizational email address, or officer or advisor change), an organization must submit the change via its OrgSync profile. Keeping an organization’s information constantly updated ensures that communication with and about the organization is directed to the appropriate person.

Student Organization Orientation

In addition to completing the OrgSync profile each Fall and Spring semester, an organization THAT DID NOT REGISTER IN THE FALL SEMESTER must attend a student organization orientation in order to become registered. Orientation topics include OrgSync basics training, along with campus policies and resources related to your organization.

There are a number of sessions from which to choose. Orientation is required annually (for the academic year, fall to spring) for each organization. Organizations should send at least one officer (as indicated in its OrgSync profile). Advisors are encouraged, but not required, to attend. As seating is limited in each session, RSVP’s are strongly encouraged to ensure a seat. 


Privileges of Registration

Registration with Student Activities has its privileges, as indicated in UNT Policy (18.4.2). Only registered student organizations are entitled to the following:

  • Opportunity to hold meetings and other activities in university facilities at no cost or at a reduced rate established by the facility.
  • Eligibility to apply for Eagle's Nest funding from the Student Government Association for qualifying uses and to receive funds and access to resources provided by University departments.
  • Opportunity to participate, as a student organization, in University-sponsored events (e.g., Homecoming, Mean Green Fling, Orientation).
  • Opportunity to use the name of the University as part of its student organization name and use the University trademarks, logos, and other UNT works in conjunction with projects benefiting the university, with express permission and approval as provided for in UNT policy.
  • Recognition in the online student organization database.
  • Opportunity to co-program with University departments.
  • Access to student organization web resources (including a free website through OrgSync) and electronic mail at no cost so long as the student organization acts in compliance with all applicable UNT computer use policies.
  • Use of the fax machine and 100 free copies per semester from Student Activities.
  • Opportunity to use campus advertising mediums on a space-available basis to advertise organizational activities and membership, subject to University policy.
  • Opportunity to set up free or low-cost banking on-campus.
  • Opportunity to establish dues and sponsor fundraising projects.
  • Ability to invite guest speakers to campus.
  • Opportunity to grant awards and honors to members.

Organizations that partake in the privileges above without being registered with Student Activities may be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and are subject, as individuals and organizations, to being held responsible according to the Code.

Starting a New Organization

This is for newly forming organizations seeking initial approval and dissolved organizations. Dissolved organizations (those that fail to register for two consecutive long semesters) will be treated as if they are newly forming and should follow the process below.

Are you interested in starting a new organization at UNT? All you will need is:

  • At least 8 currently enrolled, UNT student members
  • At least 2 officers, all of which have at least a 2.25 cumulative GPA and are in good disciplinary standing
  • A mission/purpose statement of the organization
  • A constitution/bylaws (See sample on Student Activities website)
  • A full-time UNT faculty or staff member to serve as the organization’s advisor

For Spring 2015, Student Activities will accept applications for new organizations from February 1 until April 12 . After April 12, applicants will have to wait until Fall 2015 new organization approval period.

Starting February 1, if you are interested in starting a new organization, you will log in to OrgSync and complete the following steps.

  • Locate the Browse Organizations button on the community homepage in OrgSync. This will bring you into the directory of organizations that are registered at UNT.
  •  Next, click the green Register New Organization button. This will require you to fill out basic organization information, as well as information about your officers and Advisor(s).
  • Upload a copy of the organization constitution, bylaws, and member list (includes name and student ID numbers) to Orgsync portal.
  • Sign up to attend an Organization Orientation (the form is on OrgSync under Forms).
  • If your organization is approved to continue in the process, you will meet with a Campus Life Ambassador (this is setup for you by the Student Organization Coordinator).
  • After you complete all the above steps, your organization will be approved and officially registered for the semester.

For more information, contact Student Activities or see the Student Organization Policy.

Fall 2014 Update: The Event Application is now online. If you have any technical difficulties or questions, please contact Student Activities at 940-565-3807. Reserving entities will no longer accept a hard copy form. As in the past, student organizations must be registered for Fall 2014 prior to submitting an Event Application for a Fall 2014 event. Please note: Event Applications for Spring 2015 events will not be accepted until December 15, 2014, after the organization registers for the Spring 2015 semester.

Submit Your Fall 2014 Event Application



When is this application needed?

This application is needed whenever a registered student organization desires to host any event (e.g., program, activity, or meeting) on campus. Organizations desiring to have only a table outside should instead submit an Application for Solicitation to Event Planning and Scheduling Services.

Event Application Deadline

For some events, the deadline for submission is at least 15 business days prior to the requested event. If the event is seen as potentially risky, which is determined at the discretion of the reserving department, not the organization, the organization will need to submit this application by the 15 business day deadline. While this is not an exhaustive list, generally speaking, if it is outdoors, if there is food or beverage, if there is any type of physical activity, if you are inviting off-campus guests or minors (unless they are UNT students), if expected attendance is over 100, if the organization is selling tickets or other items, and/or handling hazardous materials, the organization should submit this application at least 15 business days prior to the requested event. If in doubt about whether there is a deadline for your event, it should be submitted at least 15 business days prior to the event.  You may also contact the Event Safety Committee for guidance on the deadline.

Otherwise, student organizations are strongly encouraged to submit this application at least 5 business days prior to the requested event to ensure that: (1) they receive a space they desire, and (2) the reserving department has ample time to book the space. Most departments exist to do more than book space on campus, meaning that doing so is only one part of their mission. As such, please do not submit an application the day of or the day before a requested event and expect that the space is available and/or that the department has time to make the reservation.

Event Application Process

Updated for Fall 2014 as a result of moving to an online form:

  1. Ensure that your student organization is currently registered with Student Activities, as only registered student organizations are allowed to host events on campus. Contact Student Activities at 940-565-3807 or student.activities@unt.edu for guidance.
  2. Unless otherwise noted, complete all fields of the Event Application and submit it online by the deadline.
  3. Upon submission, the Event Application will be sent via email to the Organization's President and UNT Faculty/Staff Advisor. Both must review and approve before the form can be forwarded electronically to the next department.
  4. If the event falls during pre-finals or finals week, the Event Application will be sent electronically to the Dean of Students, as per UNT Policy 15.2.16. In this instance, the Dean of Students must review and approve before the form can be forwarded electronically to the next department.
  5. If the event is planned by a(n) chapter/organization affiliated with the Office of Greek Life, the Event Application will be sent to Greek Life for electronic review. In this instance, Greek Life must review and approve before the form can be forwarded electronically to the next department.
  6. Once the above approvals have been secured, the Event Application will be submitted electronically to the reserving department. The reserving department may contact the listed event contact to discuss event details. This may be done via email, phone, or in person, at the discretion of the reserving department.
  7. If the requested space is available, you will receive a confirmation of the reservation. If at any time the organization does not fulfill any requirements stated by the reserving entity or other campus department, the reservation and event may be cancelled by the reserving department.
  8. The organization may be required to attend an Event Safety Committee meeting (see "Event Safety Committee" below) prior to the event. If at any time the organization does not fulfill any requirements stated by the Event Safety Committee, the reservation and event may be cancelled by the reserving department.
  9. The event occurs. No follow-up is necessary unless an issue of safety or responsibility arises (see "Event Evaluations" below).

Event Contacts

If the event contact person does not hear from the reserving department within 72 business hours of Event Application submission AND it is known that both the Organization's President and UNT Faculty/Staff Advisor have approved, then please contact:

Event Safety Committee (ESC)

The purpose of the Event Safety Committee is to ensure that all student organization events with possible risks associated are executed in the safest way possible, to assure the safety of organization members and their guests. Upon request, the student organization may be required to attend an Event Safety Committee (ESC) meeting to discuss risk management for the event. These meetings help organizations identify and mitigate risk and decrease the chances of injury, damage, and liability. If the reserving department deems that any activities and/or elements involved with the event may increase the organization’s or University’s liability or pose a hazard to people or property, the organization will be asked to attend an Event Safety Committee meeting.

  1. The event may be referred by the reserving department to the ESC for planning. The ESC representative (not the reserving department) will get in touch with the event contact to inform him/her of the date and location of the meeting, which is mandatory.
  2. The event contact person and organization president, at minimum, should review the Event Safety guidelines prior to the meeting.
  3. In the meeting, the ESC will determine stipulations with which the organization will need to comply in order to hold the event. As a result of stipulations, additional costs (e.g., security, insurance, etc.) may be incurred. Please note that an ESC representative may attend the event to ensure all stipulations are being followed to the best of the organization’s ability. A record of non-compliance will inhibit your organization’s ability to schedule future events on campus.
  4. While rare, the ESC may decide to deny permission to conduct an event. That decision will be based on the conclusion, after discussion with the organization’s event planners, that there is no feasible way to reduce the perceived risks associated with the event. If differences between the organization and the ESC cannot be reconciled, the decision may be appealed to the Vice President of Student Affairs.
  5. Organizations and individuals found violating this policy (Facilities Use Coordination, 6.3), along with other policies and procedures of the University, shall be referred to the Dean of Students for possible conduct sanctioning.

Regardless of the requirement of attending the Event Safety Committee meeting, all organizations are encouraged to review the Event Safety Guidelines to help officers think about different risk issues related to the event.

Event Evaluations

At the request of the ESC or organization, a meeting of the individuals and/or departments and organization(s) involved in the event shall be held to discuss their observations regarding the event. The ESC will compile and disseminate the final event evaluation to the departments and individuals/organization(s) involved.

Classroom Space

Room assignments are subject to change based upon availability. If the room or building requested is not available, Student Activities will book the closest available location that will accommodate the size of the event.Classrooms should be left in a neat and organized fashion, and organizations will be held responsible if damages occurring during the use of the facility. If Student Activities receives any complaint regarding noise, trash, or disorganization within the classroom, the reservation will be cancelled and the organization may be ineligible to make future reservations. The incident may also be submitted to the Dean of Students for conduct review.

Outdoor Resources

  • For gas-powered generators, portable stages, tables, chairs, additional trashcans or trash pickup-removal, complete a Facilities Work Order at www.facilities.unt.edu/resources or contact Facilities at (940) 565-2751.
  • If you plan to bring heavy equipment, vehicles, tents on campus, or require adjustments to start/stop sprinkler schedules, please contact Grounds Maintenance at (940) 369-7318.
  • For the UNT Stage Trailer or the UNT Beverage Trailer, contact Event Planning and Scheduling Services at (940) 565-3804.
  • Food and Beverage Policy Information
    • Free dispensing or sale of food and beverages (prepared or pre-packaged) is prohibited without prior approval. For spaces that Event Planning and Scheduling Services reserves, approval will need to be granted from that office.
    • No food or drink can be sold.
    • By contract, only Coca-Cola products can be given away (e.g., DASANI water, Sprite).
    • Any other food item that is not pre-packaged (e.g., pizza) can be given away under the following guidelines:
      • All items that are not pre-packaged should be purchased through Dining Services.
      • All food items that are not pre-packaged and not available through Dining Services must be pre-approved by Risk Management.
  • For additoinal information on booking additional support services, portable sound systems and technical engineers, contact Event Planning & Scheduling Services at (940) 565-3804.

Food at Organization Meetings and Events

If you are serving food (i.e., from a grocery store or from a caterer/restaurant/vendor at your organization meeting or event, you will need to fill out a food form. The food form needs to be submitted to Vickie Coffey in Risk Management. You can email it toVickie.coffey@unt.edu or fax it to 940-565-4919.

Download the grocery store food form (pdf)

Download the vendor/catering food form (pdf)

Related Policies

While not an exhaustive list, these are the most common UNT policies related to events. If an organization wishes to conduct certain activities (e.g., sell items or bring food) related to the event, the organization may be required to complete additional forms.

Failure to follow any UNT policy may be referred to the Dean of Students for possible conduct sanctioning. As such, representatives should review and understand their responsibilities. All may be found at http://policy.unt.edu.

General Policies

6.3 Facilities Use Coordination. Information related to policies, charges, Event Safety Committee, and facility use at UNT.

10.13 Solicitation Policy. Information regarding solicitation on campus, which includes sales, recruitment, placing of signs and posters, and other activities that may benefit an individual or group.

10.14 Use of Alcoholic Beverages. Information regarding the existence of alcohol on campus, including guidelines for student organizations desiring to sell, serve, or consume alcohol on campus.

15.2.16 Pre-Final Week and Final Examinations. Information regarding events and meetings during “dead” or finals weeks.

18.1.24  Prohibition of Camping on University Property. Information about overnight events on campus.

18.4.8 Free Speech and Public Assembly on Campus Grounds. Information about policies that apply to all outdoor activities and events (e.g., sound amplification, outdoor structures or exhibits).

Facility-Specific Policies

6.3.1 Coliseum/Main Auditorium/Gateway Center. Information related to policies, hours of operation, charges, etc. of these three spaces. Reservations and Reservable Spaces. Information regarding reservations in the Union and Union-controlled spaces. [not in effect currently] Use Information/Vendor Tables. Information regarding info table reservations in the Union and Union-controlled spaces. [not in effect currently] One O’Clock Lounge and Courtyard Programs. Information related to policies and charges related to these two spaces. [not in effect currently]


For more information about the Event Application process, please contact Student Activities in Stovall 117, or at 940-565-3807, orstudent.activities@unt.edu.