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Delphi Programming Questions You Could Also Have...

Tuesday June 7, 2011
in Delphi Programming Forum :: Delphi Programming Forum is an extension to this site where developers come to post their views, or look for guidance on the questions and issues that matter to Delphi programming.

Do you have a question or comment on Delphi related topic? Have a programming problem you need to solve? Post it at Delphi Programming Forum and receive immediate email notification of responses.

Let's see what topics are being discussed lately: CheckListBox Assign With Checked States
I need to Assign the contents of one CheckListBox to another one so I use Assign. How do I also "copy" the Chekced property for all items?

Get progams in SystemTray?
I can easily get a list of all apps running or just all apps running in TaskBar but I can't find a way to isolate just the SystemTray apps.

Refresh the System Tray?
My application is closing my other application. All are in the Tray. How to I refresh the Tray (since dead icons sit there for my closed applications)? IShellLink problem for URL shortcuts
Am extracting some link information using the IShellLink interface. All is working fine, except for the LNK links (web URL shortcuts)...

PDF Form Fields Manipulation using Delphi
Is it possible to have form fields text and image in PDF and update these fields in Delphi?

One database connection class
Can someone give me an approach how to implement database access in a separate class and reference it from different forms, i.e. that separate database class should be available application-wide.

Delphi's MessageDlg - What if Closed Using the [X] Button in the Title Bar?

Monday June 6, 2011
in Delphi Dialogs / Forms :: MessageDlg Delphi function - I'm sure you have used it many times.

Before you say "I know all about MessageDlg", answer the following question: MessageDlg is called and displays Yes and No buttons. User closes the dialog by clicking on the X button in the title bar. What is the result of the function?

Here's another question: how many users (in percentage) close a dialog form by simply clicking on the [x] button in the title? I think too many. Either they do not understand what the dialog is asking or they are afraid to click any of the buttons.

Read the full article to learn about What is the ModalResult of a MessageDlg Function When [X] is Clicked?


Get Selected Tabs of a MultiSelect TTabControl Delphi Control

Thursday June 2, 2011
in Delphi TIPS :: Delphi's TTabControl (Win32 pallete) can be used to add a control with multiple tab settings to a form. The Multiselect property of the TTabControl specifies whether multiple tabs can be selected at the same time. Here's how to get the list of indexes or strings one can use to determine what tabs are selected when multiselect for TtabControl is set to true.

Read the full article to learn about With Multiselect = True for a TTabControl - How to Know What Tabs are Selected?


Using Multithreading In Delphi For What?

Tuesday May 31, 2011
in Multithreading in Delphi :: According to a recent poll I posted (Have You Done Any Multi-threading in Delphi?), more than 80% of Delphi developers (who participated) know how to code multithreaded Delphi applications.

Let's help Delphi beginners! In what type of applications and for what purposes are you writing multithreaded code?

Give us some examples of real world problems where multithreading has helped you make a faster, better application.

Share Your Story: Using Multithreading In Delphi For What?


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