UNT System

UNT System

About the System

System Components

UNT System administration policies

  Chapter 01 - Form and Content of System Administration Policies
Chapter 02 - Administration
Chapter 03 - Human Resources
Chapter 04 - Fiscal Management
Chapter 05 - Advancement
Chapter 06 - Facilities
Chapter 07 - UNT Dallas College of Law
Chapter 01 - Form and Content of System Administration Policies
Definitions (in review)
Style (in review)
  01.300 Citations (in review)
  01.400 System Administration Policy Development (in review)
  01.500 System Administration Policy Adoption
  01.600 Conflicts with Regents Rules (in review)
  01.700 Contract Disclaimer (in review)
Chapter 02 - Administration
Mission Statement of the University of North Texas System
Organizational Chart for the System Administration
Absence of the Chancellor
  02.400 Compliance
2.401 Compliance
2.402 Responsibilities and Rights of Employees Under the UNT System and Its Component Institution’s Compliance Program
  02.500 Discrimination (in review)
  02.600 Traffic and Parking (in review)
  02.700 Works for Hire (in review)
  02.800 Contracts and Agreements
  02.900 Interagency Contracts
  02.1000 Use of System Phones, Phone Lines, Fax Machines and Computers for E-Mail for Reasons Other than Official System Business
  02.1100 Computer and Technology Use (in review)
  02.1200 Records Retention (in review)
  02.1300 Publications
  02.1400 Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing
  02.1500 Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
Chapter 03 - Human Resources
Human Resources Administration
03.101 Office and working hours
03.102 Employee information
03.103 Privacy policy
03.104 Moving policy
03.105 Reimbursement to employees
03.106 Payroll
03.107 Employee forms
03.108 Time sheets
03.109 Payroll deadlines
03.110 Electronic funds transfer-EFT of salary
03.111 Contributions to charitable organizations
03.112 Optional group insurance programs
03.113 Retirement plans and annuities
03.114 Unemployment compensation insurance program
03.115 Workers' compensation insurance
03.116 Contracted workforce
03.117 Contracted workforce – outsourcing
03.118 HIV/AIDS education and prevention
03.119 Return to work program
  03.200 Hiring and Appointment
03.201 Employee affidavit and other requirements
03.202 Employment of non-citizens
03.203 Age limitations
03.204 Employment staff personnel
03.205 Types of staff appointments
03.206 Posting of position openings
03.207 Probationary period
03.208 Promotion, transfer, or demotion
03.209 Reduction in force
03.210 Reemployment and reinstatement
03.211 Retirement
03.212 Exit meeting and termination clearance
Employment of Relatives
03.301 Relatives of the Chancellor
03.302 Other System administration employees
03.303 Exceptions
03.304 Prohibited degrees of consanguinity and affinity
03.305 Responsibility
Employee Training and Education
03.401 Training and development
03.402 Staff development/performance planning and review
03.403 Staff employee discipline
Employee Compensation
03.501 Classification of jobs
03.502 Salary administration
03.502 Procedure for salary administration
03.503 Longevity pay
03.504 Supplemental compensation
Employee Leave
03.601 Absence/attendance
03.602 Compensatory leave and overtime
03.603 Emergency/administrative leave
03.604 Holidays
03.605 Jury and witness duty
03.606 Leave of absence without pay
03.607 Military leave employees (annual or short term)
03.608 Military leave (extended) reinstatement of veterans
03.609 Sick leave
03.610 Sick leave pooling
03.611 Time and attendance/leave records
03.612 Time off for voting
03.613 Vacation leave
03.614 Absence to attend conferences and professional meetings
03.615 Leave with pay for assistance dog training
03.616 Administrative leave for fitness program participation
03.617 Leave with pay for volunteer fire fighters and emergency medical service volunteers
03.618 Leave with pay for foster parents
03.619 Parental leave
03.620 Leave with pay for American Red Cross Certified Disaster Service Volunteers
03.621 Family and medical leave
Ethics and Standards of Conduct
03.701 Ethics policy
03.702 Dual employment and other activities
03.703 Consensual relationships
03.704 Workplace violence
Service on Outside Boards
03.801 Outside board
03.802 No conflict of interest or commitment
03.803 Compensated board service and non-beneficial service
03.804 Uncompensated board service and service to a religious
03.805 Liability
03.806 Substantial benefit
03.807 Notification and approval procedures
03.808 Exemption
03.809 Board approval required
  The University of North Texas System request for prior approval
Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination
03.901 Nondiscrimination/equal employment opportunity, affirmative action and non-retaliation
03.902 Employment of people with disabilities
03.903 Employment of veterans
03.904 Sexual harassment
03.905 Information and procedural guidelines for pursuing and resolving a complaint of discrimination, including sexual harassment
Employee Complaint and Grievance Process
03.1001 Employee Grievances
03.1002 Voluntary alternative dispute resolution system
Chapter 04 - Fiscal Management
04.201 Invoice processing
04.202 Use of private consultant services
04.203 Outsourcing (in review)
04.204 Subscriptions
04.205 Registration fees
04.206 Food
04.207 Prepayments
04.208 Gifts and honoraria
04.209 Interagency payments
Responsibilities and Controls
04.301 Petty cash, demand deposits, working funds
04.302 Cash handling controls
04.303 New accounts
04.304 Account holder responsibility
04.305 Accounting system coding procedures
04.306 Fraud (in review)
Internal Revenue Service Regulations – Payment on Purchase Orders or Check Requests
Budget (in review)
04.601 Budget Adjustments
Historically Underrepresented Businesses
04.701 Assets
Asset Management
04.801 Asset management (in review)
04.801 Disposal of property (in review)
  04.900 Travel
04.901 Travel reimbursement
04.902 Travel advances
04.903 Designated headquarters
04.904 Spousal travel (in review)
Chapter 05 - Advancement
Solicitation, Acceptance, and Use of Gifts (in review)
Naming Policy (in review)
Gifts to/for Endowment Funds
Affiliated Entities (in review)
Advisory Councils (in review)
Chapter 06 - Facilities
  06.100 Use of Buildings and Facilities (in review)
  06.200 Construction Projects
Chapter 07 - UNT Dallas College of Law
  07.100 Rule and Policy Development
07.101 Policy Development, Adoption, Revision, and Deletion
  07.200 Faculty Affairs
07.201 Academic Freedom and Responsibility
07.202 Faculty Appointments Full Time
07.203 Faculty Appointments Part Time
07.204 Affiliate Faculty
07.205 Probationary Periods
07.206 Process for Tenure or Promotion Review
07.207 Faculty Compensation
07.208 Merit Evaluation of Faculty
07.209 Academic Workload
07.210 Program of Assistance for Non-primary English Speaking Teaching Personnel
07.211 NEW Faculty Discipline and Termination
07.212 Faculty Leaves of Abscence without Pay (in review)
07.213 Tenured Faculty Administrators (in review)
07.214 Faculty Grievance (in review)
  07.300 Student Affairs, Education, and Funding
07.301 Student Honor Code
07.302 Student Code of Conduct
07.303 Student Records
07.304 Disability Accommodation for Students
07.305 Student Attendance
07.306 Course Drop or Withdrawal
07.307 Voluntary and Involuntary Student Medical Withdrawal
07.308 Freedom of Expression
07.309 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program
07.310 Student Organizations and Student Government
07.311 Hazing
07.312 NEW Grade Changes and Grade Appeals
  07.400 Human Resources
07.401 Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment (in review)
07.402 Student Employment (in review)
07.403 Consensual Relationships (in review)
  07.500 Intellectual Property
07.501 Intellectual Property (in review)
  07.600 Campus Safety and Security
07.601 Annual Security Report
07.602 Emergency Warning
  07.700 Information Technology
07.701 Acceptable Use (in review)
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