Expertise and Equipment

UNT faculty and students engage in innovative research and creative activities that consistently break new ground. Many of our programs are nationally and internationally recognized, and the exciting scholarship happening across campus is broad based and far reaching, incorporating research in the humanities, social sciences and the arts, as well as the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics. 

As UNT expands its undergraduate and graduate enrollment and its research enterprise, continuing to build research infrastructure and expertise will ensure that UNT students will have excellent opportunities for education, research, and extra-curricular activities.  Likewise, UNT researchers will have access to exceptional research facilities and capability for technology transfer and incubation.  Research at UNT is an evolving process. The following areas, though by no means a total catalog of expertise at UNT, showcase the breadth of talent and resources that invigorate our community.


Advanced Materials

CART: Center for Advanced Research and Technology

CART is one of the most advanced university research facilities in the nation for materials analysis, from atomic to macro scales. The facility offers a suite of powerful analytical instruments used for true 3-D characterization and processing with an adjoining cleanroom so that materials can be synthesized, tested and controlled in close proximity. UNT is among an elite group of public institutions nationwide to offer these open access resources.

CEMPI: Center for Electronic Materials Processing and Integration

CEMPI studies advanced plasma processes and insulators used to manufacture state-of-the-art semiconductor chips, with a mission to increase performance. The center is jointly funded by UNT and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), the world’s leading industry consortium for research in semiconductors and related technologies.

Advanced Polymer Laboratories

UNT houses two important advanced polymer laboratories. The Laboratory of Advanced Polymers and Optimized Materials specializes in the development of materials, components and coatings. The Polymer Mechanical and Rheology Laboratory focuses on structure property relationships to increase the reliability of materials using thermally controlled new equipment and sophisticated instruments.

Surface Science Laboratory

Research focuses on atomic level understanding and control of chemistry at surfaces and interfaces in various environments, including ultra-high vacuum (UHV), high pressure, gas phase environments, and aqueous solutions. Important applications include microelectronics fabrication, nanocatalysis, and corrosion.

Laboratories for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Nanophotonics

UNT offers one of the only facilities available in the US for the UV-Visible region, with ultrafast spectroscopy for nanoscale materials beyond the diffraction limit. Optical, electronic characterization, and device modeling computational equipment advance experiments ranging from time-resolved photoluminescence and absorption spectroscopy, to etching, and electrical device fabrication.

Laboratory of Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry and imaging instruments support local, national, and international research. The laboratory offers a suite of mass spectrometry and imaging instruments with applications in chemistry, toxicology, environmental, forensic, and material science. Instruments include Quadrupole Ion Traps, Reflectron Time-of-Flight, Triple Quad, and Single Quad. The GC, Nanospray, and Electrospray are coupled to Quadrupole Ion Traps and Triple Quads (Thermo DECA, TSQ 7000, Polaris), and the MALDI is coupled to Time-of Flight. ICP-MS is a Varian 820-MS.

ISES: Institute for Science and Engineering Simulation

ISES uses advanced characterization, simulation and modeling of aerospace components and materials to maintain and extend the life of aging U.S. Air Force aircraft, prevent catastrophic engine failure, and aid the Air Force in developing better materials for the next generation of aircraft.

Contributing Research Clusters:
Materials Modeling

Multi-scale Surface Science and Engineering

Renewable Bioproducts

Autism Assessment and Intervention

Kristin Farmer Autism Center at UNT

UNT’s multidisciplinary team of highly trained, experienced, and committed professionals collaborate with parents, researchers, university students, and community service providers to deliver state-of-the art educational, therapeutic, diagnostic and vocational services, and training. The center’s mission is to significantly improve school and life outcomes for students and clients across the autism spectrum and across the lifespan.

North Texas Autism Project

A service-learning project in the Department of Behavior Analysis, the project supports a variety of behavior analytic activities related to children with autism, including Easter Seals North Texas, University of Stockholm Blended ABA program, and the Systemic Institute of Behavior Analysis at the University of Athens.

ASAT: Association for Science in Autism Treatment

ASAT is a not-for-profit organization of parents and professionals committed to improving the education, treatment, and care of people with autism. Established in 1998, its goal is to work toward adopting higher standards of accountability for the care, education, and treatment of all individuals with autism.

ABAI: Association of Behavior Analysis

ABAI is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks has grown into the nation’s largest autism science and advocacy organization. It is dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism as well as increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.

Behavior Analyst Certification Board

The Behavior Analyst Certification Board is a nonprofit corporation established in 1998 to meet professional credentialing needs identified by behavior analysts, governments, and consumers of behavior analysis services. The BACB adheres to the national standards for boards that grant professional credentials. Its mission is to develop, promote, and implement an international certification program for behavior analyst practitioners.

TXABA: Texas Association for Behavior Analysis

The mission of TXABA is to advance the science and application of behavior analysis to improve the world in which we live. To that end, TxABA strives to disseminate knowledge from the science of behavior analysis to the public and to professional behavior analysts working in Texas and its neighboring states (Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico).

Computational Chemistry

CASCaM: Center for Advanced Scientific Computing and Modeling

This UNT-based facility is a vital hub for research, education, training and outreach in all facets of advanced scientific computing and modeling. CASCaM provides excellent opportunities for mentorship and collaboration with UNT computational chemists, researchers and external partners working in multiple areas of science and engineering, with project support from the National Science Foundation, the United States Department of Energy, and the Air Force Research Laboratory.

Computational Facilities

This research and teaching lab offers advanced computing technology and extensive hardware, with a wide selection of visualization software resources designed to express and analyze diverse computational problems, including Spartan, GaussView, AbInit, Crystal, Gamess, Guassian, Molcas, Molpro and NWChem.

RAVE: Research and Visualization Environment

The RAVE offers excellent computer resources to help scholars visually analyze large amounts of complex data for graphically intensive research, simulations, statistics, and design. The state-of-the art space features high-powered workstations, visualization software, and a large-scale, video display wall for analysis with superior graphical output to enhance and explain research.

TALON: High-Performance Computing System

Unique to the region, the TALON supercomputer features high performance computing clusters supported by high-speed networks, high performance storage, and advanced software. Availability of the Talon HPC system has greatly increased the computation resources available to UNT researchers.

ISES: Institute for Science and Engineering Simulation

ISES uses advanced characterization, simulation and modeling of aerospace components and materials to maintain and extend the life of aging U.S. Air Force aircraft, prevent catastrophic engine failure, and aid the Air Force in developing better materials for the next generation of aircraft.

Contributing Research Clusters:
Computational Chemical Biology
Materials Modeling

Cyber Security

CICS: Center for Information and Computer Security

CICS is an interdisciplinary center that brings together individuals and organizations in the areas of information security, computer security, information assurance, and cybercrime. Recognized by the National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security as a “Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education and Research,” its mission is to provide, coordinate, and promote educational, research, and service expertise in information and computer security, with an emphasis on cross-disciplinary initiatives in the North Texas area.

NSL: Network Security Laboratory

NSL pursues research, training activities, and workshops for students and faculty with the fundamental objective to study the problems related to next generation networks, from multimedia wireless devices and roaming issues to networked readers and scanners.

Trusted Secured Systems Laboratory

Lab researchers aim to design and develop computer systems architecture that provides isolated execution environment; verification mechanisms for varied trust models; trust guarantee independent of the system software; and minimal or no impact on performance. Research projects include virtualization based secure architecture testing and implementation framework, and energy efficient memory integrity verification mechanisms.

TXCDK: Texas Center for Digital Knowledge

TXCDK is a research, development, and consulting service enterprise that brings together researchers from multiple disciplines to enhance the relationships between individual knowledge workers and the technology-based environments in which they work to advance today’s global knowledge economy.

ISRC: Information Systems Research Center

The ISRC acts as a catalyst within the North Texas business community and beyond, facilitating research, educational seminars, problem specific projects, group meetings, and shared information through its network. The center utilizes the expertise of its member organizations and UNT faculty and students in the areas of information technology, quality, business continuity and security, continuous improvement, and decision-making techniques.

Net-Centric Software and Systems Center

Net-Centric is an NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) built as a model of collaborative research and development among industry, academe, and government partners. Participating members access world class expertise and cutting edge technology in net-centric systems.

Emergency Operations Center

UNT’s state-of-the-art center serves as a nexus for all disaster communications. It provides faculty and students with an opportunity to apply various technologies in simulation and real emergency settings to understand how individuals and organizations interact during a crisis and to better manage low level and catastrophic disasters.

Developmental Integrative Biology

Life Sciences Complex

The new, state-of-the-art, LEED-Gold certified building houses biochemistry, developmental physiology and genetics, molecular biology and plant science, with “open research” laboratories, offices and meeting spaces to promote exchange of expertise across areas. It provides unmatched opportunities for contemporary studies in developmental integrative biology, with a dedicated research aquatics lab incorporating separate fresh water and saltwater facilities to utilize a variety of freshwater and marine experimental model organisms.

TALON: High-Performance Computing System

Unique to the region, the TALON supercomputer features high performance computing clusters supported by high-speed networks, high performance storage, and advanced software. Availability of the Talon HPC system has greatly increased the computation resources available to UNT researchers.

Comparative and Evolutionary Developmental Physiology Lab

A comparative approach is used in investigating the cardiovascular system of several vertebrate groups, including amphibians, reptiles, and birds to discover the patterns of developmental physiology that unify vertebrates and isolated periods of developmental susceptibility to environmental stress.

Zebrafish Genetics Lab

Research uses molecular genetic tools to study hemostasis, a vertebrate specific function of paramount importance, and thrombosis using the zebrafish model. Screening tools identify hemostatic mutants in combination with chemical mutagenesis methods; mapping and positional cloning methods are used to identify novel genes.identify novel genes.

Developmental Physiology Lab

Research focuses on the development of physiological processes in animals, including amphibians, reptiles, fishes, birds and the nematode C. elegans. Specific investigations explore the ontogeny of regulation of the physiological systems along the life continuum of eggs, embryos, larvae/fetuses and adults.

Fundamental Neuroscience Laboratories

The combined labs provide the facilities and techniques necessary to conduct sophisticated studies in developmental physiology, with a focus on neurotransmitter systems and neuronal cilia. Research includes histology, electrophysiology, pharmacology, image analysis, cell culture and small animal surgery.

Contributing Research Cluster:
Developmental Integrative Biology

Disaster Research and Response

Emergency Operations Center

UNT’s state-of-the-art center serves as a nexus for all disaster communications. It provides faculty and students with an opportunity to apply various technologies in simulation and real emergency settings to understand how individuals and organizations interact during a crisis. Emphasis on learning through practice builds decision-making and critical thinking skills needed for managing low level and catastrophic disasters.

Center for Economic Development and Research

Established in 1989, the UNT-based Center conducts economic analysis and public policy research and additionally provides forecasting and strategic planning services to businesses, governments, and non-profit agencies with an interest in economic development.

Center for Logistics Education and Research

The Center is a private, not-for-profit foundation committed to excellence in logistics education. Based within the Department of Marketing and Logistics in the College of Business at UNT, the Center establishes partnerships between businesses and the academic community with the aim to advance the study and practice of logistics and supply chain management in Texas, the nation, and around the world.

SRC: Survey Research Center

The UNT-based SRC conducts applied survey projects and offers a complete survey package in areas including research design, sample design and selection, questionnaire design, data collection and analysis, and report preparation and presentation. Its mission is to provide timely, cost-effective, and high quality research services to university, government, and non-profit and business entities by ensuring validity and accuracy in all phases of the research process.

CERL: Computational Epidemiology Research Laboratory

CERL was established in 2004 to conduct and promote research in computational epidemiology. The primary focus is the application of computational concepts and resources to problems in the domain of public health, providing tools for epidemiologists and scientists that aid in the prediction and analysis of disease manifestation and disease spread through modeling, simulation, and visualization.

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Region VI

FEMA’s mission is to support citizens and first responders to ensure that people work together to build, sustain, and improve the capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all national hazards. FEMA is part of a team that includes federal partners, state, tribal and local officials, the private sector, non-profits and faith-based groups, and the general public.

Contributing Research Clusters:
Hazards and Disaster Research to Respond to Global Crises
Complex Logistics Systems

Environmental Science and Engineering

IAS: Institute of Applied Science

IAS fosters, facilitates and conducts science-based interdisciplinary environmental research that seeks to understand how human actions impact the environment. A network including biologists, ecologists, geologists, engineers, computer scientists, chemists, geographers, archaeologists, policy experts, and philosophers work to address some of the world’s most pressing environmental puzzles.

CRS: Center for Remote Sensing

The Center utilizes the rapidly evolving technology of satellite imaging to advance scientific knowledge of land and water resources, ecosystems and human communities. It has a fully equipped Earth Resources Data Analysis System (ERDAS), and ARC/INFO capabilities with powerful computer facilities to conduct research on remote sensing data collection, image enhancement, classification and analyses.

Aquatic Toxicology and Reservoir Limnology

UNT has one of the best aquatic toxicology laboratories in the Southwest. The lab conducts acute and chronic toxicity tests with freshwater and marine organisms, water quality research on rivers and reservoirs throughout Texas, and research for a variety of industries and municipalities on the effects of chemicals on aquatic life.

Office of Sustainability

The Unt-based Office promotes environmental sustainability through four primary action areas: research, outreach, operations, and teaching. Developments include the Climate Action Plan, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, curb energy consumption, and reach carbon neutrality; power grid infrastructures based on wind and electrical energy technologies; sustainable green spaces; an active recycling program; and tech transfer assistance to commercialize new technologies.

Water Research Field Station

One of the only facilities in the Southwest designed to assess, under controlled field conditions, the effects of pesticides on aquatic ecosystems prior to their general use in the environment. Research is supported with affiliated greenhouse nurseries, outdoor ponds and streams, and a biological and residue analysis laboratory.

Center for Watershed Reservoir Assessment and Management

The Center conducts research on techniques and best management practices for assessing and managing watersheds and reservoirs, and addresses current and emerging problems and issues.

CEP: Center for Environmental Philosophy

CEP promotes an understanding of environmental ethics by publishing journals and books, and advancing research through workshops, conferences, and education. CEP publishes the respected journal Environmental Ethics, the first of its kind in the discipline.

Contributing Research Clusters:
Renewable Energy and Conservation
Renewable Bioproducts

Fashion Design and Merchandising

Asia Study Abroad Program

The College of Merchandising, Hospitality, and Tourism (CMHT) study abroad program offers trips to Hong Kong, Macau, and Mainland China—the fastest growing economic region in the world. Begun in 1993, the program offers exciting opportunities for living and learning experiences. Students and faculty participants meet with factory managers, business executives, and government officials to learn about the apparel supply chain industry and doing business in China, from fiber manufacture and quality testing to merchandising and the shipment of finished garments.

Texas Fashion Collection

The UNT Texas Fashion Collection is a world renowned resource dedicated to the preservation and documentation of historically significant fashion. Founded by the Neiman Marcus family in 1938, the collection is an educational resource for students, faculty, researchers, and the general public and includes over 15,000 garments and accessories from the 19th and 20th centuries. Fashion on Main, the current exhibition facility of the collection, is dedicated to the presentation and interpretation of fashion history and current cultural topics and creates educational and scholarly activities in conjunction with each show. The Texas Fashion Collection Digital Library, part of the UNT College of Visual Arts and Design, is managed by the UNT Digital Libraries.

College of Merchandising, Hospitality, and Tourism Board of Governors

CMHT boasts a dynamic board of governors—recognized leaders in the field who work diligently as advocates for the school and university. Board members guide program development, fund raising activities, and provide external support in numerous ways. The Apparel Group, Fossil, J.C. Penney, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Pier 1 Imports, Sally Beauty Supply, Sheplers Western Wear, Target, and Tuesday Morning are among the industry names represented.

The J.C. Penney Executive-in-Residence Lecture Series

The series, made possible by an endowment from the J.C. Penney Company, brings top-level executives and experts to campus as guest lecturers in classrooms. Students and faculty gain inside perspectives about the industry on diverse topics, including the development of private apparel brands within the context of a global economy, and digital retail and online shopping trends.

DRC: UNT Design Research Center

DRC is a research unit that operates as an extension of the UNT College of Visual Arts and Design. Located in the heart of downtown Dallas in the Texas business district, it functions as a laboratory space that supports the endeavors of UNT faculty, staff, and students engaged in design research, and as a classroom space that supports the CVAD curriculum. The center facilitates collaborations and partnerships among groups from different disciplines to advance design research knowledge, practice, and scholarship.

Merchandising Inc.

Merchandising Inc. is a university-based organization that facilitates opportunities for students interested in fashion, home furnishings, or digital retailing. Through the organization’s established network of industry professionals and retailers, students gain practice experience and professional development—from styling and management of garments to fashion show planning.

Contributing Research Cluster:
Consumer Experiences in Digital Environments

Forensic Science

University of North Texas Forensic Science Program

The UNT accredited program includes degrees in chemistry, biology, and biochemistry with certification in forensic science. The comprehensive curriculum offers rigorous laboratory training, coursework, and hands-on learning in subjects including courtroom testimony; introduction to law; quality assurance; ethics, professional practice, background; evidence identification, collection, processing; and classes in forensic chemistry, forensic biology, physical methods, and forensic microscopy.

Laboratory of Imaging Mass Spectrometry

A UNT-based service facility for the local, national, and international academic and commercial research community, the lab offers a suite of mass spectrometry and imaging instruments, with applications in chemistry, toxicology, and environmental, forensic, and materials science.

Center for Human Identification

Based at the UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC) in Fort Worth, Texas, the forensic facility provides the highest quality testing services in the areas of sexual assault, homicide, property crime, and criminal paternity cases, and has worked with the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas, state courts, Child and Protective Regulatory Services offices, and law enforcement and legal communities throughout the State of Texas, the USA, and worldwide. The affiliated Forensics and Investigative Genetics Laboratory is a collaborative hub for both UNT and UNTHSC researchers.

Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology

The UNT-based lab is a collaborative effort between scientists at UNT and the Center for Human Identification in Fort Worth to advance forensic anthropology — the application of standard scientific techniques developed in physical anthropology to identify human remains, and to assist in the detection of crime. The lab also provides graduate academic training and accredited professional training to law enforcement agencies, medico-legal investigators, and a number of federal agencies.

Department of Chemistry Research Facilities

The UNT labs offer a variety of specialized equipment to advance forensic research, including nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, Fourier transform Infrared spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, high performance liquid chromatography, UV-vis spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, capillary electrophoresis, an X-ray diffraction lab, and both flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy.

Contributing Research Cluster:
Forensic and Investigative Science and Technology Instrument Development


Center for Logistics Education and Research

The Center establishes alliances between businesses and academic communities in order to advance the study and practice of logistics and supply chain management in Texas, nationally, and globally.

Center for Decision and Information Technologies

The Center partners UNT with North Texan businesses and other organizations to focus on the areas of information technology management, quality and improvement, business continuity and security, decision making techniques, and research issues.

Center for Economic Development and Research

The Center conducts funded applied economic research on issues of economic and community development, economic and fiscal impact analysis, urban planning, transportation systems analysis, and strategic planning. These skill areas have been applied to multiple projects looking at the impacts of disaster events and the impacts of disaster mitigation strategies on local and regional economies.

Emergency Operations Center

UNT’s state-of-the-art center serves as a nexus for all disaster communications. It provides faculty and students with an opportunity to apply various technologies in simulation and real emergency settings to understand how individuals and organizations interact during a crisis. Emphasis on learning through practice builds decision-making and critical thinking skills needed for managing low level and catastrophic disasters.

Murphy Center for Entrepreneurship

The Center provides students, faculty, and entrepreneurs with the opportunity to exchange ideas, build entrepreneurial skills, and engage in joint entrepreneurial efforts. Academic programs access an integrated infrastructure of resources and a network of business leaders, alumni, and external collaborators to stimulate the formation of innovative enterprises and creative solutions for social problems.

CSCMP: The Dallas/Fort Worth Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals

CSCMP is the only professional association that covers the entire supply chain profession. Its mission is to lead the evolving field by developing, advancing, and disseminating supply chain knowledge and research.

The North Texas Commission Logistics Committee

Since 1994 the NTC Committee’s mission is to develop strategies and programs to market the Dallas/Fort-Worth metroplex as a key logistics center of the Americas and to address areas of possible improvement in the region’s infrastructure.

Contributing Research Clusters:
Complex Logistics Systems
Hazards and Disaster Research to Respond to Global Crises

Materials Modeling

TALON: High-Performance Computing System

Unique to the region, the TALON supercomputer features high performance computing clusters supported by high-speed networks, high performance storage, and advanced software. Availability of the Talon HPC system greatly increases the computation resources available to UNT researchers.

RAVE: Research and Visualization Environment

The RAVE offers excellent computer resources to help scholars visually analyze large amounts of complex data for graphically intensive research, simulations, statistics, and design. The state-of-the art space features high-powered workstations, visualization software, and a large-scale, video display wall for analysis with superior graphical output to enhance and explain research.

ISES: Institute for Science and Engineering Simulation

At the forefront of jet engine research and experimentation, ISES uses advanced characterization, simulation and modeling of aerospace components and materials to maintain and extend the life of aging U.S. Air Force aircraft, prevent catastrophic engine failure, and aid the Air Force in developing better materials for the next generation of aircraft.

CASCaM: Center for Advanced Scientific Computing and Modeling

The CASCaM facility, supported by the United States Department of Energy, and the United States Air Force Research Laboratory, provides research, education, training and outreach in all facets of advanced scientific computing and modeling and provides excellent opportunities for collaboration with UNT’s world-class research group in computational chemistry.

Computational Materials Modeling Group

This consortium of top-level materials science engineers use modeling to study diverse properties of a wide range of materials such as metals, ceramics, and ordered and disordered alloys; research experiments provide the basis for novel materials design and include performance assessments of aerospace materials, catalysis and alternate energy generation, the behavior of nanostructured materials, and interaction of radiation with materials.

CART: Center for Advanced Research and Technology

CART is one of the most advanced university research facilities in the nation for materials synthesis and analysis, from atomic to macro scales. The facility offers a suite of sophisticated instruments used for true 3-D characterization and processing with an adjoining clean room so that materials can be synthesized, tested and controlled in close proximity, creating a powerful combination of capabilities in one location. UNT is among an elite group of public institutions nationwide to offer these open access resources.

Music and Medicine

Texas Center for Music and Medicine

The center’s mission is to explore the relationships between music and medicine and to develop, apply, and disseminate successful strategies and therapies for dealing with medical, audiological, and mental health problems of musicians. An interdisciplinary team of musicians, music educators, clinicians, and research scientists work towards this goal. Shared expertise includes the use of advanced biomedical and performance engineering theory and technologies to study, treat, and prevent various medical problems associated with learning and performing music.

University of North Texas Speech and Hearing Center

Serving people with speech, language, and hearing disorders since 1967, the center strives to provide superior professional diagnostic and treatment services in speech-language pathology and audiology while providing excellence in clinical education for students in the UNT Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences. The showcase facility boasts a hearing aid dispensary, preschool language room, numerous therapy and diagnostic rooms, and areas for families to observe clinical sessions.

PAMA: Performing Arts Medicine Association

PAMA is composed of medical professionals, artists, educators, and administrators with the common goal of improving the health care of the performing artist. Members are professionals from around the world in fields that include research, education, and clinical practice. Collaboration with diverse artistic organizations facilitates PAMA’s message to wider populations of performers and performers.

NHCA: National Hearing Conservation Association

NHCA’s mission is to prevent hearing loss due to noise and other environmental factors. The organization provides professional development by improving the skills, practices, and services of its members; providing education and the exchange of information among those involved with hearing conservation; encouraging research and improvement in noise and hearing conservation; and developing guidelines that affect the standards and the regulatory and legislative activities of the field.

NASM: National Association of Schools of Music

Founded in 1924, NASM is the national accrediting agency for music and music-related disciplines and is comprised of schools, conservatories, colleges, and universities with more than 600 accredited institutional members. It has an extensive publications program and provides a spectrum of services such as consultations, statistical information, professional development, and policy analysis. It also establishes national standards for undergraduate and graduate degrees and other credentials.

Human Performance Institute at University of Texas, Arlington

A research entity within the University of Texas at Arlington, the institute integrates expertise and students from a variety of different departments and collaborating sites to address the complexities of human performance. Its mission is to pursue basic and applied research in the measurement, understanding, and enhancement of human performance, with potential impact in fields ranging from the aerospace industry to medical rehabilitation, occupational medicine, gerontology, and sports medicine.

Music Composition

CEMI: Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia

World-renowned for innovative works and musicians, CEMI advances experimental music and intermedia through the creation of new music, public performance, teaching, collaboration, and research. Unique, state-of-the-art environments include the Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater, an immersive multimedia performance venue featuring surround sound studios optimized for video production, audio production, and interactive media. Seminal founders who guided CEMI’s development into an internationally recognized center: Merrill Ellis, composer/performer with a focus on intermedia; Larry Austin, emeritus professor, renowned for his electroacoustic and computer music works; Phil Winsor, a pioneer in algorithmic composition and intermedia.

NOVA Ensemble: new music ensemble of UNT

Nova commissions, premieres and presents a diversity of musical, aesthetic, and cultural experiences to audiences, with repertoire ranging from 20th century classics to works that incorporate the latest musical innovations. Recent performances have included music of Elliott Carter, David Lang, Frederic Rzewski, Steven Stucky, Giacinto Scelsi, Nick Didkovsky, Cindy McTee, Libby Larsen, Judith Shatin, James Tenney, Isang Yun, Christian Wolff, John Cage, Stefan Wolpe, and Charles Ives.

Music Now: weekly composition meeting and open forum

Music Now facilitates the exchange of ideas and information about the creation, performance, and understanding of contemporary music, with featured presentations by UNT faculty and students as well as visiting composers, scholars, and interpreters of new music.

Composers Forum: organization for UNT student composers

The Composers Forum supports and promotes new work by UNT student composers and coordinates performances within UNT and with external venues, regional/state colleges, and universities. The forum celebrates compositional diversity, from instrumental and electro-acoustic music to film and intermedia.

Murchison Performing Arts Center

This world-class facility features performances by students, faculty, guest artists and community members in two premiere venues: the Margot and Bill Winspear Performance Hall, and the Lyric Theater.

Voertman Hall

Newly renovated, 380 seat concert hall for recitals and small ensemble concerts with state-of-the-art lighting and acoustical features.

Nano Science and Engineering

CART: Center for Advanced Research and Technology

CART is one of the most advanced university research facilities in the nation for materials analysis, from atomic to macro scales. The facility offers a suite of sophisticated analytical instruments used for true 3-D characterization and processing with an adjoining cleanroom so that materials can be synthesized, tested, and controlled in close proximity, creating a powerful combination of capabilities in one location.

ISES: Institute for Science and Engineering Simulation

ISES uses advanced characterization, simulation and modeling of aerospace components and materials to maintain and extend the life of aging U.S. Air Force aircraft, prevent catastrophic engine failure, and develop better materials for the next generation of aircraft.

CEMPI: Center for Electronic Materials Processing and Integration

CEMPI studies advanced plasma processes and insulators used in manufacturing state-of-the-art semiconductor chips, with a mission to increase performance. The center is jointly funded by UNT and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), the world’s leading industry consortium for research in semiconductors and related technologies.

Advanced Thin Films Laboratories

Laboratories include the Laboratory for Moving Mechanical Assemblies, which supports the synthesis and processing of thin films and laser processed bulk composites, characterization, and interrelationships of ceramic, metallic and polymeric materials; and the Optoelectronics and Thin Films Laboratory, which investigates the growth of compound semiconductor thin films and their optical and carrier transport properties.

Surface Science Laboratory

Research focuses on atomic level understanding and control of chemistry at surfaces and interfaces in various environments, including ultra-high vacuum (UHV), high pressure, gas phase environments, and aqueous solutions. Important applications include microelectronics fabrication, nanocatalysis, and corrosion.

Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Nanophotonics Laboratory

UNT offers one of the only facilities available in the United States for the UV-Visible region. A complement of optical, electronic characterization, and device modeling computational facilities additionally advance experiments ranging from time-resolved photoluminescence and absorption spectroscopy, to differential transmission spectroscopy, etching, and electrical device fabrication.

TALON: High-Performance Computing System

Unique to the region, the TALON supercomputer features computing clusters supported by high-speed networks, high performance storage, and advanced software. The Talon HPC system greatly increases the computational resources available to UNT researchers.

Peace Science

Castleberry Peace Institute

The UNT-based Institute sponsors cutting-edge research and educational programs on the causes of war and peace, both within and between nations. The institute supports and coordinates research among faculty, students, and the affiliated research cluster. The Peace Research Laboratory operates as a unit of the Institute and provides technical support for research projects related to issues of human security, conflict resolution, human rights, and development.

UNT-International Peace Conference

Scholars, peace activists, faculty, community leaders, and distinguished guests from around the world convene to discuss issues concerning peace security and communal harmony. The annual conference focuses on a different geographic region each year with theme-based sessions aimed to address conflict through innovative peace-building strategies. The event involves more than a dozen UNT departments, centers, and offices as sponsors, including the Castleberry Peace Institute, UNT-International, and the Contemporary Arab and Muslim Cultural Studies Institute.

RAVE: Research and Visualization Environment

RAVE offers comprehensive computer resources to help scholars visually analyze large amounts of complex data for graphically intensive research, simulations, statistics, and design. The state-of-the-art space features high-powered workstations, visualization software, and a large-scale, video display wall for analysis with superior graphical output to enhance and explain research.

UNT Libraries, Digital Projects Unit

The Digital Projects Unit is a resource for Peace Science scholarship at UNT. Advanced digital services include imaging, archival storage of electronic files, metadata development, and other activities as needed. The teams' ambitious pursuit of research opportunities in digital preservation, coupled with a robust technological infrastructure, provides digital content to audiences worldwide.

American Political Science Review

The foremost scholarly research journal of political science, APSR presents peer-reviewed research articles by political scientists of all subfields. It is one of three journals published by the American Political Science Association (APSA), the leading professional organization for the study of political science. The APSA brings together political scientists from all fields of inquiry, regions, and occupational endeavors within and outside academe in order to expand awareness and understanding of politics.
UNT is the new host institute for the journal and assumes editorial responsibilities.

Gujarat Vidyapith University

This center of learning was established in Ahmedabad by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920 and declared a deemed university in 1963. GV hosts many scholars that specialize in the study of "ahimsa"—an attitude of non-violence in thought, speech and deed towards all living beings. GV offers an extensive, historical archive in peace studies, peace journalism, and materials related to Gandhi's pioneering brand of political activism.

Contributing Research Cluster:
Human Security, Democracy, and Global Development


Plant Science

Life Sciences Complex

The new, state-of-the-art, LEED-Gold certified building provides extensive facilities for plant science research, including four, climate controlled, rooftop greenhouses. The building also houses biochemistry, developmental physiology and genetics, and molecular biology to support exchange of expertise across areas. Additional features include a research aquatics lab with freshwater and saltwater facilities, “open” research laboratories, offices, and meeting spaces.

Center for Plant Lipid Research and Plant Signaling Shared Facilities

This group of laboratories focuses on basic and applied aspects of research in the regulation of plant lipid metabolism. Affiliated scientists use contemporary cellular, biochemical, and molecular genetic approaches to understand how lipids influence the growth and development of plants. Efforts also contribute to the discovery of new products and uses for plant derived lipids and their potential public benefit.

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation

The Noble Foundation is a world renowned, independent, nonprofit institute specializing in plant research with close relationships to UNT faculty researchers and students. Headquarters are located in close proximity to the UNT campus in Ardmore, Oklahoma. The Foundation assists farmers and ranchers through direct operations and conducts plant science research and agricultural programs to enhance agricultural productivity regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Department of Chemistry research facilities

The Department maintains an extensive range of modern instrumentation to facilitate sophisticated research in areas such as chemical synthesis, spectroscopy, computational chemistry, materials and surface science, and chemical analysis. Instruments include NMR spectrometers, UV/Vis/NIR electronic absorption, Raman spectroscopy, FT-IR spectrometers, atomic absorption spectrometers, X-ray diffractometers, Auger spectroscopy, photoemission, and microwave spectroscopy, with additional instruments and facilities available at the UNT Discovery Park.

Greenhouse Complex at Discovery Park

Located at the UNT Discovery Park, the greenhouse supports UNT’s research clusters and diverse projects by various scientists and engineers. The expandable infrastructure is equipped with high ceilings to grow sugarcane and other tall plants, water and electricity, climate controls, headhouse storage, and an adjoining laboratory.

CART: Center for Advanced Research and Technology

CART is one of the most advanced university facilities in the nation for research involving materials synthesis and analysis, from atomic to macro scales. CART features sophisticated equipment used for true 3-D characterization, processing, and cross-disciplinary analysis adjacent to a clean room so that materials can be synthesized, tested, and transferred in close proximity under controlled conditions, creating a powerful combination of capabilities in one location. UNT is among an elite group of public institutions nationwide to offer these open access resources.

Renewable Bioproducts and Sustainability

Advanced Polymer Laboratories

UNT houses two advanced polymer laboratories: The Laboratory of Advanced Polymers and Optimized Materials (LAPOM) specializes in the development of materials, components and coatings with predefined mechanical, tribological, thermophysical and dielectric applications. The Polymer Mechanical and Rheology Laboratory focuses on structure property relationships to increase the reliability of materials using thermally controlled new equipment and sophisticated instruments.

Environmental, Microbiology and Biotechnology Lab

Systems biology techniques are used to study fundamental scientific questions in the fields of environmental microbiology and genetics and develop biological solutions. Knowledge gained is applied to the engineering of new approaches to address environmental issues.

Zero Energy Research Laboratory

The new, 1,200 square-foot facility, currently under construction, is a living space and also a working laboratory designed to test emerging, sustainable technologies and materials to achieve a net-zero consumption of energy in buildings. The structure is expandable to include multiple alternative energy sources such as solar and wind to support a wide range of research; no other university in the nation offers this resource.

CART: Center for Advanced Research and Technology

CART is one of the most advanced university research facilities in the nation for cross analysis of materials, from atomic to macro scales, with a suite of sophisticated instruments used for true 3-D characterization, processing, and cross-disciplinary analysis. A new NSF funded, university Nanofabrication Analysis and Research facility will house CART next to a cleanroom so that materials can be synthesized, tested and transferred in close proximity, creating a powerful combination of capabilities in one location.

Office of Sustainability

The Office promotes environmental sustainability through four primary action areas: research, outreach, operations, and teaching. Developments include the Climate Action Plan, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, curb energy consumption across UNT and reach carbon neutrality; power grid infrastructures based on wind and electrical energy technologies; sustainable green spaces; an active recycling program; and tech transfer assistance to commercialize new technologies.

Center for Plant Lipid Research

The Center’s laboratories focus on basic and applied aspects of research in the regulation of plant lipid metabolism. Scientists use contemporary cellular, biochemical, and molecular genetic approaches to study how lipids influence the growth and development of plants and discover new products and uses for plant derived lipids and their potential public benefit.

Renewable Energy and Conservation

PACCAR Technology Institute

PACCAR is an interdisciplinary, university research center that advances diverse projects related to alternative energy and energy efficiency of buildings and industrial processes for the benefit of local and global communities. Combining innovative technology and entrepreneurship with research and education, PACCAR involves academic researchers and industry experts from physical and social sciences and engineering disciplines.

Zero Energy Research Laboratory

The new, 1,200 square-foot facility, currently under construction, is a living space and also a working laboratory designed to test emerging, sustainable technologies and materials to achieve a net-zero consumption of energy in buildings. The structure is expandable to include multiple alternative energy sources such as solar and wind to support a wide range of research; no other university in the nation offers this resource.

Office of Sustainability

 The Office promotes environmental sustainability through four primary action areas: research, outreach, operations, and teaching. Developments include the Climate Action Plan; power grid infrastructures based on wind and electrical energy technologies; sustainable green spaces; an active recycling program; and tech transfer assistance to commercialize new technologies.

Electrical Engineering Laboratories

UNT’s EE labs provide state-of-the-art instrumentation and advanced software. These include the Autonomous Systems Laboratory, which investigates problems in wireless sensor networks, robotic systems, and airborne networks; and the Wireless Systems and Sensor Networks Laboratory, which focuses on system-level issues critical for the design of high-performance wireless networks and intelligent sensor networks.

Polymer Mechanical and Rheology Laboratory

This UNT-based lab focuses on structure property relationships to increase the reliability of materials. Tensile, creep, fatigue, compression and shear testing is done in thermally controlled conditions with sophisticated instruments such as the Leistritz Twin Screw Extruder for biopolymer blending.

Adaptable, Multi-functional Reaction Frame Lab

The Frame Lab provides flexibility for multiple performance and durability tests, including static and cyclic shear wall tests; web crippling tests on cold-formed steel sections; tension tests on structures; flexible testing on beams; and load bearing tests.

CART: Center for Advanced Research and Technology

CART is one of the most advanced university research facilities in the nation for materials analysis, from atomic scale to macro scales, with a suite of sophisticated instruments used for true 3-D characterization, processing and cross-disciplinary analysis located next to a cleanroom so that materials can be synthesized, tested, and transferred in close proximity under controlled conditions. UNT is among an elite group of public institutions nationwide to offer these open access resources.

Contributing Research Clusters:
Renewable Bioproducts
Signaling Mechanisms in Plants
Renewable Energy and Conservation

Sub-Antarctic Ecosystems and Biocultural Conservation

CHBR: Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve

CHBR is the largest biosphere reserve in the Southern Cone — a pristine ecoregion with mountains, glaciers and forests that offers a rich environment for ecological research and conservation activities. A member of the UNESCO Ibero-MaB network since 2006, its researchers represent multi-faceted areas of biosphere reserve expertise and have aided the Chilean government in defining development zoning plans that benefit the community and conserve the archipelago’s biocultural diversity.

Cape Horn Field Station

The station is the world’s first environmental philosophy, science and policy facility. Located within the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, it is at the forefront of conservation and study in the Cape Horn archipelago. The two and a half story research hub facilitates international, interdisciplinary, environmental research opportunities for faculty, students and affiliated scholars and offers a library, laboratory and field equipment, lodging space, classrooms, computer workstations and kitchen.

Omora Ethnobotanical Park

Located in the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Omora is an outdoor classroom for schools, universities and visitors, a public space, and a natural laboratory to study ecology. UNT works with a consortium of academic institutions to integrate ecological and social aspects of research, education and conservation with the aim to make the Park a formal, long-term ecological research site.

IEB: Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity, Chile

IEB is a center for excellence on ecological research in the South American temperate forests biome and adjacent regional ecosystems. Its mission is to conduct basic and applied research relevant to the environment, train graduate and postdoctoral researchers, and engage in outreach.

UMAG: University of Magallanes, Chile

UMAG, the southern-most university of this planet, aims to develop knowledge and human resources through teaching, research and extension activities. UMAG hosts the first accredited graduate program in sciences in Patagonia and works closely with UNT in developing a dual Master degree in sub-Antarctic, biocultural conservation.

CEP: Center for Environmental Philosophy

CEP promotes an understanding of environmental ethics by publishing journals and books, and advancing research through workshops, conferences, and education. CEP continues to publish the respected journal Environmental Ethics, the first journal of its kind in this nascent discipline. Dr. Eugene Hargrove, CEP president, authored the field’s first textbook, Foundations of Environmental Ethics.

Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program

Coordinated by UNT in the U.S. and UMAG and the IEB in Chile, the program and cluster work to integrate the ecological sciences and environmental ethics through research opportunities, interdisciplinary education and public outreach. Begun as a local effort at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park in 2000, the program today is an international and interdisciplinary venture.

Contributing Research Cluster:
Sub-Antarctic Ecosystems and Biocultural Conservation

Surface Science and Engineering

CART: Center for Advanced Research and Technology


CART is one of the most advanced university facilities in the nation for research involving materials synthesis and analysis, from atomic to macro scales. CART features sophisticated equipment used for true 3-D characterization, processing, and cross-disciplinary analysis. A new NSF funded, university Nanofabrication Analysis and Research Facility provides an adjoining cleanroom so that materials can be synthesized, tested, and transferred in close proximity under controlled conditions, creating a powerful combination of capabilities in one location.

ISES: Institute for Science and Engineering Simulation

 ISES uses advanced characterization, simulation and modeling of aerospace components and materials to maintain and extend the life of aging U.S. Air Force aircraft, prevent catastrophic engine failure, and aid the Air Force in developing better materials for the next generation of aircraft.

CEMPI: Center for Electronic Materials Processing and Integration

CEMPI studies advanced plasma processes and insulators used in manufacturing state-of-the-art semiconductor chips, with a mission to increase performance. The center is jointly funded by UNT and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), the world’s leading industry consortium for research in semiconductors and related technologies.

LMMA: Laboratory for Moving Mechanical Assemblies

Research activities support the synthesis and processing of thin films and laser processed bulk composites; characterization; and interrelationships of ceramic, metallic and polymeric materials and their composites.

Surface Science Laboratory

Research investigates atomic level understanding and control of chemistry at surfaces and interfaces in various environments, including ultra-high vacuum (UHV), high pressure, gas phase environments, and aqueous solutions, with applications in microelectronics fabrication, nanocatalysis, and corrosion.

Laboratory of Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry and imaging instruments support local, national, and international research. The laboratory offers a suite of mass spectrometry and imaging instruments with applications in chemistry, toxicology, environmental, forensic, and material science. Instruments include Quadrupole Ion Traps, Reflectron Time-of-Flight, Triple Quad, and Single Quad. The GC, Nanospray, and Electrospray are coupled to Quadrupole Ion Traps and Triple Quads (Thermo DECA, TSQ 7000, Polaris), and the MALDI is coupled to Time-of Flight. ICP-MS is a Varian 820-MS.

The Bone and Joint Research Center, UNT Health Science Center

The interdisciplinary center facilitates collaborations within its system and with national and international institutions. BJRC houses state-of-the-art equipment for experimental and computational studies in areas including tissue mechanics, multi-scale modeling and biomaterial evaluation.

Contributing Research Clusters:
Materials Modeling

Multi-scale Surface Science and Engineering

Renewable Bioproducts

Web Archiving and Distributed Preservation

Library of Congress

The Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections. Its mission is to support the Congress in fulfilling its constitutional duties and to further the progress of knowledge and creativity for the benefit of the American people.

Internet Archive

The Archive is a non-profit library organization that offers access for researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format. It includes texts, audio, moving images, and software as well as archived web pages, and provides specialized services for persons with disabilities.

Institute of Museum and Library Services

The Institute is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 17,500 museums, with a mission to create strong libraries and museums that connect people to information and ideas. The Institute works to sustain heritage, culture, and knowledge; enhance learning and innovation; and support professional development.

IIPC: International Internet Preservation Consortium

Open to libraries, archives, museums and cultural heritage institutions around the world, the IIPC acquires, preserves, and makes accessible knowledge and information from the Internet for future generations, promoting global exchange and international relations.

MetaArchive Cooperative

The MetaArchive is a digital repository and collaborative network of libraries, archives, and other cultural memory organizations that aims to provide low cost, high impact solutions for the care and preservation of digital materials.

TxCDK: Texas Center for Digital Knowledge

TxCDK is a research, development, and consulting service enterprise that brings together researchers from multiple disciplines to enhance the relationships between individual knowledge workers and the technology-based environments in which they work.

Contributing Research Cluster:
KDDI: Knowledge Discovery from Digital Information

Additional Areas of Expertise

  • Communication Design
  • Decision Sciences
  • Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
  • Global Consumer Experience
  • Informatics
  • Linguistics
  • Medical Geography and Anthropology
  • Science and Philosophy of Interdisciplinarity
  • Sport Psychology and Physical Fitness
  • STEM Education and Research
  • TX History