Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Am I required to deposit my data in a public database?
  2. Are animals allowed in the Libraries?
  3. Are children permitted in the Libraries?
  4. Are government documents copyrighted?
  5. Are patrons allowed to use the 24 Center Computers without an ID?
  6. Are smoking and tobacco products permitted in the Libraries?
  7. Are textbooks on reserve?
  8. Are the Libraries open to the public?
  9. Are there any locked carrels available?
  10. Are there designated group study areas in the Libraries?
  11. Are there designated quiet areas of the Libraries?
  12. Are there limits to the number of distance learning items I can request?
  13. Are there other computer labs?
  14. Can Archives and Rare Books' employees do research for me?
  15. Can authors submit work that was completed while they were at another institution?
  16. Can cell phones be used in the Libraries?
  17. Can distance learning materials be delivered to the Dallas Campus?
  18. Can I borrow books at the UNT Health Science Center?
  19. Can I check out microforms?
  20. Can I do my practicum/internship in the Archives and Rare Books department?
  21. Can I give my ID to someone else to check out books for me?
  22. Can I have a book delivered from one UNT Library to another?
  23. Can I have articles from Remote Storage e-mailed to me?
  24. Can I leave my bicycle inside the Libraries?
  25. Can I negotiate my author rights with a publisher?
  26. Can I pay my library fine over the telephone?
  27. Can I print from microforms?
  28. Can I print in color at the 24 Center?
  29. Can I renew reserve items?
  30. Can I request an item be brought from remote storage even though I am not eligible to checkout materials?
  31. Can I request items be delivered to the Dallas Campus?
  32. Can I reserve a room or other library space for a special purpose/use?
  33. Can I return books to the Dallas Campus Library?
  34. Can I return Media Library materials after hours?
  35. Can I see my library account online?
  36. Can I use my digital camera in the reading room while I am doing research?
  37. Can My Book Be Repaired?
  38. Can someone else pay my fine?
  39. Can TWU Faculty check out items from the Library?
  40. Can you bind my thesis, dissertation, or class project?
  41. Can you deliver materials to me?
  42. Can you evaluate, repair, or treat an old book or document that I own?
  43. Can you scan something for me?
  44. Can you tell me how much something is worth?
  45. Do I have to pay to print?
  46. Do I have to sign for distance learning materials?
  47. Do the UNT Libraries sell reproductions of Government-related posters?
  48. Do we have the ASME Journals? How do I access them?
  49. Do you have floor maps for the various library locations?
  50. Do you have unique, special, or digital collections to aid researchers?
  51. Does data management and access include supporting documentation and metadata, such as validation protocols, field notebooks, etc.?
  52. Does data management and sharing mean that I must make my data available immediately, even before publication?
  53. Does the library have laptops available for checkout?
  54. Does UNT offer information on data management?
  55. How can I find out about the Media Library film screenings?
  56. How can I get a thesis/dissertation from another university?
  57. How can I get access to materials from other libraries?
  58. How can I get help researching government documents and legal materials?
  59. How can I locate a reserve item I need for my class?
  60. How can I obtain a copy of a U.S. military field manual or technical manual?
  61. How can I obtain a grant, loan, or other assistance from the government?
  62. How can I protest a fine?
  63. How can I research the background of a poster or print?
  64. How can I use one of the StarBoards (interactive whiteboards) at the Eagle Commons or Discovery Park Libraries?
  65. How do Faculty reserve media materials for class?
  66. How do I access an e-Book?
  67. How do I access electronic reserves?
  68. How do I access media materials if I am a distance education student?
  69. How do I add materials to reserves?
  70. How do I borrow items from the Libraries?
  71. How do I change my password?
  72. How do I cite a government document in my term paper bibliography?
  73. How do I cite media for my research papers?
  74. How do I find a book?
  75. How do I find a government publication in the UNT Libraries?
  76. How do I find information about the law (court cases, bills, statutes and codes, regulations, or law reviews)?
  77. How do I find U.S. Census information or other statistics?
  78. How do I get to the Eagle Commons Library?
  79. How do I mail distance learning materials back to the libraries?
  80. How do I make a purchase suggestion for media materials?
  81. How do I make an Interlibrary Loan request?
  82. How do I obtain copies of out-of-print government publications?
  83. How do I order materials to add to the collection?
  84. How do I pay a library fine?
  85. How do I record my presentation in the study rooms at the Eagle Commons Library?
  86. How do I renew a book?
  87. How do I renew my ILL book?
  88. How do I renew my library card?
  89. How do I reserve a study room in the Eagle Commons Library?
  90. How do I schedule an instruction session for my class?
  91. How do I use the computers in the Libraries?
  92. How does data management relate to the issue of open access publishing?
  93. How does the UNT Scholarly Works submission process work?
  94. How is distance learning material sent to me?
  95. How is the UNT Scholarly Works repository related to Open Access?
  96. How is using the UNT Scholarly Works repository different from posting research on my personal website?
  97. How long can I check a book out?
  98. How long can I check out an Interlibrary Loan book?
  99. How long can I keep a reserve item checked out?
  100. How long can I keep DVDs or videos from the Media Library?
  101. How long does it take for items to be delivered through the Online Holds Service?
  102. How long does it take for materials to reach me when I enter a distance learning request?
  103. How long should data be archived and made accessible?
  104. How long will retrieved items be held for pickup as part of the Online Holds Service?
  105. How many music books/scores can I check out?
  106. How many times can I renew a book/score?
  107. How much does printing cost in the 24 Center?
  108. How much does the distance learning service cost?
  109. How much is my vintage poster or print worth?
  110. How soon must I place an order to be able to use it the following semester?
  111. How to I find information in a Subscription Database?
  112. I can’t come to the library to do my research. Can you look something up for me or conduct research on my behalf?
  113. I found an image on the Portal to Texas History from your collections that I would like to use in my book/documentary/journal article. Can I do that?
  114. I have a book with a missing or incorrect call number. Who should I contact?
  115. I have an item or a collection that I would like to donate to the Archive and Rare Books collection. Are you interested?
  116. I have an old stock certificate. How can I find if it has any value, and what happened to the company that issued it?
  117. I spilled water on a book I have checked out. What do I do?
  118. I'm a vendor of preservation products or services. Who should I contact?
  119. I'm not affiliated with UNT. Do I have access to the government publications and related services in your library?
  120. If I can't find a microform item in the online catalog, does that mean you don't have it?
  121. If I need a book that is checked out to someone else, what can I do?
  122. If the Libraries do not have the book I need, how can I get it?
  123. Is a plan for Data Management required if my project is not expected to generate data or samples?
  124. Is identification required to enter the library buildings?
  125. Is there a limit to how many books I can check out?
  126. Is there a limit to how many requests I can make through the Online Holds Service?
  127. Is there any way to scan microforms into the computer?
  128. May I check out government documents?
  129. May I check out periodicals, reference materials, or non-circulating material?
  130. May I reproduce the images in the UNT Libraries digital collections?
  131. May I use LexisNexis? How do I access it?
  132. The online catalog says the book or article I want is in Preservation, Bind Prep, At Bindery, or In Processing. Can you get it for me?
  133. What are microforms?
  134. What are reserves?
  135. What are the hours for the Eagle Commons Library?
  136. What are the hours for the Media Library?
  137. What are the hours of the Government Documents Department?
  138. What are the individual desks in Willis that always have books stored on them or have locks?
  139. What can I do if I forgot my ILLiad password?
  140. What constitutes "data" covered by a Data Management Plan?
  141. What databases and online tools are best for research in my subject?
  142. What do I do if I damage a library book?
  143. What do I do if I don't know my EUID or I am having trouble with it?
  144. What do I do if I lose my ID?
  145. What do I need to check out library materials?
  146. What do the Media Library call numbers mean?
  147. What does "my library registration has expired" mean?
  148. What does the location "Remote Storage" mean?
  149. What happened to the Science and Technology Library?
  150. What if the UNT Libraries do not have an article I need?
  151. What is a course password?
  152. What is a government document?
  153. What is an approval plan?
  154. What is ILLiad?
  155. What is Interlibrary Loan?
  156. What is the Library Annex Reading Room?
  157. What is the Online Holds Service?
  158. What is the UNT Scholarly Works repository collection?
  159. What kind of items are you interested in collecting?
  160. What kind of items do you not accept?
  161. What reference services does the Media Library offer?
  162. What services are provided for distance learners?
  163. What type of wireless access is available in the Libraries?
  164. Where are scanners that students can use?
  165. Where are the Library Services Desks located?
  166. Where are the original paper copies of the posters in the UNT Digital Library?
  167. Where can I find a certain call number within the Eagle Commons Library?
  168. Where can I find a map, directions, or an address for the Libraries?
  169. Where can I get information on formatting citations or using a particular style guide?
  170. Where can I get tax forms or IRS publications?
  171. Where can I obtain military records?
  172. Where can I obtain posters online?
  173. Where can I purchase an original or a high-quality reproduction of a vintage poster?
  174. Where can I study at the Discovery Park Library?
  175. Where do I pick up my ILL book?
  176. Where do I return library items I have checked out?
  177. Where is the copy machine at the Discovery Park Library?
  178. Where is the libraries lost and found?
  179. Where is the location of Research and Instructional Services?
  180. Who can submit items to the UNT Scholarly Works collection?
  181. Who can view content in the UNT Scholarly Works repository?
  182. Who do I contact in the library for question related to my department?
  183. Who is eligible for distance learning services?
  184. Will I be fined if I am late turning in a reserve item?
  185. Will I receive a notice for overdue items?
  1. Am I required to deposit my data in a public database?

    What constitutes reasonable data management and access will be determined by the community of interest through the process of peer review and program management. In many cases, these standards already exist, but are likely to evolve as new technologies and resources become available.

  2. Are animals allowed in the Libraries?

    Only service animals are permitted in any of the Libraries facilities. See: Library Use Policy

  3. Are children permitted in the Libraries?

    All children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

  4. Are government documents copyrighted?

    Works of the U.S. federal government are generally not protected by copyright in the United States and are automatically in the public domain (17USC§ 105); however, there are numerous exceptions and refinements to this rule.

    For a detailed explanation of how copyright law is applied to government publications, see Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright: 3.0 U.S.Government Works and 4.0 Works Created Under a Federal Contractor Grant on the CENDI Web site.

    Also, be sure you know the difference between copyright infringement and plagiarism.

    State and local governments may, and often do, claim copyright in their publications. It is their prerogative to set policies that may allow, require, restrict, or prohibit claim of copyright on some or all works produced by their government units. (See CENDI FAQ 3.1.3)

  5. Are patrons allowed to use the 24 Center Computers without an ID?

    No. University policy states that patrons must present a valid UNT ID (UNT EUID/Password) to use the general access computer lab workstations in the 24hr Student Computing Center.

  6. Are smoking and tobacco products permitted in the Libraries?

    Smoking and tobacco products are not permitted in the Libraries. University policy prohibits smoking in all campus buildings and within 20 feet of any entrance to a campus building. See: Library Use Policy

  7. Are textbooks on reserve?

    The only textbooks on reserve are those placed there at the request of the instructor.

  8. Are the Libraries open to the public?

    Any individual may use materials within the guidelines established by the libraries within the appropriate buildings/areas. Materials are checked out only to persons with proper ID. For more information read the Library Use policy.

  9. Are there any locked carrels available?

    There are a limited number of locked carrels available on the 3rd floor of Willis Library. Only doctoral students can reserve these. Apply at the Library Services Desk for one of these carrels.

  10. Are there designated group study areas in the Libraries?

    There are a number of areas available to you for group study in most location.  Please see the study space overview for information about what is available in our different locations.

  11. Are there designated quiet areas of the Libraries?

    Each of the Libraries facilities has noise level designations. Please see the Study Spaces Overview.

  12. Are there limits to the number of distance learning items I can request?

    There are no limits. However, requesting a large amount will slow the process down.

  13. Are there other computer labs?

    Yes. There are 13 computer labs in the UNT GACL System, including one at Discovery Park, and 12 across the Denton Campus. For more information on the various labs check out the GACL website.

  14. Can Archives and Rare Books' employees do research for me?

    Because we have a small staff in the Archives, we cannot conduct research for others that may be significantly time consuming. We are happy to look for the answer to simple questions about the history of UNT or basic information about the collections in the Archives.

    Simple Question Example:  "What year was UNT founded?"

    Complex Question Example: "Could you look through the district Court Civil Case Papers, 1849-1900,for Cooke County,and find the one in which my relative was involved?"

  15. Can authors submit work that was completed while they were at another institution?

    Yes. We are happy to include work created by current UNT authors, even if it was completed before they came to UNT. This assists authors by providing one, centralized digital repository where all of the research and scholarship over their career can be archived and preserved.

  16. Can cell phones be used in the Libraries?

    Cell phones should be turned off or set to a non-audible signal while you are in the Libraries. Cell phones should be used only in designated areas and you should be considerate of others and keep your conversations short and your voice lowered. See: Library Use Policy

  17. Can distance learning materials be delivered to the Dallas Campus?

    Yes. The libraries' courier goes to the Dallas Campus twice a week and will deliver and pick up materials.

  18. Can I borrow books at the UNT Health Science Center?

    Yes, but you will need to get a TexShare card from the Willis Library Services Desk on the 1st floor before you go to their library.

  19. Can I check out microforms?

    No, microforms are non-circulating and can only be used at the lower level of Willis Library.

  20. Can I do my practicum/internship in the Archives and Rare Books department?

    The Archives and Rare Books department employs students in paid and unpaid positions. Open student positions are listed on the UNT student job website, linked here. If you are interested in doing your internship or practicum in Archives and Rare Books contact please contact us directly.

  21. Can I give my ID to someone else to check out books for me?

    No, an ID may be used only by the person whose name appears on it.

  22. Can I have a book delivered from one UNT Library to another?

    It depends on where the item is located and which library you would like it delivered to. Please see Library Online Holds Service for specifics.

    See Also:

  23. Can I have articles from Remote Storage e-mailed to me?

    Copies of articles from Remote Storage items are usually e-mailed but there may be some limitations in cases where the articles are more than 30 pages.

  24. Can I leave my bicycle inside the Libraries?

    Bicycles may not be left in any of the Libraries facilities. Use available bicycle racks in front of the buildings. See: Library Use Policy.

  25. Can I negotiate my author rights with a publisher?

    Yes. An Author Addendum is a legal instrument that can be added to a publishing agreement in order to allow an author to retain certain rights to their work. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) website provides information for authors on securing their rights and provides an Addendum to Publication Agreement that authors can download and include as a supplement to their publishing contract. For questions or more information, e-mail us.

  26. Can I pay my library fine over the telephone?

    Yes, up until fifteen minutes before the Willis Library Services Desk closes. The contact phone number is (940) 565-2414.

  27. Can I print from microforms?

    Yes, there are reader/printers for microfilm and microfiche in Willis Library, room 025 that print for 10 cents per page. A TracCard or money on your UNT ID must be used for payment.

    In addition, there is a digital scanner for microfilm and microfiche. This machine is connected to a public terminal so the information can be saved to a flash drive, emailed, or burned to a cd.

    All services are self serve, but staff is available to help you with the equipment during Microform Service Desk hours.

  28. Can I print in color at the 24 Center?

    The 24 Center does not offer color printing. To check if a specific lab offers color printing click the individual lab links on the GACL website.

  29. Can I renew reserve items?

    No, reserve items may not be renewed.

  30. Can I request an item be brought from remote storage even though I am not eligible to checkout materials?

    Yes, the item will be brought to the Library Services Desk and you may view it in the library.

  31. Can I request items be delivered to the Dallas Campus?

    Yes, if you are a Distance Learning student you may choose to have items delivered to the UNT Dallas Campus Library. Requests should be entered through your ILLiad account. In your ILLiad user information, select Dallas Campus as your "Delivery Location". For information about Distance Learning see the Information for Distance Learning Students.

  32. Can I reserve a room or other library space for a special purpose/use?

    It depends on which space you need. Linked below are the appropriate web pages, forms, and e-mail contacts for our various spaces.

  33. Can I return books to the Dallas Campus Library?

    Yes. While it is preferable that books be returned to the library where they were checked out, it is possible to return them to the Dallas Campus Library.

  34. Can I return Media Library materials after hours?

    Yes, please refer to the Media Library's Returning Items to the Libraries page for information about drop box locations and guidelines.

  35. Can I see my library account online?

    To access your library account online, go to Accounts Login (linked at the top of this page too!) and fill in your EUID and Password under UNT Library Catalog Login. Your catalog account allows you to renew items, check the status of holds, view fine totals, and manage preferred searches.

  36. Can I use my digital camera in the reading room while I am doing research?

    Sure! You may use a digital camera to create images for personal research use. If you want to use images beyond personal use you will need to fill out the Permission for Use form.

  37. Can My Book Be Repaired?

    The Preservation staff performs preservation work on our collection materials, but we do not generally repair items from the general public. If you would like to contact us, we will be happy to offer you some suggestions or refer you to a list of professional conservators in the area.

  38. Can someone else pay my fine?

    Yes, anyone may pay your fine.

  39. Can TWU Faculty check out items from the Library?

    TWU Faculty may check out most Library materials after setting up an account at the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor of Willis Library. See the individual circulation policies for information on specific material types, loan periods, and check out limits.

  40. Can you bind my thesis, dissertation, or class project?

    The Preservation Department can bind materials that do not belong to UNT, visit the Binding and Repair page for prices and services of repairing personal items. However, we do limit the number of outside materials we will work on each month. Please visit the Preservation Department website for more information about prices and scheduling an appointment.

  41. Can you deliver materials to me?

    Using Distance Learning Services?

    • Yes, as long as you qualify for the service, we have the address, and someone will be present to sign for the materials.

    On campus?

  42. Can you evaluate, repair, or treat an old book or document that I own?

    Yes. The Preservation Unit now offers treatment services to the community for a fee. Please contact Jessica Phillips for more information or to set up an appointment.

  43. Can you scan something for me?

    Yes, we can! See the Request for Reproduction form, available here, for more information.

  44. Can you tell me how much something is worth?

    Sorry, but we are unable to offer monetary appraisals. To arrange an item appraisal you need to contact a professional appraiser.

  45. Do I have to pay to print?

    If you are a student, you can do a limited amount of printing at the Willis 24 Center or one of the Computer Labs in close proximity to a library location.

    If you are not a student, the libraries have both pay-for-print solutions, and scanners available in select locations.

  46. Do I have to sign for distance learning materials?

    Yes, the materials are sent Express Mail and you will need to sign for them.

  47. Do the UNT Libraries sell reproductions of Government-related posters?

    The UNT Libraries cannot print copies of posters or prints in our collection.

    The National Archives and Records Administration sells posters and facsimiles painstakingly reproduced from holdings in the National Archives.

  48. Do we have the ASME Journals? How do I access them?

    ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) products are available to anyone, including the general public, by using a computer on the UNT campus. Currently-enrolled UNT students, faculty and staff can access ASME products off campus with a UNT EUID and password. (See Tips and Tricks for Using UNT Library Electronic Resources)

    To access ASME products from the Libraries home page:

    The ASME Digital Library has direct access to ASME Transaction Jounrals. 

    If for some reason you are not able to access a specific journal within the database or need additional help locating journal articles, please contact Beth Thomsett-Scott directly at 940-369-6437 or by email.

    The Discovery Park Library also has the ASME Journals in print. To locate a specific journal, do a journal title search in the UNT Library Catalog.

  49. Do you have floor maps for the various library locations?

    Yes, please see the floor maps listed here or ask for a floor map at a library service desk.

  50. Do you have unique, special, or digital collections to aid researchers?

  51. Does data management and access include supporting documentation and metadata, such as validation protocols, field notebooks, etc.?

    All researchers are expected to be able to explain and defend their results. Doing so usually entails maintaining complete records of how data were collected. The manner in which one maintains such records and makes them available to others will vary from project to project. What constitutes reasonable procedures will be determined by the community of interest through the process of peer review and program management. These standards are likely to evolve as new technologies and resources become available.

  52. Does data management and sharing mean that I must make my data available immediately, even before publication?

    Not necessarily. The expectation is that all data will be made available after a reasonable length of time. However, what constitutes a reasonable length of time will be determined by the community of interest through the process of peer review and program management.

  53. Does the library have laptops available for checkout?

    Yes. Please see: Laptops for Checkout, and this policy page about Borrowing Reserves & Laptops.

  54. Does UNT offer information on data management?

    Yes. The UNT Office of Research and Economic Development offers information about data management plans as a service for the UNT community. In addition, the UNT Libraries have an informative website with information about data management.

  55. How can I find out about the Media Library film screenings?

    The Media Library sponsors several free film series. To find out about upcoming screenings and events, check our website or our Facebook.

    For a complete list of our screenings and events, check our Media Library News & Events page.

  56. How can I get a thesis/dissertation from another university?

    By searching the Proquest Dissertations and Theses Database (PQDT) in the Libraries' Electronic Resources you will have access to full-text of over one million theses and dissertations. If PQDT does not have the item you need, please enter an Interlibrary Loan request.

    Direct access is available through the ProQuest website. 

  57. How can I get access to materials from other libraries?

    You have several options:

    1. Students, Faculty & Staff: Request the item through Interlibrary loan.
    2. Students, Faculty & Staff: Apply for a TexShare card and take this card to another institution that participates in the program.
    3. Faculty: Apply for an OCLC Reciprocal Borrowing Cards and take this card to another institution that participates in the program.
  58. How can I get help researching government documents and legal materials?

    Government Documents Department staff members provide assistance when you have questions, need directions, or want advice about finding government, business, geographic, statistical, or legal information.

    See Government Documents Reference Services to find out what services we provide and how to obtain services.

  59. How can I locate a reserve item I need for my class?

    Visit the appropriate library service desk and library staff will gladly help you locate your needed item. Please present your UNT ID card to check the item(s) out. For more information, see: Course Reserves

  60. How can I obtain a copy of a U.S. military field manual or technical manual?

    Historical Manuals

    The UNT Libraries Government Documents Department owns hundreds of technical and field manuals published by the War Department and the Navy Department between 1939 and 1947. There are also numerous technical manuals (TMs) and field manuals (FMs) published from 1947 to present.

    There are several ways to obtain copies of technical manuals.

    The best way to determine if UNT owns the technical manual you are looking for is to search the Library Catalog.

    You may be able to obtain a copy through Interlibrary Loan. If you know which manuals you are looking for, submit the request at your local library’s Interlibrary Loan office, and they will try to borrow the manual from a library that owns it.

    If you wish to purchase a manual, Military/Info Publishing sells photocopies of technical manuals. Their site is organized by subject and by manual number.

    Recent Manuals

    More recent military manuals can be purchased through the U.S. Army Publishing Directorate. has posted PDF copies of a number of military manuals and guides. Select the department, then select from a list of titles and categories.

    Please contact us if you need further assistance.

  61. How can I obtain a grant, loan, or other assistance from the government?

    Many people look to the government to find out how to apply for a grant or to get "free money," which they have seen advertised on television or in various publications. Grants usually go to state and local governments or nonprofit organizations, which then use the money to operate assistance programs locally. It may be difficult for an individual to qualify for a federal grant., the official Web portal of the United States federal government, has a page explaining government Grants and Loans for individuals, as well as information about legitimate Grant and Loan Opportunities and Contact Information for grant- or benefit-sponsoring agencies.

    Our Financial Assistance page provides information on how to learn about and apply for financial assistance from federal, state, and local governmental and private sources.

  62. How can I protest a fine?

    Please fill out our UNT Libraries Fine Dispute Form. If you have any questions about the form, please contact our Library Services Desk at (940) 565-2414 or visit in person on the 1st floor of Willis Library.

  63. How can I research the background of a poster or print?

    Our short bibliography of Guides to World War I & II Posters lists books that provide background on World War I and World War II posters. Some of these books are available at UNT, and some may be available at other libraries or through Interlibrary Loan.

    More books about posters can be identified by doing a subject search in the Library Catalog with the "Collection" field set as "Government Documents".

  64. How can I use one of the StarBoards (interactive whiteboards) at the Eagle Commons or Discovery Park Libraries?

    Visit the library service desk to check out the appropriate equipment with your UNT ID card. Please ask library staff for help getting started and feel free to take a brochure with you detailing how to work with a StarBoard. See: Interactive Whiteboards.

  65. How do Faculty reserve media materials for class?

    Faculty, instructors, adjunct and teaching fellows can place media materials on the reserve shelf for their students to come and watch at the Media Library in Chilton Hall. These items cannot leave the library to ensure that they are available for the students of the specified course. To place media items on reserve, please look into the Placing Items on Reserves page for specific directions.

    To schedule media materials for in class usage on certain dates please refer to the instructions on Media Booking & Courier Service page.

  66. How do I access an e-Book?

    E-Books are accessed through the UNT Library Catalog or through Electronic Resources. When you find the item, click on the title and follow the instructions. For more information on E-Books at UNT Libraries, consult  the E-Book Collections Guide

  67. How do I access electronic reserves?

    Go to the Course Reserves section of the catalog. Search for the item you need by Course or by Instructor's Name. When you find the item you want, click on the title. You will be asked for EUID, password and course password. Explanations for each are located on the page.

  68. How do I access media materials if I am a distance education student?

    Please contact

  69. How do I add materials to reserves?

  70. How do I borrow items from the Libraries?

    Typically you can bring your materials to a library services desk and present your UNT ID card. Most books circulate according to the Borrowing Books and Other Regular Circulating Items policy.  For details please see this page on checking out materials.

  71. How do I change my password?

    Which password are you thinking of?

    UNT Password: Go to and reset your password. It normally takes 5-15 minutes for the new password to take effect. You can log in as a guest at the Libraries' computers to reset your password.

    Your Catalog Password: Well, for UNT students, faculty, and staff, this is the same as above.  Visitors will need to contact the Library Services Desk

    Interlibrary Loan/Illiad: Go here.

  72. How do I cite a government document in my term paper bibliography?

    Our Citation and Style Guide Web page provides general guidelines for citing various types of publication, including government documents.

    DocsCite, a service provided by the Arizona State University Libraries, automatically constructs a citation for you in MLA or APA format, based on information you enter.

    Several style manuals are available at the Eagle Commons Library Service Desk.

    If you are writing for a class or for publication, your instructor or publisher is always the final authority to consult for determining which style to use as well as for determining the proper format for a specific citation.

    In order to avoid last-minute deadline crises, we recommend that you always make a photocopy of the title page, and/or write down the call number of any government publication you use for research projects. Without this information, it is extremely difficult to relocate a document you may need for writing your bibliography.

  73. How do I cite media for my research papers?

    Please see Citing Media for citation guidelines.

  74. How do I find a book?

    • Use the Library Catalog
    • Search for your item by keyword, title, author, or use the advanced search features to limit your query to special material types, or areas within the libraries.
    • Once you've found a potential item note: (a) the location, (b) the call number, and (c) the item's availability.
    • View our extensive help pages in the catalog to learn how to use that system effectively.
    • Contact Research and Instructional Services for more help.
  75. How do I find a government publication in the UNT Libraries?

    When using the Library Catalog:

    • Open the Library Catalog search page.
    • Enter in keywords, title, author, or subject*.
    • Under the "Collection" field select Government Documents. 

    *If title is unknown, you can also browse or search electronically scanned documents and archived government websites through the Digital Collections

  76. How do I find information about the law (court cases, bills, statutes and codes, regulations, or law reviews)?

    Detailed information about finding and using legal resources is available in our Law Subject Guide.

    LexisNexis Academic provides online access to legal materials for members of the UNT community.

    ProQuest Congressional provides online access to congressional, legislative, and regulatory materials for members of the UNT community.

    LexisNexis State Capital provides online access to information about state law, legislation, and legislators for members of the UNT community.

    For further assistance with legal research, please visit the Government Documents Service Desk on the 3rd Floor of Willis Library, or contact the Government Documents Department by E-mail, postal mail, or telephone.

    The Government Documents staff are not attorneys or paralegals and are neither authorized nor qualified to practice law. We can help you identify and locate print and online sources and can assist you in using these sources, but we cannot conduct research for you, give you legal advice, or interpret laws or cases for you.

  77. How do I find U.S. Census information or other statistics?

    Information about the U.S. Census, including where to find data published by the Census, is available on our Census Subject Guide.

    Information about where to find statistical data published by federal, state, local, international, and foreign government agencies, as well as data available from commercial sources, is available on our Statistical Resources web page.

  78. How do I get to the Eagle Commons Library?

    We are located in Sycamore Hall north of the UNT clock tower and facing the Biology Building/Life Sciences Complex.

  79. How do I mail distance learning materials back to the libraries?

    Labels and pre-paid mailers are supplied to return book to the Libraries. These are provided at the Libraries' expense.

  80. How do I make a purchase suggestion for media materials?

    Please use the Purchase Request Form.

  81. How do I make an Interlibrary Loan request?

    Please see this page on Interlibrary Loan Borrowing for complete details of the process.

  82. How do I obtain copies of out-of-print government publications?

    Detailed information on locating out-of-print government documents is available on the "How to Obtain United States Government Publications" page. 

  83. How do I order materials to add to the collection?

    Any faculty member can submit an order for materials to be purchased out of the department’s library allocation. The requested titles are purchased if the funds are available. 

    In addition, any faculty member can submit a freely-accessible online resource for inclusion in the catalog or other finding aids.


  84. How do I pay a library fine?

    Fines can be paid in person at the Library Services Desk located on the 1st floor of Willis Library, by mail, or by phone at 940-565-2414. For specifics you can visit the Paying Fines page.

  85. How do I record my presentation in the study rooms at the Eagle Commons Library?

    After checking out the appropriate equipment from the library service desk, you will need to use the projector and NCast software to start a presentation and recording session. Please ask for assistance at our service desk to be led through the process.

  86. How do I renew a book?

  87. How do I renew my ILL book?

    You may request a renewal of your Interlibrary Loan book through your ILLiad account or by contacting the Interlibrary Loan Department. Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library. Renewals will not be requested for overdue books.

  88. How do I renew my library card?

    UNT IDs are automatically renewed as long as a student is enrolled or faculty/staff are currently employed. Courtesy Card holders and unenrolled UNT students will need to come to the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor of Willis Library to inquire about renewing library privileges.

  89. How do I reserve a study room in the Eagle Commons Library?

    Students should use the Room Reservations Scheduling Tool, while faculty and staff must either use this request form or reserve over the phone with Facilities and Systems.

  90. How do I schedule an instruction session for my class?

  91. How do I use the computers in the Libraries?

    The guest login is the default when you click the "I have read and understand these statement" button. Using software such as Microsoft Office on the computers in the libraries requires that you log in as a student/staff/faculty with your EUID and password. The computer screen will direct you to the log in screen if you are entering a software program with EUID access required. See also the Academic Computing and User Services web page.

  92. How does data management relate to the issue of open access publishing?

    Open access publishing (making all published articles freely available) is a separate issue that is not addressed in the implementation of the data management plan requirement.

  93. How does the UNT Scholarly Works submission process work?

    You submit your items to the repository, most commonly via email, and include as much or as little additional information as you would like. We normalize the file formats for archiving, write a descriptive metadata record for each item, and email you once your items have been uploaded to UNT Scholarly Works. For complete submission information, see the Submissions page.

  94. How is distance learning material sent to me?

    Books are mailed Express Mail through the U.S. Postal Service. Articles or chapters can be faxed, mailed, or e-mailed. Books can also be delivered to the UNT Dallas Campus Library by the library courier. See: Distance Learning Requests

  95. How is the UNT Scholarly Works repository related to Open Access?

    On March 9, 2011, the UNT Faculty Senate voted to adopt an Open Access Policy which relates specifically to peer-reviewed journal articles. In addition to housing the peer-reviewed journal articles covered under the UNT Open Access Policy, UNT Scholarly Works offers an outlet for scholars to archive and provide access to all of their research and scholarship, including working papers, presentations, academic posters, artwork - the scholarly output of your discipline. Items in UNT Scholarly Works may be made Open Access (available for public use), or restricted to the UNT Community. Optional levels of licensing are also available for all items. For more information on Open Access and the UNT Open Access Policy, visit the Open Access @ UNT website.

  96. How is using the UNT Scholarly Works repository different from posting research on my personal website?

    UNT Scholarly Works provides a central, digital archive for all of the research and scholarship of our UNT Community. The repository provides the additional benefits of full-text searching, a permanent and stable URL, viewable usage statistics, visibility on all major search engines, wider dissemination and increased citations. Putting items in the Scholarly Works repository collection also gives you flexibility to make copyrighted or embargoed items searchable and discoverable by the UNT community or other researchers while maintaining access restrictions.

  97. How long can I check a book out?

    Circulation periods are different depending on the user and on the item being borrowed. You can find specific information about loan period for Books and other Regular Circulating Items here. See other loan periods in the circulation policies.

  98. How long can I check out an Interlibrary Loan book?

    Checkout periods are determined by the lending library but are usually two weeks. Interlibrary Loan books must be returned by the due date or you may be blocked from Library services.

  99. How long can I keep a reserve item checked out?

    The instructor determines the checkout period for reserve items. The choices given to the instructors are 2 hours, 2 hours building use only, 24 hour, 3 day, and 7 day. Two hour reserve items checked out near closing time will be due before the Library Services Desk closes.

  100. How long can I keep DVDs or videos from the Media Library?

    Refer to the Borrowing Media chart for checkout periods and fines.

  101. How long does it take for items to be delivered through the Online Holds Service?

    Your requested items, if they are located, should be available within 48 hours (except on weekends and holidays) and will be delivered to the library service desk requested.

  102. How long does it take for materials to reach me when I enter a distance learning request?

    Books and articles are generally sent within 48 hours. However, books can only be mailed Monday-Friday. See: Distance Learning Requests

  103. How long should data be archived and made accessible?

    What constitutes reasonable procedures will be determined by the community of interest through the process of peer review and program management.

  104. How long will retrieved items be held for pickup as part of the Online Holds Service?

    Retrieved items are held for five days.

  105. How many music books/scores can I check out?

    The Music Library adheres to the library-wide Borrowing Books and Other Regular Circulating Items Policy, but the simple answer is that there is no limit.

  106. How many times can I renew a book/score?

    It depends on the type of material, the status of your library account, and if there is a hold or recall on it (Borrowing Books and Other Regular Circulating Items), but in theory, as many times as you want.  See: Renew Your Materials.

  107. How much does printing cost in the 24 Center?

    The fees you pay as a student at the beginning of each semester cover printing in the Willis 24 Center. You can print one copy of your document. Please use the copy machines in the copy center in the Union or those available in the Library to make additional copies.

  108. How much does the distance learning service cost?

    There is no charge for the service. Labels and pre-paid mailers are supplied to return books to the Libraries at the Libraries' expense.

  109. How much is my vintage poster or print worth?

    The staff of the UNT Libraries are neither qualified nor permitted to provide appraisals of works of art.

    Our Posters and Prints page provides information on Researching and Evaluating Prints and Posters. It includes a list of Price Guides and a list of Professional Appraisers, some of whom may be able to give you a general idea of what your print or poster may be worth.

  110. How soon must I place an order to be able to use it the following semester?

    An order must be placed by December 15 to be available for the Spring Semester.
    All other orders must be in by May 4.

  111. How to I find information in a Subscription Database?

    That's a big question.

    1. If you are okay exploring on your own, use the +FIND tab above, to use the Search Tools.  Under "Databases and More" either search for a generic term or subject, or use the tools to select and browse through our large selection of subscription services.
    2. If you are specifically looking for journal articles, use the "Online Articles" search.  You'll get tons of results.
    3. If you are completely overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Use our Ask Us Service, or maybe explore some of our database tutorials.
  112. I can’t come to the library to do my research. Can you look something up for me or conduct research on my behalf?

    The Archives and Rare Books department offers extensive reference services to facilitate use of our collections. We are happy to help you locate resources, answer questions and provide limited research service. Staff is not available to fill research requests requiring in-depth research or extensive use of materials.

  113. I found an image on the Portal to Texas History from your collections that I would like to use in my book/documentary/journal article. Can I do that?

    Yes! Images are free to use for non-profit projects, other uses require a small licensing fee. All uses require you to complete the Permission for Use form.

  114. I have a book with a missing or incorrect call number. Who should I contact?

  115. I have an item or a collection that I would like to donate to the Archive and Rare Books collection. Are you interested?

    Maybe! We regularly accept donations to our collections. However, we are unable to accept all items. If you wish to discuss a possible donation we are happy to speak with you.

  116. I have an old stock certificate. How can I find if it has any value, and what happened to the company that issued it?

    Here are some Web sites that explain the research necessary to answer your question:

    The Goldsheet Obsolete Securities Page

    Stocks: Researching the Value of Old Certificates

    Collectible Stocks and Bonds

    For a list of paper and microfiche sources available at UNT, see Researching Old Stock Certificates in the UNT Libraries 

    If the company is no longer traded on any exchange, you will need to do some research to determine the value of the shares and/or redeeming the shares. We can't do the research for you, but here are some suggestions:

    First, be sure you have the following information, all of which should be on the certificate:

    • The name of the company

    • The date the shares were issued

    • The state in which the company was incorporated

    The most basic question to resolve is whether the company still exists. It might have changed names, been purchased by another company, etc. The first thing you might do is call or write the transfer agent that is listed on the front of the certificate. A transfer agent handles transfers of stock certificates and should be able to advise you on their value.

    If the transfer agent no longer exists or cannot help you, you might try to contact the company directly. The stock certificate should show the state where the company was incorporated. Contact the Secretary of State in that state, and ask for the Business Corporations Section. (There are links to several state agency Web sites in the Goldsheet Obsolete Securities Web site listed above.) They should be able to give you a history of the company (when it began, merged, dissolved, went bankrupt, etc.). From there you can contact the existing company (if there is one) to find out the value.

    Even if the certificate turns out to be worthless as stock, old certificates can still have considerable value for collectors. The Web sites listed above give sources where you can look up the collector value of an old stock certificate.

  117. I spilled water on a book I have checked out. What do I do?

    Try to absorb all of the moisture by blotting with paper towels. Even if it is a small spill, it is important that the book receive treatment as soon as possible in order to prevent mold growth, page blocking (pages sticking together permanently), and warping. If you can't return the book to the library immediately, stand the book up and fan out the pages so that it can air dry. Bring it to the Willis Library Services Desk as soon as possible; do not put it in the book drop. Do not seal it in a plastic bag, as this can encourage mold growth. You may be charged a fine for damaging the book, but if you bring it to the Library as soon as possible, the Preservation Unit can minimize the damage.

  118. I'm a vendor of preservation products or services. Who should I contact?

    Please contact the Head of the Preservation Department. The Preservation Department staff respectfully requests no unannounced, drop-in visits.

  119. I'm not affiliated with UNT. Do I have access to the government publications and related services in your library?

    Yes, in most cases. As a U.S. Federal Depository Library and a Texas State Publications Depository Library, we provide reference assistance to the UNT community, to the citizens of the 26th Congressional District of Texas, and to the general public in Denton, in Texas, and throughout the world.

    All government publications are available for use in the library building. A picture I.D. (e.g., a driver license or passport) may be required to photocopy certain reserve materials.

    Some electronic materials are restricted to UNT students and faculty. Others may need to be installed on our computers before use. We recommend that you call our Service Desk at 940-565-2870 at least 24 hours in advance to find out if the electronic materials you need are available for use.

    For information about checking out government publications, please see Borrowing Government Documents

  120. If I can't find a microform item in the online catalog, does that mean you don't have it?

    No, new items are being added to the online catalog all the time, but all 2,000,000+ are not in the catalog yet.

  121. If I need a book that is checked out to someone else, what can I do?

    See: Holds and Recalls for complete details on requesting already checked out materials.

  122. If the Libraries do not have the book I need, how can I get it?

    If the Libraries do not own the book you need, you can request it through the Interlibrary Loan.

  123. Is a plan for Data Management required if my project is not expected to generate data or samples?

    Yes. It is acceptable to state in the Data Management Plan that the project is not anticipated to generate data or samples that require management and/or sharing. Principle Investigators (PIs) should note that the statement will be subject to peer review.

  124. Is identification required to enter the library buildings?

    No, all UNT Libraries are open to the public. However, only individuals with current, approved IDs may check out library materials. See: Library Use Policy

  125. Is there a limit to how many books I can check out?

    Generally, there is no limit to the number of regular circulation items that may be checked out. However, library users with a TexShare card issued by a public library are limited to checking out five items at a time. See: Borrowing Books and other Regular Circulating Items

  126. Is there a limit to how many requests I can make through the Online Holds Service?

    There is a limit of ten holds at a time.

  127. Is there any way to scan microforms into the computer?

    Yes, the Microforms Department has a digital scanner available for visitors to use at no charge. It will scan all formats including microfilm, microfiche, and microcards. It is available during regular Microforms Service Desk hours. It is recommended that you bring a flash drive to save your scans. Materials can be saved in many formats, including PDF, TIFF, JPEG, etc.

  128. May I check out government documents?

    Many government documents at UNT may be checked out at the
    Eagle Commons Library Service Desk by presenting a current I.D. card that is honored by the UNT Libraries. See the Circulation Policies & Procedures of the UNT Libraries for information about loan periods, checkout limits, renewals, fines, and replacement charges for lost or damaged materials.

    If you are not a UNT student, you may be eligible to apply for a UNT Libraries Courtesy Card, which may also be used to check out government documents.

    Some government documents are "non-circulating", which means they must be used in the library building, and may not be checked out. Exceptions to this rule are made in special cases, such as student class presentations or faculty research. Please call our Service Desk at 940-565-2870 for more information about "non-circulating" check-outs.

  129. May I check out periodicals, reference materials, or non-circulating material?

    These items do not usually circulate, but there are exceptions based on the user type and the type of the material. See: Borrowing Periodicals

  130. May I reproduce the images in the UNT Libraries digital collections?

    Regarding all government documents digital collections:

    1.1 The UNT Libraries cannot grant or deny permission to reproduce these images, as we are not the copyright holders for the original documents.

    1.2 Many, but not all, government documents are in the public domain. You may check the original and/or digital versions to check for a copyright symbol and author name(s).

    1.3 If you use a digital image from one of our collections, we request that you credit us as a source by including our institution name and the object’s URL. Please do this regardless of whether you publish the image in print or online. For example:

    • [image]

    • University of North Texas Libraries


    See our Copyright Information page or our Digital Libraries page for further information.

  131. May I use LexisNexis? How do I access it?

    LexisNexis products are available to anyone, including the general public, using any computer on the UNT campus. Currently enrolled UNT students and UNT faculty and staff can access LexisNexis products off campus with a UNT EUID and password. [See On & Off Campus Access to Databases & More]

    To access LexisNexis products from the Libraries home page or the +Find Tab, above.

    1. Select the "Databases and More" tab from the Search Tools Box

    2. Select L for Lexis, then scroll down and select the LexisNexis product of your choice.

    Direct access is available through the LexisNexis homepage. 

    Some products that were formerly owned by LexisNexis have been acquired by ProQuest. The following products are available at UNT:

  132. The online catalog says the book or article I want is in Preservation, Bind Prep, At Bindery, or In Processing. Can you get it for me?

    In most cases, the item can be retrieved immediately or rushed for next-day use.

  133. What are microforms?

    Microforms are materials that contain microreproductions of documents that are commonly reduced to 1/25th of the original document size. This allows a vast amount of information to be stored in a small space. They come in several formats; microfilm which is film printed on a reel, microfiche which is film printed on flat sheets, and microcard which is printed on paper similar to an index card.

  134. What are reserves?

    Reserves are materials selected by faculty as required or recommended reading for their courses. See:

  135. What are the hours for the Eagle Commons Library?

    Please refer to the Eagle Commons Library Hours page.

  136. What are the hours for the Media Library?

    Please refer to the Media Library Hours page.

  137. What are the hours of the Government Documents Department?

    Our Hours web page provides detailed information about when the Government Documents Service Desk is open.

    Contact the Service Desk regarding what services and materials are available during operational hours, and what materials are available during Willis Library hours. 

    • Phone: 940-565-2870
    • Fax: 940-369-876
    • E-mail
  138. What are the individual desks in Willis that always have books stored on them or have locks?

    These are graduate reserve carrels, which are available on a first come, first serve basis to UNT graduate students and UNT faculty. Please see this page for complete details: Graduate Reserve Carrels

  139. What can I do if I forgot my ILLiad password?

    If you have forgotten your ILLiad password, please use the "Forgot Password" link on the ILLiad login page to reset your password. You may also contact the Interlibrary Loan Department to obtain a new password.

  140. What constitutes "data" covered by a Data Management Plan?

    What constitutes such data will be determined by the community of interest through the process of peer review and program management. This may include, but is not limited to data, publications, samples, physical collections, software, and models.

  141. What databases and online tools are best for research in my subject?

    Try browsing through our subject guides.  These guides are written by librarians whose focus is on serving the needs of various academic units at UNT. To find a guide you can:

    1. Subject Guides:
      Browse the Subject Guides Site, itself, or
      Click on the +FIND tab at the top of this page and on the search box, choose the subject guides tab.  Now, either search for an existing Subject Guide or Class Page or use the dropdown menu to filter guides to your area of interest. 
    2. If you know the name of the database you wish to search, you may go to the Find Databases and E-Journals Site 

    Alternative: If you want fast access to a wide variety of sources, use the Online Articles  tab in the +FIND Tab, do a search on your interest area, and use the facets in the results to further limit (or expand) your query to include/exclude various subjects and material types.  If your search is broad enough, the system will suggest specialized databases. You may need to refine your search results further. 

  142. What do I do if I damage a library book?

    Contact the Library Services Desk. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may have to pay a rebind fee or, if the damage is extensive, you may have to pay the replacement cost of the item. See: Damaged Item Charges

  143. What do I do if I don't know my EUID or I am having trouble with it?

    Generally, if you are a UNT faculty, staff or student and are having trouble accessing your account, visit to manage your EUID.

    If you are having trouble using your EUID to log into the library catalog to renew books or view course reserve materials, the problem may be your password. Make sure that it does not contain characters such as $, >, or <. For security reasons, the catalog system does not allow these characters. Try changing your password so that it only contains upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and underscores.

  144. What do I do if I lose my ID?

    Please contact the Circulation Department. UNT faculty, staff, and students must also contact the UNT ID Office at 940-565-4481.

  145. What do I need to check out library materials?

    Library materials may be checked out at any of the Library Services Desks by presenting a current, approved ID card. For UNT students, faculty and staff, your UNT ID is your library card. See: Check Out Materials

  146. What do the Media Library call numbers mean?

    The Media Library Call Number & Item Location Guide explains which materials receive which call number.

  147. What does "my library registration has expired" mean?

    Library privileges are given for a semester at a time. This message will appear if you have not renewed your library privileges (i.e. you are not enrolled in the current semester). See: Courtesy Cards

  148. What does the location "Remote Storage" mean?

    The Libraries do not have enough room to store all library materials in the library buildings open to our users. Many items are stored in our remote facility. This facility is not open to the public but materials can be retrieved for use. Use the Online Holds Service to request retrieval of remote storage items or for long runs of journals request access  to the Library Annex Reading Room.

  149. What happened to the Science and Technology Library?

    The Science and Technology Library's name was changed to Eagle Commons Library and is located in the same building as always. The building was formerly called the Information Science Building, but is now Sycamore Hall.

  150. What if the UNT Libraries do not have an article I need?

    If the UNT Libraries do not have an article you need, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan. Before making a request, check the Find Articles Search (available from the +FIND tab above) to see if we have the article available through a subscription service, and/or consider talking to a librarian via our Ask Us service.

  151. What is a course password?

    A course password is needed to access electronic reserves. The instructor of the class determines the password. It is the responsibility of the instructor to give it to members of the class. Libraries' staff cannot provide the password.

  152. What is a government document?

    According to the Federal Library Depository Act of 1962, a government document is defined as "informational matter which is published as an individual document at government expense, or as required by law" (44 U.S.C. § 1901).

    In general, most publications issued by international, federal, state, or local government agencies are considered government documents. These publications may be produced in a variety of formats, including printed paper, microfiche, and audiovisual materials. In recent years, government information resources have been expanded to include computerized formats such as CD-ROMs, DVDs, and Internet sites.

  153. What is an approval plan?

    Approval plans are plans in which a commercial vendor supplies to the library immediately after publication those books which meet specific subject parameters. They are a quick, simple, and economical method for acquiring a core of current trade and scholarly materials in selected subject areas. The approval books come ready to be shelved.

  154. What is ILLiad?

    ILLiad is an electronic service that you use to submit Interlibrary Loan requests. You may request books, microforms, articles, and other items from institutions other than the UNT Libraries. ILLiad is available to all UNT faculty, students, and staff. To use this service you must register for an account.

  155. What is Interlibrary Loan?

    Interlibrary Loan, or ILL, is a service, which provides access to the collections of libraries throughout the world for research purposes. If UNT does not own a book or journal article you need, you may request it though Interlibrary Loan.

  156. What is the Library Annex Reading Room?

    Graduate students and faculty members may request that remote storage materials may be pulled and placed in the Library Annex Reading Room for examination. This is particularly useful when large numbers of items are needed.

  157. What is the Online Holds Service?

    The Online Holds Service is a service the library provides for the delivery of items housed in our libraries. Information regarding this service is available at the Online Holds Service page.

  158. What is the UNT Scholarly Works repository collection?

    UNT Scholarly Works serves as the UNT Open Access institutional repository. This repository is a special collection housed in the UNT Digital Library. The Scholarly Works repository collection brings together the research and scholarly work of the UNT community. Find out more about UNT Scholarly Works here.

  159. What kind of items are you interested in collecting?

    We accept a variety of research and scholarly work including articles (example article), academic posters (example poster), presentations (example presentation), book reviews (example review), book chapters (example chapter), reports (example report), and artwork (example artwork). UNT Scholarly Works serves to showcase all of the valuable research and scholarly output of our university community.

  160. What kind of items do you not accept?

    Right now, we are not accepting general student work from class assignments and course-related projects.

  161. What reference services does the Media Library offer?

    The Media Library provides reference services during hours when the Media Library is open at the Service Desk or by phone. For more extensive research needs, schedule a reference appointment with a media librarian. See: Media Reference Services

  162. What services are provided for distance learners?

    The Information for Distance Learning Students page provides information specific to this status and a checklist to make sure you eligible for these library services. You can request items, including items we own, by using your ILLiad account.

    Please note: When you register for an ILLiad account, choose status "Dist Learning"; this will assure that you have access to special Distance Learning request forms. Please use the Ask Us services or contact your subject liaison for research help.

  163. What type of wireless access is available in the Libraries?

    Wireless access is provided through the University's CITC department and is generally available in all campus buildings as well as the Library Mall to UNT students, faculty, and staff.

  164. Where are scanners that students can use?

    The Libraries have several scanners available.  See: Photocopies, Scanning, Printing

  165. Where are the Library Services Desks located?

    Please see the individual pages for each service desk.

  166. Where are the original paper copies of the posters in the UNT Digital Library?

    The original World War I and II posters that were digitized by the UNT Libraries are on reserve in the Government Documents Department on the 3rd floor of Willis Library. These items are located in a locked room and are non-circulating, so if you would like to view them, please visit our Service Desk in person or Contact Us to schedule an appointment.

  167. Where can I find a certain call number within the Eagle Commons Library?

    Our regular circulating books are located in the Mezzanine, which is up any flight of stairs, and in the adjoining room on the Main Floor. See: Call Number & Item Location Guide: Eagle Commons

  168. Where can I find a map, directions, or an address for the Libraries?

    You can find locations by building and floor maps on our Locations and Hours page, or by searching buildings by name or category on the UNT Map.  The former will also provide you with both physical and mailing addresses, shipping information, floor maps, operational hours, and other contact info, while the latter will provide you with parking, etc.

  169. Where can I get information on formatting citations or using a particular style guide?

    Try this set of tutorials: Citations & Style Guides.  It offers guidance on using a number of different style guides, provides examples and help in citating special materials, using citation management software, and provides links to materials in our collections, and on the web that may be helpful to you.

  170. Where can I get tax forms or IRS publications?

    Tax forms and publications can be obtained online at or ordered over the telephone by calling 1-800-829-3676.

    For direct access to U.S. federal tax forms and publications, visit the IRS Forms and Publications page. At this site, you can scroll through a list of current IRS publications, select the document you need, and print it.

    Many of the most popular tax forms, instructions, and publications are available to the public free of charge at the Denton Public Library and at the downtown post office at 101 E. McKinney St.

    Our Taxes Subject Guide is a detailed guide to U.S. federal and state tax resources, including printable IRS forms and publications.

    Need help filing your tax form?

    Several programs provide free assistance with filling out and filing U.S. income tax forms:

    • United Way's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) members are available at the Denton Public Library at selected times during the weeks before April 15 to help you fill out your forms and answer tax related questions.

    • The IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program offers free tax help to people who earn less than $42,000.

    • The Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Program offers free tax help to taxpayers who are 60 and older.

    • The military also has a strong Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. The Armed Forces Tax Council (AFTC) consists of the tax program coordinators for the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

    Call 1-800-829-1040 to find the VITA/TCE location and hours nearest your home and to see if you qualify for any of these programs.

    Please do not ask librarians tax law questions. They are not tax law specialists. Instead, call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 for tax information.

  171. Where can I obtain military records?

    The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the official repository for records of military personnel who have been discharged from the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard. NARA has compiled an extensive page on Military and Veterans Records at the National Archives, which gives detailed information on how to acquire military records from the U.S. Government.

    For more information on researching military records visit the Military Records section of the National Archives website. 

  172. Where can I obtain posters online?

    Many posters from the UNT Government Documents collection have been digitized and made available through the UNT Digital Library World War Poster Collection.

    See our World War I and II Posters page for a list of other Web sites that provide images of World War posters. See our Posters and Prints page for a list of Web sites that have posters on a variety of topics.

  173. Where can I purchase an original or a high-quality reproduction of a vintage poster?

    The UNT Libraries cannot print copies of posters or prints in our collection. Our Posters and Prints page includes suggestions for where to purchase posters and prints.

  174. Where can I study at the Discovery Park Library?

    Three study areas, located to the left of the current journals, are designated for group work. Each area is equipped with a computer, dry-erase whiteboard, and table and chairs for a group of seven.

    Additionally, the Learning Center, B135, is designated a quiet area and is reserved for individual study unless the room is scheduled for library instruction. Quiet conversations are appropriate for the main areas of the library including the Internet tables, the casual seating near the main door, and the reference desk area.

  175. Where do I pick up my ILL book?

    Interlibrary Loan books may be picked up at the Library Services Desk located on the 1st floor of the Willis Library. You may also arrange to pick up books at the Discovery Park Library Room B112 or at the UNT Dallas Campus Library.

  176. Where do I return library items I have checked out?

    The simplest answer is, where you checked them out. However...

    • Book drops are located at each of the library services desks that have circulation-related services. Simply deposit your items here any hour of the day.
    • Audio and Media items can be returned to someone working at the music or media service desk.
    • Outside drop boxes are located near the entrances of each of our libraries. Drop materials off here after hours.
    • There is a street book drop on W. Highland St. near Willis Library.

    Please return special checkout materials to the desks where they were checked out.

  177. Where is the copy machine at the Discovery Park Library?

    We do not have a public copier at the Discovery Park Library.

    There is a public copier at the mailroom across the hall from the library. There are public copiers available on the main campus at the Willis and Eagle Commons Library (for more information see the Photocopies, Scanning, Printing page). You can also make copies at the UNT Copy Center on the main campus.

  178. Where is the libraries lost and found?

    In Willis Library, lost and found is located at the 1st floor 24 Center Desk.

  179. Where is the location of Research and Instructional Services?

    Research and Instructional Services is located on the 1st floor of Willis Library.

    The department staffs the Library Services Desk on the 1st floor of the Willis Library. To make an appointment with your librarian, see the librarian liaison list or fill out Reference by Appointment Form.

    Please visit our Ask Us page for information about research help and other services.

  180. Who can submit items to the UNT Scholarly Works collection?

    UNT faculty and staff are invited to submit their work. UNT students are welcome to submit items that represent professional work including conference materials, published items, or work associated with theses or dissertations.

  181. Who can view content in the UNT Scholarly Works repository?

    UNT Scholarly Works is, by default, openly accessible to a worldwide audience. While we do offer options to restrict access to certain materials, we do not encourage it. The goal of UNT Scholarly Works is to provide access to the research and scholarship of our UNT Community to anyone on the World Wide Web with an internet connection.

  182. Who do I contact in the library for question related to my department?

  183. Who is eligible for distance learning services?

    The following students are eligible for distance learning services:

    • Students currently enrolled in courses taught primarily online and who live outside of Denton County.
    • Students taking courses at the UNT Dallas Campus.

    See: Distance Learning Requests

  184. Will I be fined if I am late turning in a reserve item?

    Yes. Fines for reserve items are higher than other regular circulating items.

  185. Will I receive a notice for overdue items?

    Overdue notices are sent to your UNT email address when items are 10 days and 30 days overdue. Courtesy notices are sent by e-mail three days before items are due. See: General Information about Fines Assessment