
Our New Documentation Wiki: CWS Tutorials 2.0

I'm proud to announce that we at CWS have finished migrating our developer's tutorials from their old home at to our new, improved documentation wiki right here at

The new system includes all the instructional content from the old page (except for a couple of tutorials that were sadly out-of-date), but provides quite a few additional features. For instance, our tutorials (we call them "How-Tos" now) are fully commentable, intelligently tagged, and searchable through an intuitive filtering system.

We've also added quite a bit of new material as part of our ongoing support for the Drupal content management system here at UNT.  If you're already using our Drupal distribution, these new how-tos should help you take your site to the next level.  If you're not using Drupal yet, please take a look anyway; it'll help you get a better idea of what Drupal might be able to offer next time you redesign your site.

We hope this new system will be very helpful to you in your daily work; please let us know (either by commenting on an existing page or sending us an email) if you've got any suggestions for making it even better.


Database backup and restore now available


Just wanted to let everybody know that we've published a new self-administration feature; those of you with access to databases can now create complete backups of those databases on our servers with a single click.

It's always a good idea to back up your database before you make any major changes to it; that way, if something goes wrong, you can just log on to webadmin and click "Restore" to bring things back to normal.


Welcome to the CWS Web Developer's site

To use this service, simply log in with your EUID and password. Then, click on the 'My Sites' link on the left to view the administration interface. You will also see a link on your left for our new forums.

If you are a site owner/administrator, and do not have access to add and remove users, please submit a support request, and we will be happy to get you set up. 

Please note: The tree is currently not available on this interface due to an unfortunate technical limitation.

UNT Web Support Office Hours

In Person Help

Central Web Services and the Web Development Center have folks on hand to answer your questions every Wednesday between 10:30am and 12:00pm in the Business Leadership Building, Room 205.

Walk up the main stairwell in the Business Leadership Building, on the second floor enter the first glass door on your left (Graduate Programs, Department Chairs, Department Advising), walk straight and take a left all the way down the hallway to Conference Room 205 which will be on the right.