Forms and Templates


  • Adjunct Faculty Information Form — This form needs to be provided with each offer letter and submitted to the Provost Office
  • Adjunct Offer Letter Template
  • Faculty Overload Adjunct Offer Letter Template
  • Faculty Resignation Acceptance Template
  • New Faculty & Adjunct Offer Letter Addendum — Addendum to New Faculty and Adjuncts Offer Letter
  • Non-Tenure Track Offer Letter Template
  • Request for Approval of Outside Employment — To be used by faculty and staff members proposing to engage in outside employment activities
  • Tenured/Tenure-Track Offer Letter Template
  • ( UPO-11B ) Faculty Supplemental Compensation Request — This document MUST be completed PRIOR to any work on the additional assignment and it should be attached to the payroll authorization that is processed to make the actual payment(s). Also see the Guidelines and Policies for UPO-11B.
  • ( VPAA-40a ) Visiting Scholar EMPLID/EUID Request
  • ( VPAA-60 ) Faculty Education Update — Request form to add/update Faculty Education in EIS
  • ( VPAA-130 ) Faculty Recruitment Request
  • ( VPAA-130a ) Faculty Recruitment - Signature Addendum to the VPAA-130 — This addendum should be completed when a faculty line will or may reside in multiple units
  • ( VPAA-130b ) Faculty Recruitment - Multiple Unit Posting Approval Verification — FOR RESEARCH CLUSTER HIRING ONLY
  • ( VPAA-130c ) Faculty Recruitment - Multiple Unit On-Campus Interview Approval Verification — FOR RESEARCH CLUSTER HIRING ONLY
  • ( VPAA-130d ) Faculty Recruitment - Multiple Unit Hire Approval Verification — FOR RESEARCH CLUSTER HIRING ONLY
  • ( VPAA-133 ) Faculty Criminal History Check — Used to grant authorization to conduct a criminal history check on all new faculty, those being recommended for tenure, and including adjuncts, but excluding graduate students
  • ( VPAA-150 ) Faculty Application for Approval of Leave — For leaves and other absences from duty, other than sick leave
  • ( VPAA-151 ) Faculty Sick Leave Reporting form
  • ( FDL Checklist ) Faculty Development Leave Checklist
  • ( VPAA-152 ) Faculty Development Leave Application
  • ( VPAA-152a ) Faculty Development Leave Cover sheet
  • ( VPAA-152b ) 6 month summary report — 6 month summary report for faculty development leave
  • ( VPAA-160 ) Faculty Annual Update
  • ( VPAA-170 ) Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Checklist
  • ( VPAA-170a ) Promotion Checklist for Lecturers
  • ( VPAA-170b ) Promotion Checklist for Librarians
  • ( VPAA-172 ) External Reviewer — External reviewer form for tenure and/or promotion reviews
  • ( VPAA-172b ) External Reviewer for Librarians — External reviewer form for Librarian promotion reviews
  • ( VPAA-174 ) University Information Form — For requesting faculty promotions, promotion and tenure, tenure only and reappointments
  • ( VPAA-182 ) Request for UNT Planning Authority — Used for developing a new academic program or administrative unit or to alter a current program or unit
  • ( VPAA Faculty Buyout Request ) — Request for Faculty Course Buy-out

Centers & Institutes

  • ( Policy 16.8 ) University Procedures for Establishing Centers and Institutes — Procedures for establishing Centers and Institutes
  • ( CIF-100 ) Request For Establishment of Centers or Institutes — Requesting to establish a Center or Institute
  • ( CIF-200 ) Request For Name Change of Centers or Institutes — For changing names of Centers or Institutes
  • ( CIF-300 ) Request For Closing of Centers or Institutes — For closing of Centers or Institutes


  • Guidelines for Fulfilling Assessment Objectives for all New Courses to the Core Curriculum — The University Committee of the Faculty Senate, in cooperation with the University Curriculum Assessment Committee, has developed the following list of guidelines for fulfilling assessment objectives for all new courses to the Core Curriculum
  • Standards for Degree Programs — Criteria established by THECB for New Baccalaureate and Master's Degree Programs
  • Substantive Degree Program Request — Request for New Degree Programs
  • UNT Grad Track Background and Proposal Form  — Grad Track Degree Program Guidelines for Bachelor's/Master's Accelerated Degree Programs
  • COC-200 — Core Curriculum Course Justification and Assessment Plan
  • UCC-A-101 — Request for New Course
  • UCC-A-102 — Request for Addition of Course to Core Curriculum
  • UCC-A-104 — Request to Offer Experimental Course
  • UCC-C-107 — Request for Change in Existing Course (Not in the Core Curriculum)
  • UCC-C-108 — Request for Change in Existing Core Curriculum Course
  • UCC-C-109 — Request for Change in Program/Academic Unit
  • UCC-D-105 — Course Deletion
  • UCC-D-106 — Deletion of Course From Core Curriculum
  • UCC-AD-103 — Request for Add/Delete of Degree/Major/Professional Field/Concentration/Option/Minor/Grad Track
  • UCC-EXP-120R — Request for an Exemption to the 120-Hour Rule
  • Accelerated Course Form — This process has changed. We no longer use the accelerated course form. Use the R-6 process for submissions.

Small Class

  • VPAA-110 — For reporting Small Classes to the Board of Regents

Space Management Forms

University Leadership Council

  • Custom Research Report Request — To request a custom research service to address a particular problem or question and understand how it has been addressed by other universities

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