Loyalist and rebel troops battle in Burundi’s capital

The government said President Pierre Nkurunziza had returned to coup-torn country.

  • Andrew Njuguna, Melanie Gouby
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  • World
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  • 1 day ago
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While Burundi’s president is out of the country, military declares a coup

Burundians celebrated even though it wasn’t clear whether the military had been able to consolidate power.

  • Abigail Higgins
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  • 2 days ago
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Thousands of refugees pour into Rwanda from Burundi

A political conflict in Burundi leads to violent clashes and fears of war.



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The Nigerian military is so broken, its soldiers are refusing to fight

The trials of soldiers reveal the military’s lack of equipment and troops as it battles Boko Haram.

Political crisis raises fears of widespread bloodshed in Burundi

Demonstrators oppose a move by the president to stay on for a third term.

  • Abigail Higgins
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  • May 7, 2015
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Kerry makes historic Somalia visit to show U.S. support

The unannounced three-hour visit signals a readiness to reengage with the country that not long ago was a haven for militants.

On Kerry’s visit to Kenya, U.S. pledges extra $45 million to help with refugees

Kerry also discussed anti-terrorism strategy and laid a wreath at the site of the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombing.

Chelsea Clinton highlights plight of elephants on visit to reserve in Kenya

She and her parents have become some of the most visible advocates for the threatened species.

Kenya is threatening to close the world’s largest refugee camp

Authorities say Dadaab become a haven for terrorists, but aid groups fear a humanitarian disaster.

Ethiopian bloggers on trial in case seen as crackdown on free expression

The bloggers said they were promoting democracy. They have been charged with terrorism.

  • Simona Foltyn
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  • Apr 20, 2015
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Militants stage deadly raid on government compound in Somalia

Earlier this month, al-Shabab gunmen killed 148 people at a university in Kenya.

War-torn Nigerian town shows devastating legacy of Boko Haram

The destruction of Gwoza highlights how difficult it will be for the Nigerian government to rebuild.

Kenya, avenging college massacre, bombs al-Shabab camps in Somalia

Air force planes targeting the Islamist group hit two positions in a border area, a military spokesman said.

Kenyan official’s son identified as one of the gunmen in last week’s massacre

The official had reported his son missing last year, fearing that he had joined the militant group al-Shabab.

  • Abigail Higgins
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  • Apr 5, 2015
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Militant group threatens additional attacks on Kenya

The warning followed a university massacre. One alleged gunman was identified as an official’s son.

  • Abigail Higgins
  • ·
  • Apr 5, 2015
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