Table 9. Employment status of Gulf War-era II veterans 18 years and over by location of service, August 2011, not seasonally adjusted

Table 9. Employment status of Gulf War-era II veterans 18 years and over by location of service, August 2011, not seasonally adjusted

(Numbers in thousands)
                                                                                     Civilian labor force                                 
                                                    Civilian                               Employed             Unemployed         Not in 
          Period of service and location            noninsti-                                                                       labor 
                                                    tutional               Percent                                                  force 
                                                   population    Total       of                  Percent               Percent            
                                                                         population    Total       of        Total       of               
                                                                                               population               labor             
                 Gulf War era II                                                                                                          
  Total...........................................     2,394      1,951     81.5        1,759     73.5          192      9.8          443 
Served in Iraq, Afghanistan, or both(1)...........       911        768     84.3          679     74.5           89     11.6          143 
Served elsewhere..................................     1,156        933     80.7          853     73.8           80      8.6          223 
Location of service not reported..................       327        249     76.4          227     69.5           22      9.0           77 

   1 Refers to veterans who served in Iraq at anytime since March 2003 and veterans who served in Afghanistan at anytime since October
2001. Also includes veterans who served in both countries.
   NOTE: Veterans are men and women who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and were not on active duty at the time of the
survey. Gulf War-era II veterans served anywhere in the world at any time since September 2001.

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Last Modified Date: March 20, 2012