Biomedical Engineers

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Biomedical engineers
Biomedical engineers combine the work of science and engineering to build new replacement parts for the human body.
Quick Facts: Biomedical Engineers
2010 Median Pay $81,540 per year
$39.20 per hour
Entry-Level Education Bachelor’s degree
Work Experience in a Related Occupation None
On-the-job Training None
Number of Jobs, 2010 15,700
Job Outlook, 2010-20 62% (Much faster than average)
Employment Change, 2010-20 9,700

What Biomedical Engineers Do

Biomedical engineers analyze and design solutions to problems in biology and medicine, with the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of patient care.

Work Environment

Biomedical engineers work in manufacturing, universities, hospitals, research facilities of companies and educational and medical institutions, teaching, and government regulatory agencies. They usually work full time.

How to Become a Biomedical Engineer

Biomedical engineers typically need a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering from an accredited program to enter the occupation. Alternatively, they can get a bachelor’s degree in a different field of engineering and then either get a graduate degree in biomedical engineering or get on-the-job training in biomedical engineering.


The median annual wage of biomedical engineers was $81,540 in May 2010.

Job Outlook

Employment of biomedical engineers is expected to grow by 62 percent from 2010 to 2020, much faster than the average for all occupations. Demand will be strong because an aging population is likely to need more medical care and because of increased public awareness of biomedical engineering advances and their benefits.

Similar Occupations

Compare the job duties, education, job growth, and pay of biomedical engineers with similar occupations.


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What Biomedical Engineers Do About this section

Biomedical engineers
Biomedical engineers study possible applications of new materials for use as new body parts.

Biomedical engineers analyze and design solutions to problems in biology and medicine, with the goal of improving the quality and effectiveness of patient care.


Biomedical engineers typically do the following:

  • Design systems and products, such as artificial organs, artificial devices that replace body parts, and machines for diagnosing medical problems.
  • Install, adjust, maintain, repair, or provide technical support for biomedical equipment
  • Evaluate the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of biomedical equipment
  • Train clinicians and other personnel on the proper use of equipment
  • Work with life scientists, chemists, and medical scientists to research the engineering aspects of biological systems of humans and animals

Biomedical engineers may design instruments, devices, and software; bring together knowledge from many technical sources to develop new procedures; or conduct research needed to solve clinical problems.

They often serve a coordinating function, using their background in both engineering and medicine. In industry, they may create products where an in-depth understanding of living systems and technology is essential. They frequently work in research and development or in quality assurance.

Biomedical engineers design electrical circuits, software to run medical equipment, or computer simulations to test new drug therapies. They also design and build artificial body parts to replace injured limbs. In some cases, they develop the materials needed to make the replacement body parts. They also design rehabilitative exercise equipment.

The work of these engineers spans many professional fields. For example, although their expertise is based in engineering and biology, they often design computer software to run complicated instruments, such as three-dimensional x-ray machines. Alternatively, many of these engineers use their knowledge of chemistry and biology to develop new drug therapies. Others draw heavily on mathematics and statistics to build models to understand the signals transmitted by the brain or heart.

Some specialty areas within biomedical engineering include bioinstrumentation; biomaterials; biomechanics; cellular, tissue, and genetic engineering; clinical engineering; medical imaging; orthopedic surgery; rehabilitation engineering; and systems physiology. 

Some people with training in biomedical engineering become professors. For more information, see the profile on postsecondary teachers.

Work Environment About this section

Biomedical engineers
Biomedical engineers work in laboratory and clinical settings.

Biomedical engineers held about 15,700 jobs in 2010. Biomedical engineers work in a variety of settings, depending on what they do. Some work in hospitals where therapy occurs and others work in laboratories doing research. Still others work in manufacturing settings where they design biomedical engineering products. Additionally, these engineers also work in commercial offices where they make or support business decisions.

The following industries employed the largest numbers of biomedical engineers in 2010:

Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing23%
Scientific research and development services19
Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing14
Colleges, universities, and professional schools; state, local, and private11
General medical and surgical hospitals; state, local, and private7

Biomedical engineers work with patients and in teams with other professionals. Thus, where and how they work are often determined by others’ specific needs. For example, a biomedical engineer who has developed a new device designed to help a person with a disability to walk again might have to spend hours in a hospital to determine whether the device works as planned. If the engineer finds a way to improve the device, the engineer might have to then return to the manufacturer to help alter the manufacturing process to improve the design.

Work Schedules

Biomedical engineers usually work full time on a normal schedule. But, as with almost any engineering occupation, they may occasionally have to work additional hours to meet the needs of patients, managers, colleagues, and clients.

How to Become a Biomedical Engineer About this section

Biomedical engineers
Biomedical engineers frequently work in research and development or in quality assurance.

Biomedical engineers typically need a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering from an accredited program to enter the occupation. Alternatively, they can get a bachelor’s degree in a different field of engineering and then either get a graduate degree in biomedical engineering or get on-the-job training in biomedical engineering.


Prospective biomedical engineering students should take high school science courses, such as chemistry, physics, and biology. They should also take mathematics, including calculus. Courses in drafting or mechanical drawing and computer programming are also useful.

Bachelor’s degree programs in biomedical engineering focus on engineering and biological sciences. Programs include laboratory-based courses in addition to classes in subjects such as fluid and solid mechanics, computer programming, circuit design, and biomaterials. Other required courses include in-depth training in biological sciences, including physiology.

Accredited programs also include substantial training in engineering design. Many programs include co-ops or internships, often with hospitals, to provide students with practical applications as part of their study. Biomedical engineering programs are accredited by ABET (formerly the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology).

Important Qualities

Analytical skills. Biomedical engineers must be able to analyze the needs of patients and customers to design appropriate solutions.

Communication skills. Because biomedical engineers sometimes work with patients and frequently work with other professionals, such as medical scientists or other engineers, they must be able to express themselves clearly.

Listening skills. Biomedical engineers often work in teams and gather input from patients, therapists, physicians, and business professionals. They must seek others’ ideas and incorporate them into the problem-solving process.

Math skills. Biomedical engineers use the principals of calculus and other advanced topics in mathematics for analysis, design, and troubleshooting in their work.

Problem-solving skills. Biomedical engineers typically deal with and solve problems in complex biological systems.


To lead a research team, a biomedical engineer typically needs a graduate degree. Some biomedical engineers attend dental or medical school to specialize in applications at the front lines of patient care, such as using electric impulses in new ways to get muscles moving again. Some earn law degrees and work as patent attorneys.

Pay About this section

Biomedical Engineers

Median annual wages, May 2010



Biomedical Engineers


Total, All Occupations



The median annual wage of biomedical engineers was $81,540 in May 2010. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $49,690, and the top 10 percent earned more than $126,990.

Median annual wages in the industries employing the largest numbers of biomedical engineers in May 2010 were the following:

Scientific research and development services$88,330
Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing82,820
Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing81,150
Colleges, universities, and professional schools;
state, local, and private
General medical and surgical hospitals;
state, local, and private

Biomedical engineers usually work full time on a normal schedule. But, as with almost any engineering occupation, they may occasionally have to work additional hours to meet the needs of patients, managers, colleagues, and clients.

Job Outlook About this section

Biomedical Engineers

Percent change in employment, projected 2010-20

Biomedical Engineers


Total, All Occupations





Employment of biomedical engineers is projected to grow by 62 percent from 2010 to 2020, much faster than the average for all occupations. However, because it is a small occupation, the fast growth will result in only about 9,700 new jobs over the 10-year period.

The aging baby-boom generation is expected to increase demand for biomedical devices and procedures, such as hip and knee replacements, because this generation seeks to maintain its healthy and active lifestyle. Additionally, as the public has become aware of medical advances, increasing numbers of people are seeking biomedical advances for themselves from their physicians.

Biomedical engineers will likely experience more demand for their services because of the breadth of activities they engage in, made possible by the diverse nature of their training.

Biomedical engineers work with medical scientists, other medical researchers, and manufacturers to address a wide range of injuries and physical disabilities. Their ability to work in different activities with other professionals is enlarging the range of applications for biomedical engineering products and services, particularly in healthcare.

Job Prospects

Rapid advances in technology will continue to change what biomedical engineers do and continue to create new areas for them to work in. Thus, the expanding range of activities in which biomedical engineers are engaged should translate into very favorable job prospects.

Employment projections data for biomedical engineers, 2010-20
Occupational Title SOC Code Employment, 2010 Projected Employment, 2020 Change, 2010-20 Employment by Industry
Percent Numeric

SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program

Biomedical Engineers

17-2031 15,700 25,400 62 9,700 [XLS]

Similar Occupations About this section

This table shows a list of occupations with job duties that are similar to those of biomedical engineers.

Occupation Job Duties ENTRY-LEVEL EDUCATION Help 2010 MEDIAN PAY Help
Architectural and engineering managers

Architectural and Engineering Managers

Architectural and engineering managers plan, coordinate, and direct activities in architecture and engineering, including research and development in these fields.

Bachelor’s degree $119,260
Biochemists and biophysicists

Biochemists and Biophysicists

Biochemists and biophysicists study the chemical and physical principles of living things and of biological processes such as cell development, growth, and heredity.

Doctoral or professional degree $79,390
Chemical engineers

Chemical Engineers

Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry, biology, and physics to solve problems. These problems involve the production or use of chemicals, fuel, drugs, food, and many other products. They design processes and equipment for large-scale safe and sustainable manufacturing, plan and test methods of manufacturing products and treating byproducts, and supervise production.

Bachelor’s degree $90,300
Electrical and electronics engineers

Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Electrical engineers design, develop, test, and supervise the manufacturing of electrical equipment such as electric motors, radar and navigation systems, communications systems, and power generation equipment. Electronics engineers design and develop electronic equipment, such as broadcast and communications systems—from portable music players to global positioning systems (GPS).

Bachelor’s degree $87,180
Mechanical engineers

Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers design, develop, build, and test mechanical devices, including tools, engines, and machines.

Bachelor’s degree $78,160
Physicians and surgeons

Physicians and Surgeons

Physicians and surgeons diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses in patients. Physicians examine patients, take medical histories, prescribe medications, and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. Surgeons operate on patients to treat injuries, such as broken bones; diseases, such as cancerous tumors; and deformities, such as cleft palates.

Doctoral or professional degree This wage is equal to or greater than $166,400 per year.
Physicists and astronomers

Physicists and Astronomers

Physicists and astronomers study the fundamental nature of the universe, ranging from the vastness of space to the smallest of subatomic particles. They develop new technologies, methods, and theories based on the results of their research that deepen our understanding of how things work and contribute to innovative, real-world applications.

Doctoral or professional degree $105,430
Sales engineers

Sales Engineers

Sales engineers sell complex scientific and technological products or services to businesses. They must have extensive knowledge of the products’ parts and functions and must understand the scientific processes that make these products work.

Bachelor’s degree $87,390
Suggested citation:

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Biomedical Engineers,
on the Internet at (visited March 16, 2013).

Publish Date: Thursday, March 29, 2012