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About Our Director
City of Southlake Career
  • Senior Director of Planning and Development Services (2013-current)
  • Director of Planning and Development Services (2004-2013)
  • Senior Planner (2001-2004)
  • Planner (1999-2001)

Previous Experience

  • Senior Planner, Albemarle County, VA
  • Planner, Stafford County, VA

Southlake Community / Regional Involvement
  • Grapevine / Southlake Soccer Association - Coach, 2000 - 2005
  • Texas American Planning Association Board Midwest Section, 2004 and 2005

  • 2013 Planner of the Year Award - Ken Baker, Midwest Section - Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association
  • 2013 Comprehensive Planning Award - Southlake 2030, Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association
  • 2013 Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence, Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association (eighth consecutive year)
  • 2010 Project Planning Award - Wayfinding Sign System Plan, Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association
  • 2009 Project Planning Award - Urban Design and Corridor Plan, Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association
  • 2009 Tree City USA by National Arbor Day Foundation (12th consecutive year)
  • 2009 National Arbor Day Foundation Sterling Award (one of four Texas cities to receive this distinction)
  • 2009 National Arbor Day Growth Award (11th consecutive year)
  • 2009 Building Officials Association of Texas Award of Excellence (sixth consecutive year)
  • 2008 Project Planning Award-Sidewalk Plan, Midwest Section-Texas American Planning Association
  • 2006 Community of the Year from Texas American Planning Association
  • 2006-current Planning Award Honorable Mention - Tree Preservation Ordinance and Technical Manual from the Texas American Planning Association
  • 2006 Community Urban Forestry Award - Southlake 2025 Plan
  • 2006 Greater Fort Worth Building Officials Association of Texas Spotlight Award
  • 2005 Comprehensive Plan Award - Southlake 2025 Plan from the Texas American Planning Association

Education & Professional Memberships
  • Member of the American Institute of Certified Planners
  • Member of the American Planning Association
  • Member of the Congress for the New Urbanism
  • Marketing degree from Western Kentucky University
  • Geography degree with an emphasis in City Planning from Western Kentucky University

Mr. Baker lives in Southlake with his wife and two children.

Ken Baker, AICP
Senior Director of Planning & Development Services

1400 Main Street, Suite 310
Southlake, TX 76092

Ph: (817) 748-8067
Fx: (817) 748-8077
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