
A cultural blog with Kyrie O'Connor
Nov 09, 2011

There will be chickens

As the above attests, we’ve taken the plunge into chicken stewardship. (There’s a third hen, Penny, who was not part of the gang when the video was shot.) For the record, they are pet chickens who will, I hope, produce eggs. They are not dinner unless dinner is an omelet. Do you have experiences with [...]

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Nov 07, 2011

What are the 21st century classics? Besides the “Star Wars” Kid.

We need more nominations.

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Nov 02, 2011

Are Southerners getting less polite? Or is that a ‘fake trend’?

Who got it right, The New York Times or Gawker?

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Nov 01, 2011

Americans, too, will fail to help a victim

An American woman in America dies after suffering 322 wounds. People who hear the crime do nothing.

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Oct 31, 2011

Who put the hollow in Halloween?

The tipping point has been reached. This year, I’ve heard almost no one say “Halloween” with the hallows rhyming with gallows. I hear hallow as hollow. And, no, I don’t think it’s regional. I think it’s an example of people trying to be excessively correct. (You can also hear “hollowed be Thy name” and “Harry [...]

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Oct 27, 2011

Coolest video of the day, no-contest division

Oddly, I’d forgotten about the Mac/PC ads

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Oct 26, 2011

Top 100 songs – is yours here?

What was left out that should be included?

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Oct 25, 2011

Scrabble, and other great baseball names

Good luck spelling this one,

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