

  • Trade Starts Here: Luisa and Olman

    1,160 views 2 weeks ago
    Trade and environmental protection can go hand in hand. La Paz Fruits, an 11-year old fruit processing company in Costa Rica, is one example. Luisa Chacón and Olman Briceño tell us how they built the first certified carbon-neutral company in their sector and became the leading frozen fruit exporter in Costa Rica.

    Trade in food products starts here.

    Trade Starts Here is a video series produced by the WTO. It showcases people who have benefitted from trade in different parts of the world and with diverse backgrounds.

    Learn more:
    WTO at 20: www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/2­0y_e/20y_e.htm
    Agriculture: www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/a­gric_e/agric_e.htm
    Environment: www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/e­nvir_e/envir_e.htm
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  • Public Forum 2014 Play

    This year, the Public Forum tells the human story behind trade. It showcases the myriad connections between trade and people's daily lives and demonstrates how trade improves the day-to-day lives of citizens around the globe. Under this thematic umbrella, three sub-themes are covered: trade and jobs — trade and consumers — trade and Africa.
    Why does trade matter to you? Have your say on Facebook and Twitter using #pf14
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