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Why do I need a password?
The password you assign yourself here can be used by you in future to modify your account details or unsubscribe from the WTO news service. It ensures that other people cannot modify your account. Choose a password you will find easy to remember.



Register to receive WTO news by e-mail

The information you provide during this registration will be used solely by the WTO to keep you informed of developments by e-mail.

Register as a new user
E-mail Address:
Confirm Password:
Existing users
If you are already registered and wish to unsubscribe or change your preferences please click here to log in.
Registration Type
You can either register as “Public” or “Journalist”. Choose the “Journalist” option if you are a professional journalist and wish to receive access to the media newsroom. If you choose the “Journalist” option you will be required to supply additional details concerning the media organization you represent and the contact details of your supervisor or assignment editor. These will be examined by the WTO and, if your application is accepted, you will receive details on how to access the media newsroom. You will also receive e-mail notifications concerning embargoed press releases and other advance material. If your request is not accepted you will be registered as “Public”.