GATT documents

On 15 May 2006 the General Council decided to make public all official documents issued under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Many of these documents did not exist electronically, and have been scanned to create a digital archive. This is a work in progress — cataloguing is not yet completed and the data store will continue to be updated progressively.

See also:

Press release: WTO makes public all official GATT documents
General Council Meeting of 15 May 2006 (part VI)

> GATT bilateral negotiating material by Round

> GATT bilateral negotiating material by Contracting Party


Browse by symbol    back to top

GATT documents are identified by a “symbol” or code which is based on either the issuing body or subject matter of the document. Unlike WTO document symbols, GATT symbols are not hierarchical.

A B C D E F G H I J K L   
M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ 1-7

Documents for which no link appears are not available electronically

Browse by date    back to top

1946-50 1951-55 1956-60 1961-65 1966-70 1971-75
1976-80 1981-85 1986-90 1991-95 1996-00  


Browse all documents    back to top

To do this you need to download the catalogue file part 1 (5MB), part 2 (5MB), part 3 (5MB), part 4 (5MB), part 5 (5MB). You can then use the local search function of your browser to search within titles/symbols by typing Ctrl-F and entering your search term.

Other sources of GATT documents    back to top

  • Stanford University Library scanned much of the GATT collection and makes the documents available through their website with a search engine.

  Document formats

Documents exist in:

PDF scan — image only
What you see on your screen or printout is simply a scanned image of the paper document.

PDF scan with OCR
In addition to the scanned image this type of PDF file contains text which is searchable. This is a useful addition, but the text recognition is imperfect, so what you see and print is still the scanned image of the paper document.

Paper versions of all official GATT documents can be consulted occasionally with prior request to WTO Archives