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TRIPS and public health

Events and briefing on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, patents, and pharmaceuticals and public health — including discussions in the WTO’s TRIPS Council.

 > Back to TRIPS issues


TRIPS and public health notifications
Dedicated webpage on the decision of 30 August 2003, with details of notifications

> Illustrative guide to notifying under the Paragraph 6 System


> How to accept the protocol amending the TRIPS Agreement: Background information for members on procedures

> How many members have accepted the amendment?
WHO-WIPO-WTO study — Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation: Intersections between public health, intellectual property and trade

Trilateral cooperation on intellectual property and public health


> Consult the
guide to downloading files

News  back to top

WTO and Millennium Development Goals

Briefing  back to top

TRIPS and pharmaceuticals: fact sheet
A basic explanation, with extracts of the legal text. You can browse the fact sheet or download in Word format or in pdf format and print it.

Frequently asked questions: compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals and TRIPS

Pharmaceutical patents and the TRIPS Agreement
A more technical explanation.

Paragraph 6 System  back to top

‘Paragraph 6’ — importing under compulsory licensing — explained: Press releases 2003 on waiver, 2005 on amendment; in fact sheet

Annual reports on ‘Paragraph 6’ implementation

How to accept the protocol amending the TRIPS Agreement: Background information for members on procedures

National implementation legislation: the countries that have changed their laws to implement the “Paragraph 6 System”.

Illustrative guide to notifying under the Paragraph 6 System

Official texts  back to top

The WTO Members have adopted the following instruments on TRIPS and public health:

External links  back to top
The WTO is not responsible for the content of external websites.