
On The Media

Public Radio Host Matt Miller Loses An Election

Friday, November 07, 2014

Bob talks with public radio host Matt Miller about his unsuccessful (but enlightening) run for the House seat in California's 33rd District. 

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On The Media

Legislating Speech On the Internet in California and the Rest of the Country

Friday, October 04, 2013

Recently, California passed a number of laws meant to protect individuals online from harassment and from themselves, but those laws have potentially problematic speech implications. Bob talks with Santa Clara University Law Professor Eric Goldman about the details of these laws, and how they can affect the rest of the country.

Paul Whiteman - Love Nest


On The Media

Enforcing Online Privacy Laws

Friday, July 27, 2012

With every new online service we participate in—from mobile banking to the latest social networking site—more and more of our personal information is being stored online—and for privacy advocates, that is a scary trade off. Now the state of California is taking steps to make sure that this consumer data stays protected, with the creation of a new Privacy Enforcement and Protection Unit. Brooke speaks with California Attorney General Kamala Harris about enforcing privacy rules.
