Ellen Nakashima
Staff Writer

Ellen Nakashima is a national security reporter for The Washington Post. She focuses on issues relating to intelligence, technology and civil liberties. She previously served as a Southeast Asia correspondent for the paper. She wrote about the presidential candidacy of Al Gore and co-authored a biography of Gore, and has also covered federal agencies, Virginia state politics and local affairs. She joined the Post in 1995.

Latest by Ellen Nakashima

Obama orders voluntary security standards for industry computers

Obama orders voluntary security standards for industry computers

The president signs an executive order to create security standards after Congress failed to act.

Intelligence report says U.S. is target of massive cyber-espionage campaign

Intelligence report says U.S. is target of massive cyber-espionage campaign

New assessment concludes efforts by China are threatening country’s economic competitiveness.

Former FBI official questioned on abuse of intelligence-gathering tools

Former FBI official questioned on abuse of intelligence-gathering tools

Official had oversight over bureau’s use of controversial national security letters and exigent letters.

Chinese hackers suspected in attack on The Post’s computers

Chinese hackers suspected in attack on The Post’s computers

The intruders may have gained wide-ranging access before the paper’s computers were taken offline.