
Open Enrollment Begins November 15

Nov 11, 2014 No Comments ››

Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace begins Saturday, November 15th and continues through February 15 of next year. You should enroll by the 15th of December if you want your insurance coverage to begin on January 1st. If you have coverage for this year (2014) that coverage will end the last day of this year ...

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Veterans Day photo

Honoring Those Who Served

Nov 11, 2014 No Comments ››

Today we honor those living or passed, who have served our country in the U.S. Armed Forces.  We owe much to the many veterans of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard who have stood to keep our country safe. So today and everyday, thank to a veteran for their sacrifice and their ...

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Weekly Update

Nov 6, 2014 No Comments ››

They say that defeat is only opportunity for victory down the road. So, forward we go towards 2016! Last night's election returns were brutal. No one denies how bad it was nationwide, but locally it seemed much more personal. Even so, we go forward.But first, we must commend our candidates - Emy, Lisa, Daniel, Patrick, David and ...

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Stonewall Democrats of Denton County

We Don’t Need Fixin’!

Jun 12, 2014 No Comments ››

The Texas Republican Party has lead the assault on LGBTQ individuals and families. Their war continues today as the state Republican convention voted to approve a platform that includes "reparative therapy" to change what is wrong with us. I've got news for the GOP. We don't need fixin'! Our Democratic nominee for Governor, Wendy Davis, has ...

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Fortune cookie

Price Too Great to End Obamacare

Nov 15, 2013 No Comments ››

The fortune in my cookie this week read, “It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.” How true for the Monday morning quarterbacking Republicans who continue the outrageous lies about the Affordable Care Act - ObamaCare. Constructive criticism can be useful, but working toward failure without first offering viable improvements blurs the line ...

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off with her hair- web version (2)

Off with Her Hair!

May 11, 2013 No Comments ››

This is a story of anger, embarrassment and challenge; so settle back and relax while you read it; then at the end, grab your checkbook or your credit card. Here is where it begins.  I have a part-time job working for Phyllis Wolper, the Real Estate Professional (I love the work and have a great boss).  ...

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GOP Shame Gang

Apr 24, 2013 No Comments ››

On April 10th the Texas State Senate passed Senate Bill 11 unanimously. This bill, written by State Senator Jane Nelson, institutes drug testing for TANF recipients. TANF, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, is an assistance program that distributes a monthly stipend determined by family size and income. As usual, the GOP is concerned that the ...

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West Inferno Could Waltz Across Texas

Apr 24, 2013 No Comments ››

First, we want to send our condolences and prayers towards those in West, Texas, in light of last week's tragic events. But, second, we should honor those citizens who lost their lives. With the lax regulation in Texas, it could happen anywhere. Highly dangerous chemicals and explosive conditions exist all across the state through a devil's agreement ...

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An empty governmental chamber in Texas

Pigs, Lipstick, and Vouchers

Mar 11, 2013 No Comments ››

As the battle to properly fund public education in Texas rages on, we are beginning see a common weft running through the rough weave of our state legislature. During the last session, Republicans gleefully cut billions of dollars from a Texas public education system that had already been traditionally underfunded. In a piece titled “Of Course ...

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Birth Announcement for House District Clubs

Birth of Democratic House District Clubs

Feb 28, 2013 No Comments ››

Over the last month, Democratic House District Clubs have been born - HD 63, HD 64, HD 65 and HD 106 - to form the grassroots outreach of the DCDP throughout Denton County. As with all new arrivals, there are many specialized things needed in order to help the HDs grow and thrive - so the DCDP ...

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