You have knowledge and insights that can help journalists cover the news in greater depth and uncover stories they might not otherwise find.

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informing journalists
in 59 newsrooms

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What we're asking, what you're saying

Are you a foreign-born resident or visa holder now considering U.S. citizenship?

That status can provide certain benefits and protections to cross borders that aren't allowed to people with visas or green cards.
asked on February 3, 2017

Are you looking to buy or sell a home in the $250,000 to $500,000 range?

South Florida is one of the most expensive housing markets in the country.
asked on February 2, 2017

Do you support or oppose President Trump's executive actions on immigration?

President Donald Trump has signed several executive actions on immigration. What do these actions mean to you?
asked on January 25, 2017

Tell us your experience of health

The BBC and American Public Media are collaborating on a show called "The Response - America's Story" about the hopes, dreams and expectations Americans have for the next four years. For the next program we want you to tell us a story about your experience of health: whether you're a healthy person, a professional or a patient.
asked on January 23, 2017

Prenup agreements

A recent survey of marriage attorneys found that about 60 percent of lawyers polled are noticing an increase in the number of clients seeking prenups. Attorneys say that prenups are not for the wealthy. They are increasingly being used by young adults who want to address concerns about student loan debt, pre-owned business and to protect future income. Financial reporter Jonnelle Marte is working on an article about how the agreements are being used today. We’re looking to speak with couples who are married or getting married in the near future about their views on prenups.
asked on January 12, 2017

Art Hounds wants you!

Attention members of the Minnesota art scene! MPR News has a weekly arts segment we want you to be a part of. It's called Art Hounds and each weekly installment features three people from the Minnesota arts community talking briefly about a performance, opening, or event they're excited to see or want others to check out. The only stipulation is that it can't be your own work or work you're professionally, financially or personally associated with in any way.
asked on December 29, 2016

PINfluence™ Stories informed by the Public Insight Network

How Trump’s executive orders on immigration, refugees and enforcement are affecting St. Louisans February 2, 2017

PIN source from Iraq who is a legal permanent resident in the United States, with a green card, shares his concerns about not being able to travel.

MPR News 50th Anniversary Special January 22, 2017

This source was one of only 5 people to respond to this query, but she was a good one to have on the line right as we started the call-in portion of the broadcast. It helped us have someone right away to inspire other callers.

Dear President Obama: SoCal residents reflect January 19, 2017

KPCC asked listeners to share their parting words to President Obama.

HookedRx: From prescription to addiction January 10, 2017

PIN source Janice Morrison gave insight into how her family was affected by opioid use.

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Using our industry-leading platform, journalists and citizens reach beyond pundits, PR professionals and polemics to inform themselves and each other.

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In 2012, Public Insight Network journalists tapped the power of the Network to report across a range of issues, from veterans to space travel. Read the stories »

PIN Blog

  • KPCC asks “Are you #LatinoEnough?”, sparks newsroom-spanning contentSeptember 22, 2015

    Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of posts about inclusive journalism — journalism that is done with communities not for communities.  |  Follow the conversation here. Ashley Alvarado, Southern California Public Radio‘s public engagement editor, has long been a champion of listening to individuals and communities often excluded from news coverage and broader... Read more »
  • Join us for a “listening post” workshop in PortlandAugust 19, 2015

    The Public Insight Network is thrilled to team up with GroundSource founder Andrew Haeg, Oregon Public Broadcasting and Camp Odyssey, an Oregon-based innovative youth leadership diversity program, to offer a workshop on community listening, Oct. 1 in Portland. The workshop is part of a three-day event called “Experience Engagement,” co-hosted by Journalism That Matters and the University of Oregon’s... Read more »