The Prairie Queen

Hello, Mr. Keillor, In the monologue last week from Duluth, you made reference to the famed "Prairie Queen" passenger train to Duluth. As an amateur railroad historian, I would like to know: did such a train exist, or is it a product of your imagination? Kim William Jones Anoka, MN ... Read More

Finding a Place That Feels Right

Dear Mr. Keillor, I am hoping you will respond and that it will put my soul at ease. I have been in school/training for 15 years since graduating from high school and since finishing my studies over a year ago, I have moved twice in the hopes that I will find the place where I belong. Now I am ... Read More

Getting Old

Garrison: My mother retired five years ago and is living the free-form retirement lifestyle and recently, when she turned 64, I asked her how it felt and she said, "It's old." I said, "Well, no, not really," and she said, "No, it's old." ... Read More

Amazon’s Effect

To the Host: How do you feel about's effect on books and bookselling? I am biased, being a book fiend and librarian. Is any good coming from the company having such a huge effect on books and bookselling? ... Read More

Sibling Envy

Hello Mr. Keillor, I'm in my mid twenties and I have an older brother who is very handsome and, through hard work and luck, very wealthy. While I work in a career I find enjoyable, I will never get rich at it. Nor do I possess such good looks as he. Lately, I find it so hard to spend time around ... Read More

Coffee Shop

To the host: I need to name the new coffeeshop at the Lutheran School of Theology (without getting fired). Help? Ben Chicago -- Scriptural Grounds. Or-- Caffeinated by Grace. Or maybe-- He Brews. ... Read More


Dear Mr. Keillor: Merriam-Webster's 2014 Collegiate Dictionary will include the word "Yooper" for the first time. As a long time resident of Michigan's Upper Peninsula who has benefited from a liberal arts education heavily steeped in the humanities, I'm personally pleased that our shared moniker ... Read More


Great show on March 29! You sang a song called "Argonne" and I wonder if you wrote it? Nancy G. Ashland, OR -- Yes, I wrote it, to an old tune "Lowlands" so instead of "Lowlands, lowlands, away my boys" I sang "All gone, all gone away, my boys, all gone away." I wrote it after seeing the picture in ... Read More

The Empire Builder

Dear Mr. Keillor, I very much enjoyed your "There's No Place Like Home" essay in the February issue of the National Geographic. I do have a question. Twice in the article, you make reference to the Empire Builder (passenger train) suggesting that your father was a mail clerk on that train. ... Read More