Presidential Innovation Fellows

Presidential Innovation Fellows

Overview | Disaster Response & Recovery | MyUSA | RFP-EZ | Cyber-Physical Systems | Open Data Initiatives
MyData | Innovation Toolkit | 21st Century Financial Systems | Development Innovation Ventures | FAQ

“We must harness new ideas and technology to remake our government.”
- President Barack Obama, January 21st, 2013

The Presidential Innovation Fellows (PIF) program pairs top innovators from the private sector, non-profits, and academia with top innovators in government to collaborate during focused 6-12 month “tours of duty” to develop solutions that can save lives, save taxpayer money, and fuel job creation. Each team of innovators is supported by a broader community of interested citizens throughout the country. The 1st round of five projects was launched in August 2012 with 18 inaugural Fellows. You can learn more about the accomplishments to date of the MyUSA (formerly known as MyGov), RFP-EZ, Blue Button, Better Than Cash, and Open Data Initiatives Fellows through the blog posts of each team.

The 2nd round of the Presidential Innovation Fellows program will include nine projects, described below – four that are the second phases of Round 1 projects and five new projects.. Presidential Innovation Fellows have a unique opportunity to serve our Nation and make an impact on a truly massive scale.  We will be accepting applications to be a Round 2 Fellow from February 5th through March 17th, and are looking to put together a dynamic, diverse, innovative class that will produce tremendous results for the American people. You can apply here.

  • Read the blog post by US Chief Technology Officer Todd Park and US Chief Information Officer Steve VanRoekel announcing the launch of the 2nd round of Presidential Innovation Fellows here
  • Read the blog post by Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett and US Chief Technology Officer Todd Park on the Administration’s commitment to diversity in technology here
  • Follow @WhiteHouseOSTP on Twitter

2nd Round Projects

Disaster Response & Recovery

Collaboratively building and “pre-positioning" needed tech tools ahead of future emergencies or natural disasters in order to mitigate economic damage and save lives.

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Simplifying the process of finding and accessing information and government services that are right for you.  Helping American businesses access the information and services that will help them grow, hire American workers, and export to foreign markets.

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RFP-EZ and Innovative Contracting Tools

Making it easier for the government to do business with small, high-growth tech companies, and enabling the government to buy better, lower-cost tech solutions from the full range of American businesses. 

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Cyber-Physical Systems

Working with government and industry to create standards for a new generation of interoperable, dynamic, and efficient “smart systems” – an “industrial Internet” – that combines distributed sensing, control, and data analytics to help grow new high-value American jobs and the economy.

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Open Data Initiatives

Accelerating and expanding efforts to make government information resources more publicly accessible in “computer-readable” form and spurring the use of those data by entrepreneurs as fuel for the creation of new products, services, and jobs.

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MyData Initiatives

Empowering the American people with secure access to their own personal health, energy, and education data.

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Innovation Toolkit

Developing an innovation toolkit that empowers our Federal workforce to respond to national priorities more quickly and more efficiently.

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21st Century Financial Systems

Moving financial accounting systems of Federal agencies out of the era of unwieldy agency-specific implementations to one that favors more nimble, modular, scalable, and cost-effective approaches.

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Development Innovation Ventures

Enabling the US government to identify, test, and scale breakthrough solutions to the world’s toughest problems.

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