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Comments & Readers' Reviews

  • 1. What kind of comments and reviews are you looking for?

    We are interested in articulate, well-informed remarks that are relevant to the article. We welcome your advice, your criticism and your unique insights into the issues of the day.

    Our standards for taste are reflected in the articles we publish in the newspaper and on NYTimes.com; we expect your comments to follow that example. A few things we won't tolerate: personal attacks, obscenity, vulgarity, profanity (including expletives and letters followed by dashes), commercial promotion, impersonations, incoherence and SHOUTING.

    You can read a complete Readers' Reviews Posting Policy here.

  • 2. Why do you moderate readers' comments?

    Our goal is to provide substantive commentary for a general readership. By screening submissions, we have created a space where readers can exchange intelligent and informed commentary that enhances the quality of our news and information.

    While most comments will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive, moderating decisions are subjective. We will make them as carefully and consistently as we can. Because of the volume of reader comments, we cannot review individual moderation decisions with readers and generally cannot alter a comment once it is posted.

  • 3. How do I write a comment or review?

    The first time you write a comment or review, you will be asked to complete a quick registration process. It should take you no more than one minute.

    You will be asked for a display name and your location. Both of these items will be displayed publicly on NYTimes.com.

    If you are writing a comment, please be thoughtful, civil and articulate. In the vast majority of cases, we only accept comments written in English; foreign language comments will be rejected.

    If you are writing a review of an event or travel destination, what in particular did you like or dislike? Be specific; the best reviews discuss not only what you liked or disliked, but why.

  • 4. Why do I have to register?

    We ask you to complete the simple NYTimes.com registration process to ensure that you are a "real" person and that you accept our terms and conditions. The registration process serves to facilitate the development of our online community, and ensure that members take responsibility for their writings. For more information, please see our Registration FAQ.

  • 5. When and where will my comment be displayed?

    Since comments are moderated, they do not appear on the site until they have been approved. Comments are typically posted faster during business hours. Moderation can be less frequent in the evening and on weekends. Comments by Verified Commenters appear on the site without prior moderation. Comments are displayed directly below articles and blog posts. We reserve the right to display comments in a variety of ways, including within the text of articles or in advertisements.

  • 6. Do you edit comments?

    No. Comments are either approved or rejected. We reserve the right to edit a comment that is quoted or excerpted on the NYTimes.com home page or on our affiliate blogs. In those cases, we may fix spelling, grammar or punctuation.

  • 7. I found an inappropriate comment or Readers' Review. What do I do?

    Click Flag to the right of a comment or review, select the reasons you believe it should be removed and submit the report. Our moderation staff will review the comment again.

    For Readers' Reviews, you can also report the problem by filling out the Contact Us form. From the Regarding drop-down menu, select User Content, and then select Problem With a Reader's Review from the More Specifically drop-down menu that appears underneath.

  • 8. Should I use my real name when making a comment?

    Yes, definitely. Please fill in the name field with your real name. We have found that people who use their names carry on more engaging, respectful conversations. However, we recommend against posting your full e-mail address, for security reasons.

    We require Verified Commenters to use their real names. For more information, see the Verified Commenters FAQ.

    A reminder: Once your comment is published, it can be found in search results on Web sites like Google and Yahoo. A New York Times reporter may occasionally use the e-mail address you have listed in the My Account area for a follow-up interview. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

  • 9. What about criticism of The Times?

    We welcome strong opinions and criticism of our work, and do not hesitate to approve critical comments. However, personal attacks against our staff will not be permitted, and any criticism should relate to the article in question. Generally, we will not allow comments to become bogged down with discussions of our policies, and we will moderate accordingly.

  • 10. Why didn't I get my confirmation e-mail?

    The confirmation e-mail is sent automatically, but it may take a little while before it arrives in your Inbox. Also, you may want to make sure that we have your current e-mail address associated with your registration. To check this, please go to www.nytimes.com/email in the My Account area. If the confirmation e-mail was sent to an outdated address, or you did not receive it after 24 hours, please contact us.

    If you think you are having problems receiving e-mail from NYTimes.com, please read our E-Mail FAQ.

  • 11. What is the difference between a Readers’ Review and a comment?

    You can leave a comment on any articles currently accepting them or on any blog post. Comments enable you to start a discussion about a subject relevant to the article or join in an existing one with other Times readers. Readers’ Reviews are your chance to share your opinion on a movie, play or travel destination. When submitting a review for a play or movie, you will be able to give it a rank from 1 (terrible) to 5 (excellent). Like comments, Readers’ Reviews are moderated.

  • 12. Where is my review? I submitted it, but it didn’t show up.

    Readers' Reviews are published within 24 hours. Check back the next day to look for your review. If you don't see your review within 24 hours, report the missing review with our Contact Us form.

  • 13. Can I use a different display name for some comments?

    You are free to change your display name, but these changes will apply to all of your past comments.

  • 14. Should I post new information about a breaking news story? What if I see an error in a blog post or article? What is the best way to suggest a correction?

    We appreciate it when readers and people quoted in articles or blog posts point out errors of fact or emphasis and will investigate all assertions. These suggestions should be sent by e-mail. Many of our blogs provide specific e-mail addresses for feedback and corrections. To avoid distracting other readers, we won't publish comments that suggest a correction. Instead, corrections will be made in a blog post or at the top of an article, and also can be found on the main Corrections page.

    To send a message about news coverage, e-mail nytnews@nytimes.com or call toll-free at 1-888-NYT-NEWS (1-888-698-6397). Comments on editorials may be e-mailed to letters@nytimes.com or faxed to (212) 556-3622. Readers dissatisfied with a response or concerned about the paper's journalistic integrity may reach the public editor at public@nytimes.com or (212) 556-7652.

  • 15. What if I have more questions?

    If you have additional questions regarding Readers' Reviews or comments on NYTimes.com, please contact us. Both fall under the heading of User Content in the Regarding drop-down menu.