Guardian Global Development

Bangladesh worker safety: should we boycott shops?

Six months after the Rana Plaza factory disaster, campaigners are calling for improved worker safety in Bangladesh. Should consumers likewise take action? Vote in our poll

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Bangladeshi garment workers sew T-shirts at a factory in Dhaka.
Bangladeshi garment workers at a factory in Dhaka. A safety accord has been drawn up following the Rana Plaza disaster. Photograph: Munir Uz Zaman/AFP/Getty Images

Thursday marks the six-month anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster, the factory collapse that killed more than 1,000 people and injured many more. The accident propelled the issue of garment workers' safety into the international spotlight.

The garment industry accounts for up to 80% of Bangladesh's exports, 60% of which go to European retailers. The industry has a notorious health and safety record, and garment workers have recently gone on strike over poor pay.

Since the Rana Plaza incident, more than 100 companies have signed the accord on fire and building safety in Bangladesh, a legally binding agreement to ensure workers' safety. Europe's major suppliers – including H&M, Marks and Spencer and the Topshop owner Arcadia – have added their names. Now campaigners are pressing others to follow suit.

We want to hear your thoughts on consumer responsibility. Should we boycott shops that haven't signed the safety accord? Vote in our poll and join the conversation in the comment thread below.

Should we boycott shops over Bangladesh worker safety?

  Yes – as consumers we have a responsibility for our choices and boycotting certain chains could make them sit up and take notice.
  Maybe – but only if we press companies to be transparent about supply chains and address fair wages.
  No – because of complex supply chains, the accord is unlikely to make a difference to worker safety.
  Not sure – tell us why in the comments below.

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