Guardian Global Development

Should the UK cut aid to the Rwandan government? | Poll

UK development secretary Justine Greening is expected to decide in mid-December on the future of aid to Rwanda. What do you think she should do?

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MDG : Rwanda : School children stand in their playground waiting for instructions
Rwandan school children stand in their playground waiting for instructions. Photograph: Julian Claxton/Alamy

Britain said there was "credible and compelling" evidence of Rwandan support for the M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who have seized the eastern city of Goma.

In a joint statement on Thursday, the UK's Department for International Development and the Foreign Office said the allegations contained in a UN report "will necessarily be a key factor in future aid decisions to the government of Rwanda".

Justine Greening, the international development secretary, is to decide in mid-December whether to release a further £21m in aid to Rwanda

Long dubbed a "donor darling", Britain suspended some of its general budget support - aid directly to the government - in July before making the controversial decision to reinstate it in September, a move backed by Downing Street and the Foreign Office. Last week, Greening told MPs "all options were on the table" regarding the future of aid to the country.

Vote in our poll and join the conversation in the comment thread below.

What do you think? Should the UK cut aid to the Rwandan government?

  Yesthe UK should withhold all financial aid to the government
  Yes, butthat aid money should be re-routed to non-governmental groups on the ground
  Noworking in partnership with governments is key to progress
  Maybe - Britain should continue give aid to the government but only with stronger conditions attached

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