Who really knows?

Original Onion Article
9:40am on January 22, 2014 •
isn’t that a little backwards???

Original Onion Article
9:20am on January 22, 2014 •

Top Ten Facebook Reactions to the Onion of 2013, Part II

5. Possibly the only sources less reliable than The Onion


Original Onion Article

4. “And by ‘consensus’ I mean ‘hysterical online freak out’”


Original Onion Article

3. Like what even is “truth,” man?


Original Onion Article

2. Unfortunately, all the talk is “How are you still employed?”


Original Onion Article

1. Darn stuff-knowers, always acting like they’re smart or something


Original Onion Article

9:20am on January 21, 2014 •

Top Ten Facebook Reactions to the Onion of 2013, Part I

10. I hear they’re also really good for finding clueless people on Facebook

9. At least he has his breasts will console him

Original Onion Article

8. I dunno, I think Obama really meant that thing he definitely didn’t say

Original Onion Article

7. Well at least she’s being skeptical

Original Onion Article

6. “They’re just something made up to scare kids, like Santa Claus or the NSA”

Original Onion Article

11:05am on January 20, 2014 •
are hobbits real?

Original Onion Article
9:40am on January 19, 2014 •
you wont see this story on main street media

Original Onion Article
9:20am on January 19, 2014 •
can’t believe this happened

Original Onion Article
9:40am on January 18, 2014 •
There Dead….

Original Onion Article
9:20am on January 18, 2014 •
She didn’t do nothing

Original Onion Article
9:40am on January 17, 2014 •
Why are they so cheerful?

Original Onion Article
9:20am on January 17, 2014 •
Curated by Hudson Hongo