The Ecologist



Iboga Nights: 'last chance saloon' for desperate addicts

Michael Goldin

5th November 2014

Mickey: 'On the third day I came out of it. There were no withdrawals. I was able to start sleeping straight away and I felt there was no rhyme or reason to take junk.' Photo from Iboga Nights. The West African iboga root is a mind-transforming psychedelic, writes Michael Goldin, capable of cleansing people of even the most serious addictions. Those seeing this film will surely emerge convinced that iboga should be made available, in therapeutic settings, to those seeking to overcome the terrible disease that is drug addiction. more...

The Burning Answer to our energy needs

Jonathon Porritt

29th October 2014

The answer to Earth's energy needs is floating in the skies above. Photo: Conceptual Image Lab, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Earth photo courtesy of NASA/ISS Expedition 13 crew. Keith Barnham's new book reveals the giddying and glorious plethora of the solar technologies that lie at the heart of the all-renewable energy system that awaits us, writes Jonathan Porritt - making it 'one of the most exciting and genuinely hopeful books' that I've read in a long time'. more...

The GMO Deception

Ralph Nader

24th October 2014

Front cover design from 'The GMO Deception', edited by Sheldon Krimsky and Jeremy Gruber. Science is to corporate science as Hyperion to a satyr, writes Ralph Nader. And there is no better example of this than Monsanto's realm of GMOs, biocides, super-aggressive lawyers and tame regulators - brilliantly exposed in this new book of essays, edited by Sheldon Krimsky and Jeremy Gruber. more...

This Changes Everything!

Mike Berners-Lee

13th October 2014

Naomi Klein. Photo: Morpheu5 via Flickr. Naomi Klein finds kernels of hope amid the closely linked perils of climate change and untamed capitalism, writes Mike Berners-Lee. Ultimately it's down to us, the people, to come together and force the changes we need - but Klein's new book provides some valuable and timely inspiration. more...

Fragile Earth: the new album by Vali Ohm

Laurence Rose

10th October 2014

Danny. Photo: Vali Ohm. Three thousand light years is a long way from Earth - but Vali Ohm have made the journey in quick time. It's the distance between their latest album, Fragile Earth, and their previous space-rock album 3000 Light Years, a homage to the sounds of the 1970s. Vali Ohm's Danny Jackson charted the journey with Laurence Rose. more...

Laughing all the way to the greenhouse - 'The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change'

Edgar Vaid

28th September 2014

The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change - front cover. Image: Island Press. A new book on climate change brings a refreshing, visual, gag-filled view of a complex topic, writes Edgar Vaid - while including some surprisingly advanced science. The relentless jokiness may be a bit much for adult readers, but will be a hit with the young ones. And that is, after all, what it's all about. more...

Art and Ecology Now

Martin Spray

16th September 2014

Front cover of 'Art and Ecology Now'. Image: Thames & Hudson. This intriguing new book is a bold attempt to strike a new direction for ecological art, writes Martin Spray - not to communicate environmental issues, but to create new connections with the world around us and imbue our lives with 'artfulness'. more...

Here We Stand - women changing the world

Virginia Moffatt

28th August 2014

Angie Zelter - changing the world with music at Ofog's mass action at NEAT, 26th July 2011. Photo: Ofog direktaktion för fred via Flickr. Every now and then I am sent a book to review that is an absolute pleasure to read from cover to cover, writes Virginia Moffatt. This marvellous collection of interviews and essays by world-changing women activists is precisely one such book. more...

Poisoned Planet - the chemical attack on our Earth

Tony McMichael

15th August 2014

The front cover of Poisoned Planet by Julian Cribb, published by Allen & Unwin. An invisible cloud of man-made chemical toxins is sweeping the globe, writes Tony McMichael - disrupting ecosystems, damaging human health and shortening our lives. Our response so far has been utterly inadequate, as Julian Cribb reveals in his new book. But there are solutions - and it's up to us to get them implemented. more...

The beguiling magic of badgers at dusk

Lesley Docksey

25th July 2014

Front cover of Badgerlands by Patrick Barkham. To live sustainably we must learn to live with wildlife, Patrick Barkham argues in his book Badgerlands. To do this we have much to learn from our ancestors - but we must also discard their barbaric practices and outrageous myths that, even today, some are so keen to perpetuate. more...

A descent into Big Oil's inferno

Louis Proyect

8th July 2014

'The Secret World of Oil' by Ken Silverstein - front cover. Image via In Ken Silverstein's 'The Secret World of Oil', Louis Proyect investigates the uber-wealthy middlemen of oil, inhabiting a pampered universe of moral squalor and depravity - one in which Tony Blair found himself completely at home. more...

Our beautiful, fragile world

Edgar Vaid

26th June 2014

The Most Beautiful Place in the World: IMHO - Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile. This amazing light lasted for only a couple of minutes at sunrise. The rest of the day was cloudy and overcast. Photo: © Peter Essick. There is much merit in the cliché that 'a picture is worth a thousand words', writes Edgar Vaid, but 'Our Beautiful, Fragile World' suggests that great photography complemented by explanatory text is worth even more ... more...





In Predatory Light

Edgar Vaid reviews 'In Predatory Light: Lions and Tigers and Polar Bears', by Elizabeth Marshall...


In Predatory Light

Edgar Vaid

9th December 2013

Lion from 'In Predatory Light: Lions and Tigers and Polar Bears' Edgar Vaid reviews 'In Predatory Light: Lions and Tigers and Polar Bears', by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Sy Montgomery, and John Houston. more...

The Man Who Plants Trees

Edgar Vaid

Edgar Vaid reviews the biography of a man who, after a supernatural experience, takes it upon himself to clone species of tree that he deems 'special'; trees that he believes may be crusaders in the fight against global warming ... more...


Welcome to Nuclear Land

Edgar Vaid

29th November 2013

As plans go ahead for the UK’s first new nuclear plant in twenty years, Edgar Vaid reviews a film that takes a look at the issues surrounding the use of nuclear power by our neighbours across the Channel ... more...

Pandora's Promise: Is nuclear an option?

October 24th, 2013

Alex Macbeth

As George Osborne hails a renaissance for nuclear power in Britain, Alex Macbeth reviews Pandora's Promise, a new documentary film that asks whether we've got nuclear energy all wrong....... more...


Fossil Free Europe Tour

Peter Greaves

13th November 2013

Peter Greaves Bill McKibben is a charismatic speaker, a sort of Billy Graham for the Environment, filled with an evangelical fervour, writes Peter Greaves. But ... more...

Saving the Orangutan from the palm oil menace

Andy Morgan

5th December 2013

Lone Droscher Nielsen in a campaign poster. Lone Droscher Nielsen addressed the Oxfordshire village of Wootton about the deforestation that is pushing orangutans towards extinction - all driven by the world's hunger for palm oil. Andy Morgan was deeply moved ... more...

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