Report: Yankees’ A-Rod Told Feds He Used Banned PEDs

Alex Rodriguez
New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez (13) looks on prior to an MLB baseball game against the Houston Astros at Minute Maid Park on Sept. 27, 2013 in Houston. Aaron M. Sprecher—AP

His reported confession is at odds with his public statements

Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez admitted to federal prosecutors in January that he repeatedly used banned performance enhancing drugs, according to a new report in the Miami Herald, despite 21 months of adamantly denying charges against him.

The “report of investigation” cited on Tuesday states the third baseman came clean on paying Biogenesis of America for human growth hormone injections, testosterone cream and testosterone lozenges. Eighteen days before his sworn testimony, in exchange for immunity, Rodriguez had defiantly issued a public statement: “I have been clear that I did not use performance-enhancing substances … and in order to prove it, I will take this fight to federal court.”

Rodriguez finished serving a 162-game suspension last week, the longest meted out for a steroid scandal because he was considered a repeat offender, and has returned to the Yankees lineup.

Read more at the Miami Herald.

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