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Tailgate Take: 20 Tailgating-Inspired Halloween Costumes

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Tailgate Fan Jerry Miller Jacksonville Jaguars

If you’re completely stumped and you can’t decide what to go as for Halloween this year… Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with these tailgating-inspired Halloween costumes.


1. For example you could go as your Favorite Sandwich.

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

You know, in case you get hungry at the party.


2. Or how about a Human Coaster?

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

You know how handy it would be having you around?


3. Captain Beer Goggles never disappoints…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

You’ll be wearing them by the end of the night anyway!


4. Or go as everyone’s favorite siblings… The Mario Brothers!

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Matt Jablin

You remember them… Mario, Luigi and Drunky.


5. Hey, who doesn’t love Ralph Macchio?

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

Put the candy in a body bag, Johnny!


6. You can go as Creepy Pinocchio…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

I wouldn’t trust anything that this guy says!


7. For all you American Horror Story fans, you can go as Bearded Ladies…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Matt Jablin

You know you wanna hit the town with the guys, as girls!


8. Or go as Pocahontas…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

‘Cause you’ve always wanted to be a beautiful princess!


9. How about a Flea-Bitten Old Dog?

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

They always say, you can’t teach an old dog, new tricks… like showering!

See when Jerry Miller and Tailgate Fan will be near you.

10. How about everyone’s favorite WWE tag team… The Stache Brothers!

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

They’ll pin ya, and then they’ll shave ya!


11. Or their mortal enemy, the Scandinavian Stache King…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

Who currently holds the belt!


12. Or go as a more traditional stache like The Hulkster…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Matt Jablin

Yes, that’s a yoga mat on his back… Hulk Hogan, Yoga enthusiast!


13. If you only have five minutes to put a costume together, just go as a Garden Gnome…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars
Photo Credit: Alan Harris

After all, this costume really says… He gnomes how to party!


14. Or if you have 15 seconds and an electric razor, you can be Rob Gronkowski!

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars
Photo Credit: Alan Harris

Folks will come for the head-rubbing and stay for the tight end!


15. Hey, the new thing the kids are doing this year is just going as a word…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars
Photo Credit: Alan Harris



16. For the ladies, all you need is a pair of color contacts and boom… Medusa!

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

You’ll be turning guys to stone all night!


17. Or you can go as a Lady Gorilla…

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville JaguarsJerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

Because you know all guys are just looking for a little monkey business!


18. How about Spikey?

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville JaguarsJerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

What gal doesn’t want to meet a fella from Beyond Thunderdome!


19. And if you are heading out with a friend, just go as a couple of Horny Pimps!

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville JaguarsJerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars
Photo Credit: Alan Harris

After all, isn’t that who you truly are?!


20. Or forget Halloween altogether and dress to impress for your next job interview!

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville JaguarsJerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

Now that guy’s all business!


Bonus: Who me? Oh, I’m just doing what I do every year… going as the sexiest man alive!

Jerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville JaguarsJerry Miller Tailgate Fan Jacksonville Jaguars

Photo Credit: Alan Harris

Don’t worry ladies, there’s plenty of me to go around!


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