
Feds Issue Warning: Please Stop Taking Selfies With Bears

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Generic photo of a California bear. (Photo by MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)

Generic photo of a California bear. (Photo by MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)

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SOUTH LAKE TAHOE (CBS13) — It’s the kind of thing park officials didn’t think they’d have to warn people about: Don’t take selfies with bears.

But after reports from Taylor Creek Visitor Center Staff that guests are getting too close to bears to take pictures, the US Forest Service issued an advisory warning visitors to keep their distance from bears.

“Bears are unpredictable, wild animals and may attack if threatened,” forest Supervisor Nancy Gibson said.

In addition to the risk to humans, if a bear attacks a person, it may be captured and killed

The temptation to get close to the bears comes as bears gather for the salmon spawning season draws the bears near the visitor center.

Forest service officials warn if guests don’t heed their warning, the visitors center may shut down.

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