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Texas Haunt Spots

On Halloween, we're reminded of the ghostly gathering spots and spooky stories, but those haunting tales and hot spots are good for a scare all…
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Boot Camping

I’ve explored many remote locales across Texas, so most people assume that I’m a seasoned camper. But here’s the real story: The closest I usually…
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A Desert Diverse

Resting in the shade next to a pool of clear water, I could almost forget that miles and miles of West Texas desert surround me.…
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If It Ain't Broken

Jerry Jeff Walker used to say that he doesn’t live in Texas, he lives in Austin. The opposite can be said of the Broken Spoke,…
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Living on Martindale Time

The pale green waters of the San Marcos River slip silently past my comfy spot on the shady deck. During summer, groups of kayakers would…
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It Started with Chips

The smell of corn chips permeated the Garcia household in the formative days of the family corn-chip business. “I would go to school and the…
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The Ballad of Brownsville

As a crossroads city at the southernmost tip of Texas—and the state’s closest point to the interior of Mexico—it’s fitting that Brownsville would have a…
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Cuisine Confidential: Kevin Floyd

In a few weeks, beer-lovers in Houston and beyond will have the opportunity to expand their craft-beer horizons at the annual Big Brew festival (October…
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Texas Top 40 Travel Destinations

Last fall, we asked Texas Highways readers to share their favorite places in the state for our Texas Top-40 Travel Destinations. And share you did—by…
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