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The Single Streamlined Application Under the Affordable Care Act: Key Elements of the Proposed Application and Current Medicaid and CHIP Applications
This analysis provides an overview of key elements of the proposed paper-based streamlined application for Medicaid and CHIP required under the ACA and 85 current printable Medicaid and CHIP applications. The analysis focuses on several areas, including: availability of application assistance; language accessibility; verification of income; verification of citizenship and immigration status and other messages for immigrant families; medical support requirements; and disability screening questions.
Massachusetts and Ohio: Capitated Financial Alignment Demonstrations for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries Compared
This fact sheet compares the key components of the Massachusetts and Ohio capitated financial alignment demonstrations for beneficiaries who are eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare. These three-year demonstrations will introduce changes in the care delivery systems through which beneficiaries presently receive services and in the financing arrangements among the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the state, and providers.
Implementation of Affordable Care Act Provisions to Improve Nursing Home Transparency, Care Quality, and Abuse Prevention
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the first comprehensive legislation since 1987 to expand quality of care-related requirements for nursing homes that participate in Medicare and Medicaid and improve federal and state oversight and enforcement. This issue paper describes the new requirements, explains the background for their inclusion in the law, and outlines the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' progress in implementing them.
Key Resources on Medicaid: How It Works, How It's Financed and Whom It Serves
Several KCMU resources provide a basic overview of the Medicaid program, including Medicaid At A Glance, State Fiscal Conditions and Medicaid, and Faces of Medicaid. A detailed chart book provides an illustrative overview of some of the key factors behind the substantial variation in Medicaid spending across states. An infographic looks at Medicaid spending and enrollment. Where Are States Today? looks at current Medicaid and CHIP eligibility levels for children and non-disabled adults. A study analyzes the projected state-by-state impact on Medicaid enrollment and spending of converting the program to a block grant financing under the House Budget Plan. And a Quick Take examines Medicaid Provider Taxes in the context of federal deficit reduction efforts.
Medicaid in Health Reform
A brief addresses questions that may arise for states regarding implementing the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion following the Supreme Court decision. A report looks at how the Medicaid expansion will affect eligibility and coverage for adults. A Quick Take examines who benefits from the ACA Medicaid expansionFaces of the Medicaid Expansion provides a personal look at the experiences and profiles of uninsured adults who could gain coverage, and an analysis provides national and state-by-state estimates of the impact of the ACA Medicaid expansion on federal and state Medicaid costs, Medicaid enrollment, and the number of uninsured.
Resources on People Dually Eligible For Medicare and Medicaid
Facts, data and analysis about the 9 million low-income seniors and younger people with disabilities who are covered by both Medicare and Medicaid.
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The Single Streamlined Application Under the Affordable Care Act: Key Elements of the Proposed Application and Current Medicaid and CHIP Applications -- February 2013 KCMU Material
Implementation of Affordable Care Act Provisions to Improve Nursing Home Transparency, Care Quality, and Abuse Prevention -- January 2013 KCMU Material
Massachusetts and Ohio: Capitated Financial Alignment Demonstrations for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries Compared -- January 2013 KCMU Material
The Public's Policy Agenda for the 113th Congress -- January 2013 Video/Audio
Getting into Gear for 2014: Briefing, Survey Examine 2013 Data From 50-State Survey of Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment Policies -- January 2013 KCMU Material
Getting into Gear for 2014: Findings From a 50-State Survey of Eligibility, Enrollment, Renewal and Cost-Sharing Policies in Medicaid and CHIP, 2012-2013 -- January 2013 KCMU Material
Faces of the Medicaid Expansion: How Obtaining Medicaid Coverage Impacts Low-Income Adults -- January 2013 KCMU Material
Medicaid's Role in Meeting the Long-Term Care Needs of America's Seniors -- January 2013 KCMU Material
Quick Take: Medicaid Provider Taxes and Federal Deficit Reduction Efforts -- January 2013 KCMU Material
Visualizing Health Policy: Health Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -- December 2012
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