Let Your Kids Go Batty In Hyde Park

A close-up encounter with a brown long-eared bat. You might not get chance to get this close, but you'll learn a lot about the lives of these incredible creatures. Photo by Hilly via the Londonist Flickr pool.

A close encounter with a brown long-eared bat. You might not get the chance to get this near to one, but you’ll learn a lot about the lives of these incredible creatures. Photo by Hilly via the Londonist Flickr pool.

If bats get your kids in a bit of a flap, wing it down to Hyde Park for a day of activities designed to teach youngsters all about these nocturnal mammals.

The park is home to three species of bats – common pipistrelles, soprano pipistrelles and noctules — and the Go Batty For Bats event will focus on the lifestyles of the animals, exploring where they live, how they hunt and what they like to eat.

As well as the educational side of things, there’s the chance to follow a bat trail in the Isis Education Centre’s garden, as well as taking part in some bat-themed crafts.

While you’re in the Halloween mood, there’ll be games such as ‘pin the wart on the witch’ and making potions out of sticks, mud and herbs. You might just need a touch of magic to get the stains out of the clothes.

For further ideas, check out our listings for Half Term activities.

Go Batty For Bats, 29 October, 11am-3pm, Isis Education Centre at The Look Out, Hyde Park. Free, just turn up, although reserving places is recommended. Suitable for all ages.
Nearby: Hyde Park, obvs; there’s also the Diana Memorial Playground (open 10am-5.45pm), which has a cafe with toilets and nappy-changing facilities.

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