Current Auctions


Clinton Foundation Auction

Dec 22 to Jan 8
Time Left: 3 days, 11 hrs, 39 mins
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Lady Gaga's Born This Way Ball Official Monster Pit Auction

Jan 4 to Jan 8
Time Left: 3 days, 11 hrs, 36 mins
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CFDA and Vogue Present the Fashion for Sandy Relief Initiative

Dec 20 to Jan 10
Time Left: 5 days, 9 hrs, 41 mins
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WhyHunger's 2012 Hungerthon Auction

Nov 14 to Jan 8
Time Left: 3 days, 12 hrs, 39 mins
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Tibet House US New Year's Auction

Dec 21 to Jan 9
Time Left: 4 days, 10 hrs, 39 mins
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Humane Society of the United States

Dec 17 to Jan 7
Time Left: 2 days, 9 hrs, 39 mins
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David Lynch Foundation Online Auction

Nov 27 to Jan 8
Time Left: 3 days, 11 hrs, 39 mins
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Cælestis Biodynamic Wine Auction for WWF

Nov 28 to Jan 9
Time Left: 4 days, 7 hrs, 49 mins
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Transport Group Theatre Company

Dec 20 to Jan 10
Time Left: 5 days, 8 hrs, 39 mins
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TopSpin Charity Auction

Dec 20 to Jan 10
Time Left: 5 days, 12 hrs, 4 mins
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Museum of the City of New York

Dec 20 to Jan 16
Time Left: 11 days, 6 hrs, 39 mins
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Chabad of Southampton Jewish Center Online Auction

Dec 20 to Jan 10
Time Left: 5 days, 9 hrs, 39 mins
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