Manufactured Housing

In most states, a manufactured housing community can be sold out from under the residents without giving the residents any advance notice or any opportunity to purchase the community themselves. A few states require the residents to be given advance notice and an opportunity to purchase the community, but in most of these states there are significant gaps in the law.

For help developing policies in your state that would foster resident ownership of manufactured housing communities, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

How Secure is the Land in Your Manufactured Housing Community?
manuf-map-2015[1].jpg California Connecticut Delaware Florida Maine Massachusetts Minnesota Montana Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Oregon Rhode Island Vermont Washington


 red-legendThis state has no laws giving manufactured home community residents the opportunity to purchase their communities
yellow-legend Some protection when community is sold, but significant gaps
green-legend Strong protection when community is sold 

State by state information

Has your state adopted protections that we should add to this map?  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Policy Analysis

Local Policy Advocacy (Policy Guide),  Nov. 2015

Resident Ownership of Manufactured Home Communities

First Steps Toward a Resident Purchase Opportunity (Policy Guide), August 2011

Promoting Resident Ownership of Communities (Policy Guide with model law and full text of existing laws), Feb. 2015

Promoting Resident Ownership of Communities (Policy Brief)

Summary of State Purchase Opportunity Laws for Residents of Manufactured Home Communities, February 2015

Compendum of Existing Manufactured Housing Park Laws That Foster Resident Ownership of Manufactured Home Communities, Feb. 2015

Fundamental Freedoms in Manufactured Home Communities

Protecting Fundamental Freedoms in Communities (Policy Guide with model law) and Appendix (full text of state laws), Jan. 2015

Protecting Fundamental Freedoms in Communities (2-page Policy Brief)

Titling and Financing of Manufactured Homes

Titling Reform: How States Can Encourage GSE Investment in Manufactured Homes (Feb. 2016)  

Summary of Model State Law (2012)

Accessing Public Resources for Homes and Communities (Sept. 2010)

Financing Homes in Communities (Policy Guide) (Sept. 2008)

Titling Homes as Real Property (Policy Analysis)

Titling Homes as Real Property (Policy Brief) 

Comprehensive Model Law

AARP: Manufactured Housing Tenants: Shifting the Balance of Power, June 2004

Testimony and Letters

H.R. 650: Coalition Opposition Letter, Feb. 26, 2015
Letter Opposing H.R. 1779, which would weaken protections for manufactured home loans, Sept. 4, 2014
Letter to FHFA regarding issues regarding special mortgage markets including manufactured housing, May 15, 2014
Comments to the FHFA Regarding Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Enterprise Duty to Serve Underserved Markets, July 22, 2010
Comments to the FHFA on the Duty to Serve, September 18, 2009
Testimony before the Urban Affairs Committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives regarding H.B. 1673, September 3, 2008
Letter to Environmental Matters Committee regarding H.B. 1382, March 13, 2008
Testimony before the Environmental Matters Committee of the Maryland General Assembly regarding H.B. 1382, March 12, 2008

Policy Briefs

How Are the Federal SAFE Act, the Federal Truth in Lending Act, State Loan Originator Regulation, and Manufactured Housing Related?, December 2015

Administrative Agency Comments

Group Comments to the Federal Reserve Board, the CFPB, FDIC, FHA, NCUA, and OCC re: Appraisals for Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans, Sept. 9, 2013

Additional Comment of the National Consumer Law Center on behalf of its low-income clients Regarding Manufactured Housing, July 22, 2011

Resources for Attorneys

Consumer Warranty Law
A comprehensive guide to consumer warranty claims, including a chapter on manufactured homes.

A detailed analysis of consumer protections against repossession, including lengthy subsections on manufactured home repossessions.

Foreclosures and Mortgage Servicing
A guide to defending consumers from foreclosure, including a chapter on manufactured homes.

Background Information and Resources

NCLC Guide to Mobile Homes

Materials from Homes on Land of Another Symposium, November 8, 2007, Washington, D.C.