
  • 2015 Social Media Survey

    In fall 2015 the IACP conducted their sixth annual social media survey. The results are now available.


  • IACP/Accenture Social Media Maturity Model

    At IACP 2014, IACP and Accenture released a social media maturity model to build on their Ready, Set, Go document.


  • Welcome to the IACP Center for Social Media

    IACP’s Center for Social Media serves as a clearinghouse of information and no-cost resources to help law enforcement personnel to develop or enhance their agency’s use of social media and integrate Web 2.0 tools into agency operations.

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Saskatoon Police Service

The Saskatoon Police Service strives to provide professional service, in partnership with the community, to ensure a safe and secure environment.

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Welcome to the Chiefs' Corner. This section of the Web site contains information tailored to the needs of chief executives.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Does the IACP have a Facebook page? Yes, IACP has an official Facebook page.  Discover Policing, an IACP initiative on police recruiting, also has a Facebook page

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The Social Media Beat

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Monitoring the News and Social Media with Your Smart Phone – Mobile Crisis Communications

Guest blogger: Commander Mike Parker, Los Angeles County, California, Sheriff’s Department Speed and mobility are needed to anticipate and respond quickly and...

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Did You Know?


Podcast comes from a combination of the acronym POD—play on demand—and the word "broadcast."

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