6 Things to Say (or Not Say) to Your Infertile Friends

Generally speaking, I am a driven, overachieving, type-A person, probably like most of the women on BlogHer. And like most women, I get things done! Not so with conception. I recently navigated the toughest, most heart-wrenching experience of my life: infertility. My journey brought me to my knees and nearly broke me. I recently gave a Tedx talk on the experience, a journey filled with twists and turns, extreme hope and shattering heartbreak. It's not for the faint of heart. And I know I'm not alone. ...more

Please Don't Call Me a Lactation Nazi

Have you heard the term Lactation Nazi?  It is sometimes used to describe a lactation consultant or breastfeeding supporter who is very, very PRO breastfeeding.  Someone who thinks everyone and anyone can and should breastfeed.  A Lactation Nazi is often very anti-formula, anti-bottle and anti-pacifier. She is a breastfeeding idealist, not a breastfeeding realist. And beyond all of that, equating breastfeeding help (even bad breastfeeding help) with genocide is offensive! ...more
I wish she worked in every hospital.more

Surprising Statistics That Prove Family Leave Is Broken in the United States

In 2002, I had my first baby. Fortunately, I lived in California, which had just enacted its family leave fund. For the first weeks of maternity leave, I received a stipend, which really helped us as a young family starting out. And it didn't cost taxpayers a cent. Under the California program, employees can choose to deduct a small amount from their paychecks each month, in a model similar to Social Security. It goes to fund a stipend you can use if you need to take extended leave to care for a family member, such a new baby or even a sick parent. ...more
I wasn't expecting to be surprised when I clicked the link, and I wasn't, but this is a great ...more

Preparing for Labor and Delivery: Newborn Babies Make the Pain Totally Worth It

There’s this big part of getting ready for labor and delivery that a lot of us forget – or just don’t know how – to do. I’m completely guilty of it. When I was pregnant with Ricky, I got prepared in the normal ways that you think of getting ready for the hospital: touring the facility, registering in advance, packing my hospital bag. But that didn’t really eliminate the anxiety that kept creeping in as we got closer and closer to my delivery date....more

How to Make Your Own Maternity Jeans

Almost two years ago, I broke the zipper on a pair of my jeans (I've never done this before or since, happily), and I thought, "WHAT could you possibly do with a pair of jeans with a broken zipper?" And then I remembered that I'd made myself a pair of maternity jeans once upon a time, and this pair might be a chance for me to do it again, now that I knew a little better what I was doing. So I stashed them away for many many months until I was pregnant again....more
This is a very great idea! I will definitely keep this in mind in the future!! Great tutorial, ...more

Breastfeeding 3 Boys: Beth's Story

August 11, 2005.  That is the day my oldest son Lucas was born and the day my breastfeeding adventure started.  I had taken a breastfeeding class at the hospital and read some books to prepare.  I was going to breastfeed my son.It was easy; everybody can do it, right?!...more

6 Things to Say (or Not Say) to Your Infertile Friends

Generally speaking, I am a driven, overachieving, type-A person, probably like most of the women on BlogHer. And like most women, I get things done! Not so with conception. I recently navigated the toughest, most heart-wrenching experience of my life: infertility. My journey brought me to my knees and nearly broke me. I recently gave a Tedx talk on the experience, a journey filled with twists and turns, extreme hope and shattering heartbreak. It's not for the faint of heart. And I know I'm not alone. ...more

Grandma wants you to have more children

For the decade I was with my husband before we wed, my extended family had one question for us: When are you two getting married? Every family reunion, wedding of one of my cousins or catch up phone call somehow elicited that question....more

Second Trimester Favorites

It's hard to believe I'm quickly approaching the third trimester -- I'm talking two weeks! Seriously, where has the time gone? With that said, I thought it was safe to share what I've been loving the last three months. I must say life hasn't changed much other than a growing belly ;) ...more

My Birth Story-Baby #1

From the moment I was pregnant I had been reading a book called "Supernatural Childbirth", which discusses how to believe God for the supernatural throughout your pregnancy and delivery.  I learned that God wants the best for us and that children are a gift from God and pregnancy and delivery were never meant to be painful or horrible.  He created our bodies to stretch and push that baby out.  I immediately believed this and started confessing the Word of God!  There are prayers and scripture references to stand on in “Supernatural Childbirth” by Jackie Mize.  God...more

Pro-Life IS Pro-Women

Perhaps I have finally discovered a label to describe myself – a pro-life feminist. At first glance these two terms seem to oppose each other but true feminism is not the antithesis of motherhood or a pro-life stance. Contrary to standard stereotypes, one is pro-woman  precisely when one is pro-life. My story is simply a witness of a woman who discovered liberation as a mother of a large family....more
OrganizingMaven if all pro-choice feminists were as open, respectful and compassionate as you ...more

How To MINISTER to Expecting Mothers

Before I had the experience of being pregnant, I honestly knew nothing about how to help, treat or minister to pregnant women. I’d never been pregnant. I never really paid attention to those who were pregnant (what does that say about me! Oh my!) I just didn’t give it much thought. And then when I had the privilege to become a mother, I realized that pregnancy can be difficult. I realized that expecting mothers deserve to be treated with a bit more care and love....more

Michelle and Preston: A Low Milk Supply Story

I was a breastfeed idealist. I happily made my way through an easy pregnancy naively thinking I would never have a problem nursing once the baby arrived. After all, my mother birthed all three of her children naturally with a midwife, nursed all of us bountifully until we were in the toddler stage and I thought my journey would be no different. I admit, I judged those who chose to formula feed their babies and thought, “why would any mother want to do that when you have what is most natural and healthy for your child right in your own body?”...more