Complete coverage on
Business Traveller
Wings clipped, noses cut off, stripped down to the bone, these old birds will never fly again.

But the giant hangar at the home of Tarmac Aerosave is not a graveyard for planes -- it's a recycling yard.

Watch the show

Watch Business Traveller at the following times (GMT):

New show:
Saturday 23 June: 1230
Sunday 24 June: 0630
Monay 25 June: 0300
Saturday 7 July: 12:30
Sunday 8 July: 06:30
Monday 9 July: 03:00


Do you think it's OK for hotels to charge for Wi-Fi access?

About the show

Business Traveller is the definitive authority on making the most of doing business on the road -- moving from A to B on company time.

Each month, road warrior Richard Quest presents from hotels, airports and cities around the world, bringing his detailed experience of surviving out of a suitcase. Joining him will be resident business travel news correspondent Ayesha Durgahee.

See the full Business Traveller archive.