I'm Not Perfect... and It's Okay

Y'all know I like to keep it real around here, and lately I have been finding myself wrapped up in guilt for a lot of the parenting choices I make. Deep down I know I am a good mom. My child is loved, she is never hungry and has a roof over her head ...more

The Marysville School Shooting Happened in My Town

"Mom, there's been a shooting at MP. Someone is dead and we don't know who the shooter is." I was just leaving my Zumba class Friday morning when my son called me with those words. MP is Marysville-Pilchuck, one of two high schools in our town of ...more

Don't Let Poor Kids Ruin Your Halloween!

Have you heard about the wicked wealthy witch who wrote a letter to Slate's Dear Prudence advice column complaining about her 1%-er neighborhood being overrun by mini vans full of less fortunate 99%-ers out to pilfer her mountain of full size ...more

Yep, We Love 'Em, and Here's Why

When I say I love a list, I'm definitely not talking Grocery or To-Do. (Those are illegibly scrawled on scrap paper you inevitably throw out so you feel less guilty about forgetting everything on them.) I'm talking the new wave of Internet ...more

Parenting Kids With Disabilities: How to Get Through Tough Times

When parents like me talk about our kids with disabilities and intense support needs, we have to be thoughtful. We need to make it quite clear that our kids are much-loved and very awesome human beings. We should never, ever state or imply that any ...more

Polls Show Support for Early Education. Will Voters Agree Nov. 4?

On November 4, voters in many states will decide on ballot measures for early childhood education, and recent polls report that most Americans support making preschool more accessible for all. The surveys show that voters in North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Colorado and Georgia view early learning as a priority at both the state and national level. Image Credit: First Five Years ...more

25 Life Lessons I Want My Daughter to Know

A while back, one of my now dear friends, Kari Kampakis, wrote an article titled, "If I Die Young." The article, in a nutshell, is a list of life lessons addressed to her daughters in the event something ever happens to her. I love Kari and her writing, and that post really resonated with me. She also encouraged others to do the same. ...more
It All Matters Mom Thanks for reading, Erin! It's one of my favorite posts to date. I'm sure ...more

Can a Cell Phone Be a Teaching Tool for Your Tween?

A few weeks ago, my eleven-year-old daughter received a text message from her friend asking for a favor. Her friend "broke up" with her "boyfriend" and wanted my daughter to text him a nasty message. Of course, my daughter agreed; that is until I took control of the situation. Credit: goodncrazy....more
Think of the cell phone as candy and junk food.  Do you leave it lying around all over the place ...more

Curiosity, Entertainment and Learning

Walt Disney was a refreshing  philosopher who expressed wonderful wisdom with a touch of whimsy. I would rather entertain and hope that people learned something than educate people and hope they were entertained.When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do....more

8 Prayers I Want to Pray for Our Children

So let me just be honest… It feels crazy to be saying our children are the ages they are. And this is a month of birthdays. And there’s something about having.. ....more

free printable calendar :: november 2014

it’s coming! the end of the year craziness. didn’t last year’s crazy november/december just happen, like, yesterday? ...more

Five Months

Welp. This magical little creature is now five months old. FIVE ....more

Motherhood Pep Talk

Being a mommy to one seems like forever ago! I wish someone would have told me back then that laundry baskets filled with unfolded clean laundry, is still a mama victory! I remember feeling overwhelmed with just one baby. ....more


We ended off last post with a picture of the Torivio Tribe. We were so happy to finally meet them! Pat has been a follower for a few years now and had offered for us to stop by on our way through Moriarty last year ....more

Halloween Party! Dankfest #18

Happy Halloween! I'm excited to eat all of Wyatt's candy take Wyatt trick or treating! Halloween is a big deal over at my family's house ....more

Swim With The Fishes

The aquarium always does fun stuff for Halloween and we’ve been going since Evan was a baby. This year the costume dress up weekend was “Pirate and Princess” themed. Unfortunately, I spend a bazillion dollars on costumes that are not pirates or princesses but were TOTALLY aquarium appropriate…so the kids dressed up anyway ....more

Seven Halloween Movies for ChickenSh*ts

I'm a chickensh*t. I call myself that so many times in a day that not knowing its origin was driving me nuts. I found it, right there...more

Parenting and Self Doubt Seem To Go Hand in Hand

This morning I was reading in Exodus and read the passage where God calls Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery. Moses told God three times he couldn't do it.  "But Moses pleaded with the Lord, "O Lord, I'm just not a good speaker. I never have been, and I'm not now, even after you have spoken to me. I'm clumsy with words."(Exodus 4:10) ...more