Market Snapshot
  • U.S.
  • Europe
  • Asia
Ticker Volume Price Price Delta
DJIA 13,900.10 +115.96 0.84%
S&P 500 1,496.94 +9.09 0.61%
Nasdaq 3,129.65 +13.40 0.43%
Ticker Volume Price Price Delta
STOXX 50 2,570.52 -81.34 -3.07%
FTSE 100 6,270.44 -84.93 -1.34%
DAX 7,597.11 -176.08 -2.27%
Ticker Volume Price Price Delta
Nikkei 11,289.10 -109.69 -0.96%
Hang Seng 22,564.30 +44.62 0.20%
S&P/ASX 200 5,036.60 +33.03 0.66%

United States Government Bonds

US Treasury Yields

No chart data available.
Name Yield 1 Day 1 Month 1 Year Time
US Treasury 2 Year Yield 0.24% 0 -3 -4 00:25:40
US Treasury 5 Year Yield 0.77% +1 -8 -8 00:25:24
US Treasury 10 Year Yield 1.87% -1 -8 -5 00:25:32
US Treasury 30 Year Yield 3.06% -1 -7 +2 00:25:09
Change shown in basis points

Federal Reserve Rates

Rate Current 1 Year Prior Rate Current 1 Year Prior
Fed Funds Rate 0.15 0.11 USD LIBOR 1-Month 0.20 0.24
Fed Reserve Target 0.25 0.25 USD LIBOR 3-Month 0.29 0.49
Prime Rate 3.25 3.25

US Municipal Bonds

No chart data available.
Name Yield 1 Day 1 Month 1 Year Time
Muni Bonds 1 Year Yield 0.26% +1 0 +6 16:01:13
Muni Bonds 2 Year Yield 0.35% 0 -1 +7 16:01:13
Muni Bonds 5 Year Yield 0.92% -2 +13 +23 16:01:13
Muni Bonds 10 Year Yield 1.89% -1 +22 -2 16:01:13
Muni Bonds 30 Year Yield 2.99% -1 +14 -30 16:01:13
Change shown in basis points

Unless indicated otherwise: intraday data is at least 15 minutes delayed; mutual fund NAVs are updated at the close of every market day; all prices are in the local currency; Time is ET.

  • Rates & Bond News

  • Market Videos

  1. The Top Ten Stocks for Tuesday, February 26
  2. Home Depot Beats Profit Estimates, Approves Buyback

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