State Rep. Todd Hunter

District 32 (R-Corpus Christi)

Capitol Office

Phone 512-463-0672
Room GW.18
Address P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768

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Political Profile

Current Office Texas House of Representatives
District 32
Party Republican Party
Term Expiration 2016
Term Length 2 years

Financial Statements


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Suggest Changes

Capitol Seating Assignment Office

Room 2W.5
Address 46
Austin, TX 78701

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District Office

Phone 361-949-4603
Address 15217 S.P.I.D., Suite 205
Corpus Christi, TX 78418


Calendars (Chair)
Urban Affairs (Vice-Chair)
Criminal Jurisprudence
General Investigating & Ethics


Angie Flores Senior Advisor/Communications Director
Dan Leyendecker Policy analyst
Caleb McGee Legislative Coordinator

Election Info

Election Outcome
2014 General Election Won with 0.00%
2014 Republican Party Primary Election Won with 100.00%
2012 General Election Won with 100.00%
2012 Republican Party Primary Election Won with 100.00%
2010 General Election Won with 100.00%
2008 General Election Won with 50.13%
2008 Republican Party Primary Election Won with 100.00%