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Moving Forward
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save money and miles
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5,854,917 miles already saved by North Texans

One way for commuters to help reduce traffic congestion and
improve air quality is by using an alternative commute like
carpooling, vanpooling, riding
transit, biking or working from home. The following links will help you plan your alternate commute.
Transit Options
DART DCTA The T TRE More Options
Bicycle/Walking Routes
More About Alternate Commutes
Information for Employers
Working for Clean Air Awards

Moving Forward
Click to watch Regional Transportation Council, Public Meeting videos

With 6.8 million people residing in North Texas and the population expected to be near 9 million in 2035, plans for innovative, diverse transportation solutions must begin today.
Mobility 2035 - 2013 Update
The long-range, multimodal financially-constrained transportation plan

DFW MPO at 40
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the metropolipolitan planning organization

Sustainable Development
Projects, funding, policies

Costs & Benefits
Transportation Investments

Funding Available
Ongoing and upcoming calls for projects related to air quality and transportation
Moving Forward
Regional Toll Revenue
Project and funding reports
Moving Forward
Funded Projects Scheduled for Construction
2015 - 2018 Transportation
Improvement Program
Moving Forward
Blacklands Corridor Study
Transportation in Collin, Hunt and Rockwall counties

Moving Forward
Performance Measures
Public transportation ridership, vanpoolers, toll road usage, etc.

Moving Forward
Requests for Proposals

mobility matters Local MotionFact Sheets

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Complete Streets 2035 General Aviation Plan - Visit for aviation, vertical flight futureLogo for AirCheckTexas and Drive a Clean MachineLogo for Air North Texas Image of Cars and Traffic Count Map Transportation Improvement Program online system Electric Vehicles North Texas logo Aviation Education Engine Off North Texas Let Us Know What You Think
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 North Central Texas Council of Governments | 616 Six Flags Drive P.O. Box 5888 Arlington, TX 76005-5888
 Main Operator: (817) 640-3300 | Fax: (817) 640-7806