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Cancer Facts and Statistics

The American Cancer Society projects the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths expected each year in order to estimate the contemporary cancer burden, because cancer incidence and mortality data lag three to four years behind the current year. In addition, the regularly updated Facts & Figures publications present the most current trends in cancer occurrence and survival, as well as information on symptoms, prevention, early detection, and treatment.

There are eight regularly updated Cancer Facts & Figures titles, each available for free PDF download. Earlier editions of each title are also archived for historic reference.

Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 - small cover

Cancer Facts & Figures

ACS has published Cancer Facts & Figures annually since 1952. These annual reports provide the most current information about cancer, including the projected numbers of new cancer cases and deaths for the publication year. A unique feature of these publications is their projections of the number of cancer cases and deaths expected in each state and in the nation in the current year. These widely cited projections are scientifically accurate enough to serve as a basis for research, yet readily understood by the public. Each edition of Cancer Facts & Figures includes a Special Section of in-depth focus on a specific cancer or group of cancers.

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Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Facts & Figures

Much of the suffering and death from cancer could be prevented by more systematic efforts to reduce tobacco use, improve diet and physical activity, and expand the use of established screening tests. This publication provides national and state-level risk factor and screening data and trends, including adult and youth tobacco use, obesity prevalence, and screening test use for breast, cervical, colorectal, and prostate cancers.

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Breast Cancer Facts & Figures

Breast cancer is the second most common newly diagnosed cancer and second leading cause of cancer death among women in the US. This publication provides statistics about the occurrence of breast cancer, as well as information about risk factors, prevention, early detection, and treatment.

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Colorectal Cancer Facts & Figures

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common newly diagnosed cancer and the third most common cause of cancer death among US men and women. In the past decade, CRC has emerged as one of the most preventable common cancers. This publication provides information about colorectal cancer, including statistics on cancer occurrence, as well as information about risk factors, prevention, early detection, and treatment.

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Cancer Facts & Figures for African Americans

African Americans have the highest death rate and shortest survival of any racial/ethnic group in the US for most cancers. This publication provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths for African Americans, as well as the most recent statistics on cancer occurrence and information on cancer risk factors (e.g., tobacco use, obesity, and physical inactivity) and the use of cancer screening tests.

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Cancer Facts & Figures for Hispanics/Latinos

Some 15% of the US population identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino—the largest, fastest-growing and youngest US minority group. This publication, also available in Spanish, provides estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths for Hispanics/Latinos, as well as the most recent statistics on cancer occurrence and information on cancer risk factors (e.g., tobacco use, obesity, and alcohol consumption) and the use of cancer screening tests.

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Cancer Treatment & Survivorship Facts & Figures

The number of Americans with a history of cancer is growing due to the aging and growth of the population, as well as improving survival rates. This comprehensive survivorship report, a collaboration between two of the Society’s Intramural Research Programs -- Surveillance & Health Services Research and Behavioral Research – and the National Cancer Institute, provides current and projected cancer prevalence estimates for the United States, as well as data from the National Cancer Data Base on treatment patterns, and information on the common effects of cancer and its treatment. This Facts & Figures title is the newest addition to the series.

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Global Cancer Facts & Figures

This publication, now in its second edition, provides an overview of the international cancer burden, including the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths worldwide and by level of economic development, as well as detailed information on select cancer sites.