The Budos Band: High-Octane Vintage Soul


The Budos Band i i

The Budos Band recently brought its raucous Afro-funk to KUT's studios in Austin. Kisha Bari hide caption

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The Budos Band

The Budos Band recently brought its raucous Afro-funk to KUT's studios in Austin.

Kisha Bari

Hear More Songs From The Session

The retro Staten Island soul outfit The Budos Band makes instrumental music that could have worked on any '70s cop show. A mixture of Latin, African and American funk rhythms gives its music infectious energy.

The group has been touring behind its new album, The Budos Band III, and it stopped by KUT's Studio 1A to describe what exactly Budos means, a simple way to title songs and its methods of getting along with labelmates.

The performance features Brian Profilio on drums, Dan Foder on bass, Thomas Brenneck on guitar, Mike Deller on farfisa organ, Vincent Balestrand on percussion, Rob Lombardo on congas and bongos, Andrew Greene on trumpet and Jared Tanker on baritone saxophone.



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